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PART I Democratic Governance and Political Institutions
1 The Origins and Durability of Democracy [Gerardo L. Munck]
2 Presidentialism and Legislatures [Mark P. Jones]
3 Decentralization and Federalism [Kent Eaton]
4 Parties, Party Systems, and Political Representation [Kenneth M. Roberts]
5 “A Tale of Two Cities”: The Judiciary and the Rule of Law in Latin America [Daniel M. Brinks]
6 The Latin American Military David Pion-Berlin
7 Informal Institutions and Politics in Latin America Steven Levitsky
8 Accountability and Representation in Latin America [Frances Hagopian]
9 Human Rights and Military Abuses [Anthony W. Pereira]
PART II Development
10 Neoliberalism and Its Alternatives [Javier Corrales]
11 Declining Inequality in Latin America: Some Economics, Some Politics [Nancy Birdsall, Nora Lustig, and Darryl McLeod]
12 Environment and Sustainable Development [Eduardo Silva]
13 Social Policies in Latin America: Causes, Characteristics, and Consequences [James W. McGuire]
14 The Political Economy of Regulatory Policy: Economic Crisis and Privatization in the 1990s [Luigi Manzetti and Carlos Rufin]
PART III Actors/Social Groups
15 Social Movements In Latin America [Kathryn Hochstetler]
16 Understanding the Vagaries of Civil Society and Participation in Latin America [Philip Oxhorn]
17 Labor [Maria Lorena Cook]
18 Business Politics in Latin America: Investigating Structures, Preferences, and Influence [Sebastian Karcher and Ben Ross Schneider]
19 Indigenous Politics: Between Democracy and Danger [José Antonio Lucero]
20 Race, Politics, and Afro-Latin Americans [Ollie A. Johnson III]
21 Gender [Lisa Baldez]
PART IV International Concerns
22 U.S.-Latin American Relations: Power, Politics, and Cooperation [Peter H. Smith]
23 Intra-Latin American Relations: The Challenge of Promoting Cooperation While Defending Sovereignty [David R. Mares]
24 International Economic Relations/International Development Institutions [Grigore Pop-Eleches]
25 The Politics of Drugs and Illicit Trade in the Americas [Peter Andreas and Angelica Duran Martinez]
PART V Theories/Methods
26 Institutionalism [Aníbal Pérez-Liñán and Néstor Castañeda Angarita]
27 Culture and/or Postmodernism [Sujatha Fernandes]
28 The Integration of Rational Choice into the Study of Politics in Latin America [Barbara Geddes]
29 The Enduring Influence of Historical-Structural Approaches [Jennifer Cyr and James Mahoney]
30 Natural and Field Experiments in the Study of Latin American Politics [Thad Dunning]
31 Public Opinion Research in Latin America [Elizabeth J. Zechmeister and Mitchell A. Seligson]
PART VI Critical Reflections on the State of the Field
32 What’s Next? Reflections on the Future of Latin American Political Science [Barry Ames, Miguel Carreras, and Cassilde Schwartz]
33 The Blessings of Troubles: Scholarly Innovation in Response to Latin America’s Challenges [Jorge I. Domínguez]
34 State of the Field: Political Regimes and the Study of Democratic Politics [Robert R. Kaufman]
35 Latin American Political Regimes in Comparative Perspective [Adam Przeworski]
36 Popular Representation in Contemporary Latin American Politics: An Agenda for Research [Ruth Berins Collier and Christopher Chambers-Ju]
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