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Imperial Library
Bats sing, mice giggle
What did the animals know?
Part I Sensing
1 A Supercharged World
Animals that detect electric fields
Fish that generate electric fields
Magnetic fields
2 Good Vibrations
Vibrations in the undergrowth
Vibrations in the ground
Resonance and synchronization
Synchronization and swarming behavior
Human vibrations
Levels of interaction
3 Sounds for Tracking and Talking
How does biosonar work?
Bats in the Caribbean
Bat communication
Seafarers that swim with sounds
4 Tasting and Touching
Dinner is served!
The taste of catfish
Food on your palate
Finger-licking good
What about smelling?
Polar bears
The secret touch
Reach out and touch someone
Bat acrobatics
Part II Surviving
5 Alarming Behavior and Survival Strategies
Alarm! Alarm! Alarm!
Different yells tell of different enemies
Different dialects, different terrain
Camouflage, bluff or outmaneuver
Cockroaches and coyotes: the ultimate in survival?
Earthquakes: animal perceptions and alarms
6 From Frogcicles to Dreamstates
Dead or alive? Don’t ask a bear
The peeping frogcicle
Catching Zzzzs
Ready for flight
Animals that dream and what they dream about
7 Animal Marathons by Land and Sea
The flying spider
Marathon fliers
Checking the scale and getting in shape
Reducing drag and keeping track of the group
The great land migrations
Migrations by sea
Other ways of getting around
Part III Socializing
8 Wit, Wiles and Good Fun
The amazing abilities of African gray parrots
Monkey see, monkey do
Washoe and Koko
Smarter than we thought
A sense of “self”
The eyes have it
Memory and counting
9 Eavesdropping and Deception
Sex, lies and videotapes: the audience effect
Deception in its many forms
10 Rhythm, Song and Dance
Bobbing to the beat
The dawn chorus: group dynamics
11 Flirting, Courting and Coupling
Virgin birth
Hermaphrodites and sequential hermaphrodites
The superorganism
“Pregnant” males
Couples: finding, choosing, engaging
Coupling for life—or at least until the children leave the nest
Notes, References and Further Reading
Chapter 1: A Supercharged World
Chapter 2: Good Vibrations
Chapter 3: Sounds for Tracking and Talking
Chapter 4: Tasting and Touching
Chapter 5: Alarming Behavior and Survival Strategies
Chapter 6: From Frogcicles to Dreamstates
Chapter 7: Animal Marathons by Land and Sea
Chapter 8: Wit, Wiles and Good Fun
Chapter 9: Eavesdropping and Deception
Chapter 10: Rhythm, Song and Dance
Chapter 11: Flirting, Courting and Coupling
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