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About This eBook
Title Page
Copyright Page
Praise for In Line Behind a Billion People
Dedication Page
About the Authors
Economic scarcity
Social scarcity
Political scarcity
Part I: Economic Scarcity
1. Resources: While supplies last
The Panda Boom
Land: So much yet so little
Energy: From industry to transport and residential
2. Food: Malthus on the Yangtze
Feeding one-fifth of humanity
A diet for a land of plenty
Hot and bothered...and thirsty
Rise of the machines?
From Happy Meals to deadly dinners
3. Labor: Where did all the migrants go?
Socialist employers’ paradise...
...Becomes socialist employers’ paradise, lost
Migrants came, saw, and some are saying see ya later
School of hard knocks
What happens when your key economic input shrinks?
When 150 million workers unite
Part II: Social Scarcity
4. Welfare: Socialism with Chinese...actually no, not socialism at all
Dismantling the welfare system...
...And stitching it back together
From youth bulge to geriatric bulge
Mo’ bling, mo’ honeys
Serving the people
5. Education: Give me equality...but not until after my son gets into Tsinghua
A thought experiment: Turkmenbashi for a day
No, seriously, there is a real thing called urban bias
The social equalizer that isn’t
From urban bias to urban household bias
Turn on, tune in, and study abroad: Life at the top
Running out of levers to pull
6. Housing: Home is where the wallet is
Phat cribs and fatter wallets
When virtues become flaws
Socialist property rights with Chinese characteristics
Revenge of the capitalists
Part III: Political Scarcity
7. Ideology: The unbearable lightness of the Yellow River Spirit
A young nation-state
E pluribus mishmash
What comes after a revolution?
Forging the Deng Xiaoping consensus
New slogans, same consensus
The second identity crisis
Nationalism to the rescue (sort of)
Virtue is as virtuous does
Searching for a distinctly Chinese paradigm?
8. Values: What would Confucius do?
Qu nar (or where to)?
Software upgrades
Pursuit of happiness
Separate but unequal
Governing post-materialist China: The “what have you done for me lately” problem
China pushes back on values
China the exceptional?
9. Freedom: Keep on rockin’ in the firewalled world
A decade of harmony?
The “average Zhou” pushes back
From 100 flowers to 100 million weibos
Coloring outside the lines
All your (economic) base are belong to us
Embracing change: the basecase
Baby steps
What if the Chinese dream is deferred?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
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