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Imperial Library
Front Matter
Title Page
Publisher Information
British record list
Quotes (2)
Introduction: First Casts
Early evidence
Species profile: The bleak
Here comes the hook
Easter Island
Aelfric’s Colloquy
Fishing in the 15th century
The history of fish and chips
Barker’s Delight or The Art of Angling
Species profile: The bream
Alien invasion – Top five threats to the UK’s waters
Izaak Walton: The Compleat Angler, 1653
The coming of the railway
Tom’s day ticket
Angling gets organised
CHAPTER ONE: Coarse or game?
Coarse fishing in brief
Game fishing in brief
A note on salmon fishing
No thanks, I’m not hungry
How much? – The relative cost of tackle explored
Species profile: The carp
The fish themselves
The fishing club
The angling syndicate
About the adipose fin
The angler’s attire
Types of water
Species profile: The barbel
The work party
How to stuff a fish
The angler’s transport
Why aren’t whales fish, again?
Species profile: The catfish
Recipe: Pan-fried catfish
Sea angling
The rod, the reel and the end tackle
The beginner’s basic kit
Tickling trout
The Avon/quiver rod
Feeder rod
Fly rods
Five household items you can use for tackle
Species profile: The char
Carp and pike rods
Fishing lines
The 7 deadly fish
Ledgers and feeders
Bait boats
Species profile: The chub
Hooks and knots
Places you must fish
Some extras
Species profile: The dace
CHAPTER THREE: Baits, lures and flies
Nasty baits
5 ways to disguise maggots in the fridge*
Slugs, grasshoppers and moths
Species profile: The eel
Nice baits
Izaak Walton’s paste recipe
New baits
Make your own boilie
Gudgeon-fishing parties
Lures, spinners & plugs
Species profile: The grayling
Top ingredients for groundbait
Dry and wet flies
10 flies you must own
Salmon flies
Species profile: The gudgeon
Species profile: The roach
Species profile: The rudd
Tying your own flies
CHAPTER FOUR: Techniques
Float fishing
Shotting techniques
Detecting a bite
Unusual ways to catch fish
A better rig
Using ‘the method’
Detecting ledger bites
Lure fishing
Species profile: The gwyniad
The retrieve and the take
How to cast a fly
When to strike
Wet and dry fly fishing
Species profile: The ide
Playing, landing and unhooking
Species profile: The perch
Caring for fish
Duffer’s Fortnight
Where to fish
CHAPTER FIVE: Tradition or technology?
Philosophy versus purpose
Cane vs. carbon fibre
The action of a rod
Centrepin vs. fixed-spool reel
The bird’s nest
Natural baits vs. the boilie
Species profile: The pike
Comparing rigs
Bite detection
Supplementary gear
Dick Walker catches Clarissa
A good read
The close season vs. open all hours
Recipe: Baked pike
Species profile: The zander
CHAPTER SIX: Angling Adventure
Canada: The sturgeon
The piranha myth
The Bahamas: The bonefish
Argentina: The sea trout
Norway: The pike
Russia: The Atlantic salmon
Egypt: The Nile perch
The fish hall of shame
France: The carp
Spain: The catfish
India: The mahseer
Mongolia: The taimen
New Zealand: Brown trout
Five great fishy films
CHAPTER SEVEN: Angling archetypes
Species profile: The salmon
The miserable angler
Homemade mosquito repellent
Fish and country music
Species profile: The shad
Hands off
Species profile: The tench
CHAPTER EIGHT: Fishing legends
Species profile: The trout
Recipe: Fried trout
The missed bite
End matter
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