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Bipolar Disorder Can Be Managed
What to Expect from This Book
How to Use This Book
1. Understand Bipolar Disorder
What Is Bipolar Disorder?
The Causes of Bipolar Disorder
Understanding Your Bipolar Disorder
The Different Types of Bipolar Disorder
Diagnosing Bipolar Disorder
Resources for Finding a Practitioner
Who Has Bipolar Disorder?
How Do You Know If You Have Bipolar Disorder?
Bipolar Triggers
The Risks of Untreated Bipolar Disorder
Suicide and Bipolar Disorder
Gender and Bipolar Disorder
Conditions That Can Occur with Bipolar Disorder
2. Get Treatment
Becoming an Informed Consumer
The Importance of Seeking Treatment
Meeting with Your Mental Health Care Provider
Treatment Options
3. Take Your Medications
Getting (and Staying) Medicated
Taking Your Medications
Supplements and Complementary Therapies
Side Effects of Medication
Timing of Doses
Adjusting Your Medication Regimen
Knowing Your Medications
4. Recognize Your Triggers and Track Your Moods
Why Get to Know Your Triggers?
Possible Triggers for Bipolar Episodes
Genetics and Bipolar Disorder
Getting to Know Your Triggers
Managing Your Triggers
5. Minimize Stress
Where Does Our Stress Come From?
Stress and Bipolar Disorder
The Stress Response
Executing Your Stress Reduction Plans
More Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Life
6. Get Enough Sleep
Sleep Habits
Treatment for Insomnia
Good Sleep Habits
Relaxing Before Bedtime
Sleep Medications
7. Get Regular Exercise
Exercise and Bipolar Disorder
Exercise and Depression
Exercise and Mania
How Do You Feel About Exercise?
How Much Exercise Is Enough?
Designing Your Exercise Program
Increasing Your Activity Level
Beginning Your Program
8. Get Good Nutrition and Take the Right Supplements
Bipolar Disorder and Weight
The Importance of Staying Hydrated
Mood-Altering Foods
A Healthy Diet
Fat and Health
Caffeine and Alcohol
Healthy Eating and Drinking Tips
9. Build a Support System
Types of Support
Building a Support Network
The Anxiety of Disclosing Your Bipolar Disorder
Your Provider’s Role in Your Support Network
Adding People to Your Support Network
Crisis Support
10. Advocate for Yourself
Patient’s Rights
Standing Up for Yourself with Your Health Care Provider
Finding Another Provider
Mental Health Parity Laws
Forced Hospitalization
Advocating for Yourself with Creditors
Advocating for Yourself at Work
Americans with Disabilities Act
Reasonable Accommodation
Mental Illness Stigma in the Workplace
Government Assistance for Disabled Workers
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