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Imperial Library
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Claire, student, master.
Being found as a number of clever pickup lines.
There can only be three walls if you plan on having a window.
Your ego is the only reason you are here.
There’s a serial killer living next door.
How many people really want to be found?
Who sleeps in your bed besides shame and sadness?
Shh, don’t say anything you’ll regret in the morning.
Call me when you need someone to talk to.
The body is still warm.
The killer calls every morning.
What part of human nature is a mystery?
Does this sound like someone you might know?
She found you first… never forget it.
Stop talking like you’re me.
Anything behind a locked door is there for a reason.
Students write “I’m going to die” on their shirts.
What’s on your mind at this very moment?
On a scale of 1 to 10 stars, 10 being the best, how would you rate me?
Their mystery is a cliffhanger ending.
The audience, the viewer.
Every body is found.
Danger drives 95mph.
A fantasy is worth pursuing.
Why watch what you don’t understand?
To love anyone you must first love yourself.
Trade in a walk in the park for a walk in the dark.
Lives aren’t shared, they’re stolen.
You want what you cannot have.
Be mine and one day he’ll be yours.
You’ll believe anything as long as it makes you feel better.
Let’s get lost together.
Sincere apologies make for an excellent aphrodisiac.
Anatomy of a true love; or, a lesson in successful manslaughter.
We were close once.
If traveling south of any border, make sure to be well manicured.
Home is where my heart is hidden.
Let’s skip right to the honeymoon.
My pet, my perfect pet.
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