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Imperial Library
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Editorial Note
Translator’s Note
Part One: Western Rseligion
I Psychology and Religion
1. The Autonomy of the Unconscious
2. Dogma and Natural Symbols
3. The History and Psychology of a Natural Symbol
II A Psychological Approach to the Dogma of the Trinity
1. Pre-Christian Parallels
I. Babylonia
II. Egypt
III. Greece
2. Father, Son, and Spirit
3. The Symbola
I. The Symbolum Apostolicum
II. The Symbolum of Gregory Thaumaturgus
III. The Nicaenum
IV. The Nicaeno-Constantinopoli-tanum, the Athanasianum, and the Lateranense
4. The Three Persons in the Light of Psychology
I. The Hypothesis of the Archetype
II. Christ as Archetype
III. The Holy Ghost
5. The Problem of the Fourth
I. The Concept of Quaternity
II. The Psychology of the Quaternity
III. General Remarks on Symbolism
6. Conclusion
III Transformation Symbolism in the Mass
1. Introduction
2. The Sequence of the Transformation Rite
I. Oblation of the Bread.
II. Preparation of the Chalice
III. Elevation of the Chalice
IV. Censing of the Substances and the Altar
V. The Epiclesis
VI. The Consecration
VII. The Greater Elevation
VIII. The Post-Consecration
IX. End of the Canon
X. Breaking of the Host (“Fractio”)
XI. Consignado
XII. Commixtio
XIII. Conclusion
3. Parallels to the Transformation Mystery
I. The Aztec “Teoqualo,”
II. The Vision of Zosimos
4. The Psychology of the Mass
I. General Remarks on the Sacrifice
II. The Psychological Meaning of Sacrifice
III. The Mass and the Individuation Process
IV Foreword to White’s God and the Unconscious
Foreword to Werblowsky’s Lucifer and Prometheus
Brother Klaus
V Psychotherapists or the Clergy
Psychoanalysis and the Cure of Souls
VI Answer to Job
Prefatory Note
Lectori Benevolo
Answer to Job
Part Two: Eastern Religion
VII Psychological Commentary on The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation
1. The Difference between Eastern and Western Thinking.
2. Comments on the Text
Psychological Commentary on The Tibetan Book of the Dead
VIII Yoga and the West
Foreword to Suzuki’s Introduction to Zen Buddhism
The Psychology of Eastern Meditation
The Holy Men of India
IX Foreword to the I Ching
Part One: Western Religion
I Psychology and Religion
II A Psychological Approach to the Dogma of the Trinity
III Transformation Symbolism in the Mass
IV Foreword to White’s God and the Unconscious
V Psychotherapists or the Clergy
VI Answer to Job
Part Two: Eastern Religion
VII Psychological Commentary on The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation
VIII Yoga and the West
IX Foreword to the I Ching
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung
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