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Imperial Library
Title Page
Editor’s Foreword
Volume One: The Royal Navy, September 1939 – September 1945
Chapter 1: The Atlantic and Arctic
Ocean Warfare: September 1939 to March 1940
Norway – 1940
Atlantic Operations – The Home Fleet and Force H: July 1940 to May 1941
The Hunt for the Bismarck
The Home Fleet in Northern Waters: June 1941 to March 1944
The Strikes on the Tirpitz: April to August 1944
Operations in Norwegian Coastal Waters: April 1944 to May 1945
Escort Carriers with North Russian Convoys: February 1944 to May 1945
The Battle of the Atlantic – The Escort Carriers’ Contribution
Merchant Aircraft Carriers
Chapter 2: The Mediterranean Fleet
September 1939 to May 1941
Chapter 3: Force H and Operations in the Western Mediterranean and Aegean
June 1940 to November 1941
Mediterranean Operations
The Western Mediterranean: January to October 1942
828 and 830 Squadrons
Amphibious Operations in the Mediterranean – November 1942 to October 1944
Operation Torch
Force H 1943 – Operation Husky
Operation Dragoon: 15 to 20 August 1944
Aegean Operations: September and October 1944
Chapter 4: The Indian Ocean
September 1939 to December 1941
December 1941 to January 1943
Diego Suarez: 5 to 7 May 1942
Victorious in the South West Pacific – 1943
October 1943 to January 1945
The East Indies Fleet in 1945
Chapter 5: The British Pacific Fleet
Palembang – January 1945
Okinawa: The Sakishima Gunto, March to May 1945
Fast Carrier Operations off Japan, 17 July to 15 August 1945
Volume Two: The Pacific Navies, December 1941 – February 1943
Introduction: The Pacific War to February 1943
Chapter 1: First Strike: Pearl Harbor
The attack
Wake Island
Chapter 2: The Philippines and East Indies Campaign
Riposte – The American Carriers Attack
Marshalls strike
Gilberts strike
Rabaul threatened
Wake and Marcus
The first two-ship strike
The Tokyo raid
Ceylon – The Last Unparried Stroke
Chapter 3: The First Parries
The Battle of the Coral Sea
Day one: the strategic victory
Day two: the tactical defeat
The Sword, the Anvil, and the Hammer
The Aleutians and Midway
Strikes on the Aleutians
Midway – the approach
Midway – the carriers close in
Midway – the carrier battle
Midway – countermarch and chase
Last losses
Chapter 4: ‘Watchtower’ – Guadalcanal
Operation Watchtower, 7-8 August 1942
The assault
The carriers withdraw
Waiting for Nagumo
The Battle of the Eastern Solomons
Addition Ashore, Subtraction at Sea
The Battle of Santa Cruz
The preliminaries
The battle
The reckoning
The Battle of Guadalcanal
Victory on Guadalcanal
Volume Three: The Pacific Navies, February 1943 – September 1945
Introduction: The Pacific War after 1943
Chapter 1: The Coming of the Fast Carrier Task Forces
The Fleets
South-West Pacific – February to June 1943
The ‘I’ Operation
The Aleutians
New Georgia
The New Wine
Training Strikes: September and October 1943
Bougainville and Rabaul – November 1943
Chapter 2: The Central Pacific and the Solomons
Operation Galvanic: the Invasion of the Gilbert Islands
The Assault
Reorganisation and Strikes – December 1943
Nauru and Kavieng
The State of the Carriers – January 1944
Operation Flintlock – the Invasion of the Marshall Islands
The Assault
Eniwetok and Truk
Hailstone on Truk
Chapter 3: The ‘Leap-frog’ Strategy
The Revival of the Combined Fleet
Plans for the Pacific
Fast Carrier Operations – March 1944
Palaus Strikes
New Guinea – MacArthur’s Flank Force
Pacific Pause
Forager: The Campaign which Won the War
The Battle
Day Two
Chapter 4: The Philippines
Pacific Strategy after the Marianas
Preparations for the landings in Leyte Gulf
The Battle of Leyte Gulf
The Landings on Luzon in December 1944
Chapter 5: Closing in on Japan
Iwo Jima
Operation Iceberg – the assault on Okinawa
Strikes against mainland Japan in July and August 1945
The projected Operation Olympic – November 1945
Volume One Appendices
U-boats sunk by Fleet Air Arm Aircraft
Vichy French Submarines sunk by Fleet Air Arm Aircraft
Vichy French Submarine shared with surface escort
U-boats shared with surface escorts and other Services
British Aircraft Carriers
The Escort Carriers
Volume Two Appendix: The Carrier Battles – Profit and Loss
The Battle of the Coral Sea
The Battle of Midway
The Battle of the Eastern Solomons
The Battle of Santa Cruz
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