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CHAPTER 1: Introduction
Pauline Christology: What Is It?
Pauline Christology: The Theological Difficulty
Pauline Christology in the Twentieth Century
Pauline Christology: Some Basic Matters
CHAPTER 2: Christology in the Thessalonian Correspondence
I. Christology in 1 Thessalonians
A Preliminary Look at the Data
Jesus as Messianic/Eternal Son of God
Jesus as the Κυριος of Septuagint Yahweh Texts
Other Κυριος Phrases That Echo Septuagint Usage
God and ο Κυριος Share in Divine Purposes and Activity
II. Christology in 2 Thessalonians
A Preliminary Look at the Data
A Case of Messianic Intertextuality—2 Thessalonians 2:8
Jesus as the Κυριος of Septuagint Yahweh Texts
God and ο Κυριος Share in Divine Purposes and Activity
Christ the Lord Invoked in Prayer
Appendix I: The Texts
Appendix II: An Analysis of Usage
CHAPTER 3: Christology in 1 Corinthians
A Preliminary Look at the Data
Christ: Preexistent Lord and Agent of Creation
Christ as Preexistent with Israel
Jesus as Messianic/Eternal Son of God
Jesus as Second Adam
Jesus as Κυριος
Jesus as the Κυριος of Septuagint Passages
Κυριος Jesus and Divine Prerogatives
Texts That Imply Subordination
Appendix I: The Texts
Appendix II: An Analysis of Usage
CHAPTER 4: Christology in 2 Corinthians
A Preliminary Look at the Data
Christ: Preexistent and Incarnate Redeemer
Jesus Christ, the Son of God
Jesus, the Son of God: God's Glory and True Image
Christ as Sharer of Divine Prerogatives
Christ Devotion and Soteriology—2 Corinthians 5:14-6:2
Appendix I: The Texts
Appendix II: An Analysis of Usage
CHAPTER 5: Christology in Galatians
A Preliminary Look at the Data
Christ, God's Messianic Son: Preexistent and Incarnate
Christ and the Divine Prerogatives
Appendix I: The Texts
Appendix II: An Analysis of Usage
CHAPTER 6: Christology in Romans
A Preliminary Look at the Data
Jesus as Messianic/Eternal Son of God
Jesus as Lord
Christ and the Divine Prerogatives
Jesus as Second Adam
Does Paul Call the Messiah "God"?—Romans 9:5
Appendix I: The Texts
Appendix II: An Analysis of Usage
CHAPTER 7: Christology in Colossians (and Philemon)
A Preliminary Look at the Data
Jesus as Messianic/Eternal Son of God
The Son as Incarnate Redeemer
Christ as Exalted Lord
Appendix I: The Texts
Appendix II: An Analysis of Usage
Appendix III: A Structural Analysis of Colossians 1:15-20
CHAPTER 8: Christology in Ephesians
A Preliminary Look at the Data
Jesus as Messianic/Eternal Son of God
Christ as Κυριος
Christ and the Divine Prerogatives
Appendix I: The Texts
Appendix II: An Analysis of Usage
CHAPTER 9: Christology in Philippians
A Preliminary Look at the Data
Christ, Preexistent and Incarnate—Philippians 2:6-8
Christ, Exalted Lord of All—Philippians 2:9-11
Christ, Heavenly Savior and Lord—Philippians 3:20-21
Other Christological Passages/Phrases
Paul and Christ Devotion
Appendix I: The Texts
Appendix II: An Analysis of Usage
CHAPTER 10: Christology in the Pastoral Epistles
I. Christology in 1 Timothy
Preliminary Observations about Usage
Christ, the Incarnate Savior
Other Christological Moments
II. Christology in Titus
Christ Jesus Our Savior—Titus 1:1-4
Does Paul Call Jesus "God"?—Titus 2:11-14
Christ the Giver of the Spirit—Titus 3:6
III. Christology in 2 Timothy
Preliminary Observations about Usage
Jesus as Preexistent and Incarnate
Jesus as the Κυριος of Septuagint Texts
Jesus ο Κυριος and the Divine Prerogatives
Appendix I: The Texts
Appendix II: An Analysis of Usage
CHAPTER 11: Christ, the Divine Savior
The Central Role of Christ in Salvation
The Ultimate Goal of Salvation: Re-Creation into the Divine Image
The Place of "Christ Devotion" in Pauline Christology
Appendix: The Pauline Soteriological Texts
CHAPTER 12: Christ: Preexistent and Incarnate Savior
The Nature of Paul's Incarnational Christology
Christ as Agent of Creation and Redemption
Christ as "Impoverished" Redeemer
The Son as the "Sent One"
The Importance of the Incarnation for Paul
CHAPTER 13: Jesus as Second Adam
Paul and New-Creation Theology
Sin and Death—The Explicit Comparisons
Christ as the Image of God—The Implied Comparison
The Pauline Emphasis—A Truly Human Divine Savior
CHAPTER 14: Jesus: Jewish Messiah and Son of God
Jesus as the Messianic Son of God
Jesus as the Eschatological King/Son of God
Jesus as the Preexistent, Eternal Son of God
Conclusion: The Question of "Origins"
Appendix: Son of God/God as Father Texts in Paul's Letters
CHAPTER 15: Jesus: Jewish Messiah and Exalted Lord
Jesus Christ, Exalted Messianic Lord—Psalm 110:1
The "Name" above Every Name
Jesus the Lord: Eschatological Judge
Jesus the Lord: Invoked in Prayer
Jesus the Lord: Sharer of Divine Prerogatives
CHAPTER 16: Christ and the Spirit: Paul as a Proto-Trinitarian
The Person and Role of the Spirit in Paul's Thought
Christ and the Spirit in Paul's Thought
Paul and the Divine Triad
APPENDIX A: Christ and Personified Wisdom
Did Paul Identify Christ with Wisdom?
Paul and the Wisdom Tradition
Wisdom as the "Agent" of Creation
Addendum I: Nestle-Aland 27 Margins: Allusions to Wisdom of Solomon
Addendum II: The Wisdom Texts
APPENDIX B : Paul's use of Κυριος for Christ in Citations and Echoes of the Septuagint
Citations and Allusions to the Text of the Septuagint
Κυριος Phrases
Septuagint Citations Where Κυριος = God the Father
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