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Chapter 1. History of Electromagnetic Medicine
Chapter 2. Coherent Natural and Stimulated Biophoton Emission
Chapter 3. Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on the Body
Chapter 4. Biological Effects of PEMFs
Chapter 5. Developments in Bioelectromagnetic Healing
Ultrasound Cancer Treatment Kills Tumors in Mice
Zapping Away the Blues
"Electrocuting" The AIDS Virus, A Safer-Yet Blood Supply
Shocking Treatment Proposed for AIDS
Nanopulses Tweak the Innards of Cells
A High-Voltage Fight Against Cancer
Air Ionisers Wipe out Hospital Infections
Chapter 6. Electropulsations Occur in Nature
Chapter 7. Summary and Conclusion
Cell Membrane Biophysics
Krebs Cycle
Cell Membrane Electrical Strength and Electroporation
Signal Discovery?
Curing Cancer with Ultra Radio Frequencies
Body Composition ~
A New Method ~
The Radio-Cellulo-Oscillator ~
The Length of Treatment ~
Toroidal Coils and the Electromagnetic Vector Potential
Excerpt from Expert Declaration
Meditation Gives Brain a Charge, Study Finds
More Information
Handheld PREMIER Junior
PREMIER Jr. Product Line
Lakhovsky Multi-Wave Oscillator
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Electro-Acuscope Myopulse Therapy System
BioCharger Corporation
Medicinal Electromagnetic Fields
Inspired by the work of Drs. Bassett, Pilla, and Becker, IRI produced an affordable model for magnetic PEMF that also fulfills the dream of Glen Gordon M.D. for a bone strengthening, joint cartilage synthesis, and arthritis relief pad, that is also capable of reversing osteoporosis and osteopenia. As all four doctors discovered independently, pulsed magnetic fields dramatically open cellular calcium channels electrically. However, Dr. Gordon discovered that nanosecond rise time pulses are the most effective in creating a biological response in a short time as well as stimulating HSP 70. This product was developed with a pair of flat pancake coils, creating a toroidal magnetic field for better penetration while sleeping, along with a soft, flexible, vinyl sleeve covered with a flannel zipper case 15”x20”. OsteoPad Deluxe, the most popular model with two pads, is also available for larger coverage, 30-day money back guarantee and one year warranty.
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