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Imperial Library
List of figures
Part I What is politics?
1 Politics and power
1 A first definition of politics
2 Power and political power
3 Operating areas, instruments and modus operandi of political power
4 Political power and the others
5 Objections and consequences
6 Politics and power, a fatal connection?
2 The subjective side of politics: legitimacy, identity, obligation
1 Legitimacy and legitimation
2 Political identity
3 Political obligation
Excursus 1: What is political philosophy?
Part II How politics works
3 Order, institutions, models
1 What does order mean in politics?
2 Rules, institutions and the regulation of fear
3 Historic models of political order
4 The state
1 The state and sovereignty
2 The rise of the modern state in Europe
3 State and society
4 State and nation
5 The state and the law
6 State and values
5 Government and democracy
1 Democracy one and two
2 From representation to national democracy
3 Democratic government
4 How is democracy possible? Does it have alternatives?
5 Democracy and capitalism
Part III World politics and the future of politics
6 The states: power, peace and war in anarchical society
1 The anarchical international society
2 War
3 Restraints to war, or peace?
4 The pacification of Europe
7 The globalised world: a challenge to politics
Part I: Globalisation and global governance
1 What is globalisation?
2 Globalisation and politics
3 Global governance?
Part II: Global/lethal challenges: politics after modernity
4 The two present challenges
5 What to do with future generations?
6 Politics after modernity: another definition
7 Global troubles for democracy
Excursus 2: Politics and death
Part IV Ethics and politics
8 Liberty, equality and rights
1 Concepts of liberty
2 Equality and egalitarianism
3 Rights
4 Rights: universal or not?
9 Justice and solidarity
1 Versions of justice
2 Distributive justice
3 Solidarity
10 Ethics, philosophy and politics
1 Ethics and politics
2 Which ethics for politicians?
3 For and against ideal theory
4 Critical Theory
Epilogue: what drives people to politics
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