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Imperial Library
Title Page
Notes on Contributors
Abbreviations and Editions Used
1 Introduction: Re-readings, Relocations, and Receptions
Re-reading Texts
Joycean Geographies: Biographical Contexts and Global Relocations
Critical and Creative Approaches, Receptions, and Responses
Part I: Re-reading Texts
2 Dubliners: Surprised by Chance
3 Desire, Freedom, and Confessional Culture in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Judging the Young Artist: Autobiography, Nationhood, Sexuality
A Tale of Confessions and Constraints
Giving Lip Service to Confession: Desire, Heresy, Literature, Politics
Confessional Turnings and the Snakes of Ireland
The Thrill and the End of Confession
Beyond the Horizon of Confessional Constraints
4 Ulysses: The Epic of the Human Body
Inner Organs
Cloacal Obsessions
Throwaway Economics
The Flesh Made Word
5 Finnegans Wake: Novel and Anti-novel
Duality and Criticism
The “War on Language” as a Defense of “Active Nature”
Knowledge and the Resilience of Nature
“Look at all the plotsch!” (FW 81 2)
“All the charictures in the drame” (FW 302 32)
Part II: Contexts and Locations
6 European Joyce
Joyce’s View of His Own Mission
Artistic Europe in Joyce’s Work
The View from Europe
Master of Languages
7 “In the Heart of the Hibernian Metropolis”? Joyce’s Reception in Ireland, 1900–1940
Placing Joyce in Histories of Irish Literature
Reading Joyce before 1922
Reading Joyce in the 1920s
8 His città immediata: Joyce’s Triestine Home from Home
9 James Joyce and German Literature, or Reflections on the Vagaries and Vacancies of Reception Studies
Approaches to Reception and Influence
Gustav Freytag as Influence
The Potential Connection with Heinrich Böll
Ostensible Non-connection with Rilke
10 Molly’s Gibraltar: The Other Location in Joyce’s Ulysses
The Exegetical Tradition
The Multi-ethnic Field
“The B Marche Paris”
11 Joyce and Postcolonial Theory: Analytic and Tropical Modes
Analytic and Tropical Modes and the Language of Postcolonialism
Deconstruction, Bakhtin, and Postcolonial Appropriations
Familiar and Unfamiliar Tropes: The Same Anew
The Analytic and the Psychoanalytic: Bhabha and the Ghosts of History
From Analytic Cleansing to Tropical Rebirth: Voicing Joyce
12 “United States of Asia”: James Joyce and Japan
The Rise of the Empire of Japan in Ulysses
The Early Reception of Joyce in Japan
The Fall of the Empire of Japan in Finnegans Wake
13 Where Agni Araflammed and Shiva Slew: Joyce’s Interface with India
Joyce and India
India and Joyce
14 Joyce and New Zealand: Biography, Censorship, and Influence
Family Ties
Antipodean Content
Joyce and Censorship
Spheres of Influence
In the Academy
Some Conclusions
Part III: Approaches and Receptions
15 Joyce’s Homer, Homer’s Joyce
16 The Joyce of French Theory
17 Joyce, Music, and Popular Culture
Literary Theory and Popular Culture
Joyce Studies and Popular Culture
Joyce and Music
18 The Joyce of Manuscripts
Books or Manuscripts?
Repairing the Text?
The Dynamics of Invention
Multiple Contextuality
Over-Determination: A Genetic Aporia
19 Joyce’s Bridge to Late Twentieth-Century British Theater: Harold Pinter’s Dialogue with Exiles
20 The Joyce Effect: Joyce in Visual Art
Inspiration, Influence, Legacy, Effect, and Reverence
Irreverent Appropriations
Reading Groups
Future Directions
21 “In his secondmouth language”: Joyce and Irish Poetry
22 “Ghostly Light”: Spectres of Modernity in James Joyce’s and John Huston’s “The Dead”
“Pale Phantoms of Desire”
Haunted Cinema: A “Second Spectre”
The Memory of the Dead
23 Joyce through the Little Magazines
The Egoist: Firing the Sex Problem?
The Little Review: Making no Compromise with the Public Taste?
transition: A Revolution of the Word?
24 Joyce and Radio
Radio Text
Radio Set
Book II Chapter 3
Radio Work
25 Scotographia: Joyce and Psychoanalysis
Introduction: Misnomering One’s Own
Jungian and Joycean Triangles
Lacanian and Joycean Knots
Joyce’s “x” Communicated
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