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Imperial Library
Title Page
Eleanor Darcy is interviewed by Hugo Vansitart
Valerie Jones is surprised by Joy
From Valerie Jones' first interview with Eleanor Darcy
Valerie gets one or two things wrong
Lover at the Gate [1]: Eleanor Darcy's birth
Valerie stops work to listen to Hugo's tape
Lover at the Gate [2]: Apricot loses one mother and gains another
Valerie leaps to conclusions
Valerie Jones returns to ask further questions of Eleanor Darcy
Valerie and Lou manage a conversation
Lover at the Gate [3]: Apricot Smith marries Bernard Parkin
Eleanor Darcy speaks to Hugo and Valerie listens
Valerie suffers from emotions
Lover at the Gate [4]: Bernard and Ellen's Catholic months
Valerie's garden interview with Eleanor Darcy
Valerie ventures out of the Holiday Inn
Lover at the Gate [5]: Ellen's Marxist years with Bernard
Valerie receives a letter from Eleanor Darcy
Ellen's Marxist life with Bernard comes to an end
Hugo's restaurant interview with Eleanor Darcy
Valerie meets her lover's wife
Lover at the Gate [6]: Bernard's encounter with Nerina
Hugo's further interview with Eleanor Darcy
Valerie is shocked
Lover at the Gate [7] Brenda finds Ellen in a state of enchantment
A taped telephone interview between Valerie and Eleanor
Valerie misses home
Lover at the Gate [8]: Bernard and Ellen part
Transcript of Hugo/Eleanor tape
Lover at the Gate [9]: Eleanor entertains
Valerie sits up in bed and listens to tape
Brenda's letter to Hugo
Lover at the Gate [10]: Julian overdoes it
Valerie speaks to Belinda
Lover at the Gate [11]: Eleanor goes to visit Jed and Prune
Valerie laughs thrice
Lover at the Gate [12]: A disturbance in the economy
Loves comes to the Holiday Inn
Hugo and Eleanor walk down to the end of the garden
Valerie observes the birth of a new religion
A Biography of Fay Weldon
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