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Title Page
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1. What Is Textual Criticism? Definitions and Aims
1.1. Textual Criticism as Textual Reconstruction: The Traditional Model
1.2. Textual Criticism as Tracking Textual Transmission: The Sociohistorical Model
1.3. Summary
2. Canon: The Domain of New Testament Textual Criticism
2.1. Evidence for an Early Canon: The New Testament Canon in the First Three Centuries
a. Evidence from the New Testament: Canon in the First Century
b. Early Collections and the Formation of the Canon
c. Ancient Canonical Lists
2.2. The New Testament Canon in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries: Ecumenical Catalogues, Councils, and Codices
a. Catalogue in Codex Claromontanus
b. Cheltenham List (Mommsen Catalogue)
c. Epiphanius
d. Cyril, Gregory, and Amphilochius
e. Athanasius’s Festal Letter
f. Latin Vulgate
g. Rufinus and Pope Innocent
h. Councils of Hippo and Carthage
i. Fourth- and Fifth-Century Codices
2.3. Canon and Sacred Writings: Problems with Terminology
2.4. Summary
3. Materials and Methods of Classification
3.1. Books and Literacy in the First Century
3.2. Writing Materials and the Forms of Ancient Books
a. Papyrus
b. Parchment
c. Scroll
d. Codex
3.3. Writing Styles
3.4. Scribal Additions, Alterations, and Aids
3.5. Methods of Classifying Materials
3.6. Statistics for New Testament Manuscripts
3.7. Summary
4. The Major Witnesses to the Text of the New Testament
4.1. Introducing the Gregory-Aland Numbering System
4.2. Greek Manuscripts of the New Testament
a. Papyri
b. Majuscules
c. Minuscules
d. Lectionaries
4.3. Early Versions of the New Testament
a. Tatian’s Diatessaron
b. Syriac Versions
c. Latin Versions
d. Coptic Versions
e. Ethiopic Version
f. Armenian Version
4.4. Patristic Quotations
4.5. Summary
5. Text-Types
5.1. The Use of Text-Types in New Testament Textual Criticism
5.2. Individual Text-Types
a. Alexandrian Text
b. Western Text
c. Caesarean Text
d. Byzantine Text
5.3. Summary
6. What Is a Textual Variant? Definitions and Boundaries
6.1. Readings and Variant-Units
6.2. Types of Textual Variation and Text-Critical Significance
6.3. Levels of Language and Variant-Unit Boundaries
6.4. Summary
7. Methodology (1): Modern Text-Critical Methodologies
7.1. Stemmatic Approach
7.2. Byzantine/Majority Text Approach
7.3. Eclectic Methods
a. Thoroughgoing Eclecticism
b. Reasoned Eclecticism
7.4. Single Text Model
7.5. Summary
8. Methodology (2): Weighing External Evidence
8.1. The Priority of External Evidence
8.2. External Criteria
a. Date and Text-Type
b. Geographical Distribution
c. Genealogical Relationship
8.3. Summary
9. Methodology (3): Weighing Internal Evidence (1): Transcriptional Probabilities
9.1. The Genetic Principle
9.2. Transcriptional Probabilities
a. Scribal Errors
b. Difficult Readings
c. Shorter and Longer Readings
d. Less Harmonized Readings
e. Less Grammatically Refined Readings
f. Doctrinal Alterations?
9.3. Summary
10. Methodology (4): Weighing Internal Evidence (2): Intrinsic Probabilities
10.1. Stylistic Continuity
10.2. Cohesion
10.3. Theological and Literary Coherence
10.4. Linguistic Conformity
10.5. Source Consistency
10.6. Summary
11. Modern Critical Editions: A Brief History
11.1. Critical Editions from Ximénes to Nestle
11.2. From Nestle to NA27/28 and UBSGNT4/5
11.3. Summary
12. A Guide to the Text and Apparatus of UBSGNT4/5 and NA27/28
12.1. Distinctive Features of NA27/28
a. Inner Margins
b. Outer Margins
c. Text and Critical Apparatus
d. Citation, Orthography, Punctuation, and Font
12.2. Distinctive Features of UBSGNT4/5
a. Differences in Abbreviation
b. Critical Apparatus
c. Discourse Segmentation Apparatus
d. Reference Apparatus
e. The UBS Rating System and Textual Optimism
f. Citation, Orthography, Punctuation, and Font
12.3. Summary
13. Text and Translation
13.1. A Brief History of the English Bible
13.2. The Textual Basis of Modern Translations
13.3. Presentation of Textual Variation in Translations
13.4. Introduction to Translation Theory: Form and Function
13.5. Summary
Appendix: Tools for Further Text-Critical Study
Index of Modern Authors
Index of Ancient Sources
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