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Imperial Library
CHAPTER ONE ‘OK, FOLKS, that’s it.’ The bell for the end of school sounded as Evie finished talking. Fifteen twelve-year-olds did a more or less controlled scramble, and in seconds the classroom was empty. Evie rubbed her neck and stretched it a little to relieve the tension. ‘Hard week?’ asked a voice from the door. It was Debra, Deputy Head of the school, and the friend who’d asked her to help out for a term. ‘Yup,’ she replied. ‘Mind you, I’m not complaining. They’re good kids.’ ‘Do you have time for a drink?’ ‘Lead me to it.’ Later, as they sat on a pleasant terrace by the river, feeding scraps to the swans, Debra said in a carefully casual voice, ‘You really like those youngsters, don’t you?’ ‘Mm, some of them are smart, especially Mark Dane. He’s got a true feel for languages. By the way, I didn’t see him today.’ Debra groaned. ‘That means he slipped away again. His truancy is getting serious.’ ‘Have you told his parents?’ ‘I’ve spoken to his father, who said very grimly that he’
CHAPTER TWO EVIE didn’t teach Mark the next day, but she saw him at a distance and knew he was in school. On the following morning he was there in her class, quiet but attentive. As he left she drew him briefly aside. ‘All right?’ she asked briefly. ‘Fine.’ ‘He didn’t give you a hard time after I left?’ ‘He never said a word about my playing truant, but he asked a lot of questions about you.’ ‘What sort of questions?’ ‘About who you were, how much did I know about you, how were you different to the other teachers?’ There was a touch of mischief in his voice as he added, ‘I said you were no different from the others, and he said, ‘You mean they all go around on motorbikes?’ She tried to suppress a chuckle and failed. ‘You’d better run along,’ she said hastily. The rest of the week passed uneventfully. Mark attended every day, as he’d promised, and Evie was able to feel mildly satisfied for a job well done. Her personal life was less tidy. Andrew was growing disgruntled at the feeling th
CHAPTER THREE AS THE meal ended Lily came to say that Justin was wanted on the phone. Guessing that he would now be gone for some time, Evie agreed to Mark’s suggestion that they go to his room and, with a sudden burst of inspiration, she signalled a question to Lily. Receiving a nod in return, she scooped up a couple of puppies and followed Mark upstairs. Now he was more relaxed, chatting about the dogs and what fun he had taking photographs of them. ‘Can I see?’ Evie asked at once. Of course he owned the very latest state-of-the-art digital camera, and handled it like an expert. ‘I’m green with envy.’ She sighed. ‘I can’t work mine and it’s much simpler than yours.’ ‘It’s easy,’ he said innocently. ‘Yeah, for some people!’ He giggled. ‘Dad can’t understand this one either. He gets so mad.’ Mark switched on the computer and called up pictures of the dogs. He had, apparently, taken dozens every day, almost obsessively, reinforcing Evie’s feeling that this child lived inside himself far
CHAPTER FOUR ON THE last day of term the pupils were due to leave immediately after lunch. Evie skipped lunch and prepared to go quickly. She had a long journey ahead. ‘Making your escape?’ Debra said, looking in while she was clearing up her things. ‘It’s not exactly an escape.’ ‘That’s all you know. The Head is talking about kidnapping you and locking you up in a cupboard until next term.’ Evie laughed. ‘Then I’d better make a run for it.’ ‘Is this from the kids?’ Debra indicated a large card with many signatures scrawled on it. ‘Yes, isn’t it sweet of them?’ ‘I don’t see Mark’s name. He didn’t manage to get back in time then?’ ‘No, and I’m sorry not to have the chance to say goodbye to him. On the other hand, he might have come to rely on me too much, so maybe it’s best as it is. I just wish I didn’t have this niggly feeling that I’ve let him down.’ ‘You haven’t. You did all you could. Now, forget about this place and have a great summer. Are you going anywhere nice?’ ‘A little seas
CHAPTER FIVE LOOKING out of her window next morning, Evie gave thanks that her reckless promise to Mark had been kept. It was a perfect day; the sun was riding high and making the waves glitter almost blindingly. Mark was leaning out from the next window, beaming and making ecstatic thumbs up signs. She raised her own thumbs in return, laughing and enjoying his happiness. Downstairs, she put on the kettle and began preparing breakfast. After a few minutes they both joined her. Evie stared at the sight of Justin in shorts and casual shirt. She stared even more when he gave her a solemn bow, then glanced at his son, as if asking if he’d done it right. But Mark wasn’t satisfied. ‘Oh, mighty one!’ he cried, bowing low. ‘Mark insists that we do this,’ Justin explained. ‘He says you’re magic because you made the rain stop and the sun come out. So we must propitiate you, mighty one.’ To her delight he bowed again. ‘All right,’ she chuckled. ‘That’s enough grovelling—for today, anyway. Come an
CHAPTER SIX EVIE had expected Mark to grow quickly bored with an old-fashioned seaside holiday, but it didn’t happen. He was eager for even the simplest experiences, and she could almost imagine that she saw herself again in him. For the next few days they all enjoyed themselves so much that she nearly forgot about her problems. Nobody else came to view the place, and she was able to relish her temporary reprieve. They went exploring, and Mark listened, entranced, to the tales of pirates. When they actually found a pirate museum he was in seventh heaven. Evie bought him a book called Black Simeon’s Revenge, which he read in the car all the way home. After supper he fell asleep over it. The next day Justin found a fisherman with a boat big enough for them all, and they went out to sea. After a day in the salty air they were all sleepy, and Mark actually made the journey back fast asleep with a smile on his face. Evie watched all this with delight, but she was also puzzled by Justin. He
CHAPTER SEVEN JUSTIN stared at her. ‘Did I hear that properly?’ ‘I think you did. What were you expecting? Gratitude? Well, maybe I’d be grateful if I didn’t know the real reason behind this.’ His voice was hard. ‘And you think the reason is what?’ ‘Control. Acquisition. I’m useful to you, because of Mark, and when something’s useful you have to make sure it can’t escape, right? So you buy it.’ He went pale. ‘Is that what you think? That I’m trying to buy you?’ ‘What else? The perfect takeover bid, mounted under perfect conditions—the important one being secrecy so that the object of acquisition doesn’t even know about it until it’s too late.’ “‘Object of acquisition!” For pity’s sake, listen to yourself! You’re talking nonsense.’ ‘I don’t think so. You’ve done a perfect job, behind my back, only I wasn’t supposed to see the strings being pulled.’ ‘I tried to give you something,’ he shouted. ‘Something I thought you wanted. You’ve told me how much you love this place.’ ‘I was talking g
CHAPTER EIGHT AFTER that they didn’t speak of it again. He had said as much as he could bear to, and Evie’s instincts told her to leave it. She must start getting to know this man again from the beginning. Everything she had thought true about him was now reversed. Instead of the harsh bully, manipulating her for ulterior motives, there was a forlorn child desperately wondering what he’d done wrong to be so unloved. That child would remain a part of him all his life, making him so vulnerable to slights and rejections that he could only cope by being the first to attack. She smiled to think how annoyed it would make him to be seen in this light. It was something she would have to keep to herself. They didn’t tell Mark why the atmosphere had suddenly become happier, and he never mentioned the nights he awoke to find Justin’s bed empty, and went contentedly back to sleep. His air of strain fell away and he smiled more, but, like his father, he knew how to keep his own counsel. One night,
CHAPTER NINE THE London to Naples flight left early, so the three of them spent the previous night in the airport hotel. ‘Uncle Toni knows why I’m here,’ Primo said as they sat over dinner the night before. ‘But I didn’t say anything to Mamma before I left, for fear of raising her hopes. But now I’ve called him and told him everything, and he’s going to prepare her gently. She’s dreamed of this for so long that the reality is going to come as a shock to her.’ ‘Will the whole family be there?’ Evie wanted to know. ‘Everyone, but for a while the others will stay out of sight.’ He addressed Justin. ‘The two of you will need to have your first meeting in private. Then we’ll all gather.’ ‘Hope really has five other sons?’ Evie asked. ‘That’s right, although not all of us were born to her. She and my father adopted Luke. Then there’s Francesco. She fell in love with his father, Franco, while still married to Jack Cayman, which is really why my father divorced her. Carlo and Ruggiero are her
CHAPTER TEN THE Villa Rinucci was in turmoil. For days everything was dedicated to the great party at which Hope would introduce her new son to her friends. It would be organised along the same lines as her birthday festivities, but grander still. The whole world must know that she rejoiced in her son. While she buried herself in menus and wine lists the two families worked at getting better acquainted. Justin spent time with Toni and Primo. His relationship with Primo was slightly edgy, but he worked hard at being cordial, conscious of what he owed him. They were both businessmen, and Primo had business interests in England, and on that level they could meet. Francesco and Luke had left the villa to attend to their work, promising to return for the party. The twins still had a bedroom each at the villa, although both had apartments in Naples where, according to their mother, they ‘got up to no good’ and very much enjoyed doing so. But for the moment their apartments were left empty as
CHAPTER ELEVEN THROUGH her shock Evie realised that this had always been coming. Underlying the joy at Naples, there had been something wrong. She’d sensed it without understanding, or perhaps not letting herself understand. Nor would she face it now. He was her life and she wouldn’t give up without a fight. ‘Who says we can’t love each other?’ she asked angrily. ‘You?’ ‘What I am says it, and what I am can’t be changed.’ He gave a wry, mirthless smile. ‘Oddly enough, you were the one who showed me that.’ ‘I did? How? When?’ ‘When you came back after that day with Ruggiero and I tried to stop you doing it again. You told me not to give you orders or try to control you. Do you remember?’ ‘Yes. And then you had such a strange look on your face—as though I’d said something terrible.’ ‘You had. You’d said exactly what Margaret used to say to me when we were married. I was possessive and controlling—’ ‘But that’s only because you were afraid of losing her, because you’d lost everyone else.
CHAPTER TWELVE SHE began to lose track of time. Day seemed to follow day with little difference between them. Sometimes she felt as though she’d been translating the same book for ever and it was almost a surprise to receive three sets of galleys to check. At some time recently she must have worked on these books, but it felt like another life. She sat at her screen for hours, crawling into bed at the last moment, getting up with the dawn, drinking black coffee before forcing herself awake with a cold shower. Then it was back to work. Don’t think. Don’t listen to the phone that never rings. Don’t wonder how you’ll endure the rest of your life. Mark still corresponded with her. She knew how often he went to Naples, and also how often Justin left him with his grandmother while he went away on business. She formed a vague idea that he was burying himself in work to avoid thinking and feeling, like herself. She always worded her own emails carefully, in case Justin should see them. She cou
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