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Imperial Library
Book 4
Barbary Coast OCTOBER 1689 H E WAS NOT MERELY AWAKENED, but detonated out of an unco
Book 5
Dundalk, Ireland 6 SEPTEMBER 1689 To Eliza, Countess de la Zeur From Sgt. Bob Sha
The Dunkerque Residence of the Marquis and the Marquise d’Ozoir 21 OCTOBER 1689 B ONAVE
Book 4
Throne Room of the Pasha, the Kasba, Algiers OCTOBER 1689 Dwelling on the Sea-coast, a
Book 5
Dunkerque Residence of the d’Ozoirs 13 DECEMBER 1689 W HERE B ONAVENTURE R OSSIGNOL HA
Cap Gris-Nez, France 15 DECEMBER 1689 A D UTCHMAN PAINTING THIS SCAPE would have had li
Letter from Daniel Waterhouse to Eliza JANUARY–FEBUARY 1690 Mademoiselle de la Zeur,
Letter from Eliza to Daniel APRIL 1690 NEWTON would have us believe that Time is stepp
La Dunette MID-JULY 1690 L A D UNETTE MEANT “POOP DECK,” the high place on a ship’s
Book 4
The Gulf of Cadiz 5 AUGUST 1690 The Spaniards tho’ an indolent Nation, whose Colonies wer
Off Malta LATE AUGUST 1690 “S INCE BEFORE THE TIME of the Prophet my clan has bred and
Book 5
Eliza to Leibniz LATE SEPTEMBER 1690 Doctor, I have been a few days in Juvisy, a to
Leibniz to Eliza EARLY OCTOBER 1690 Mademoiselle, Please accept my apologies on beh
Schloß Wolfenbüttel, Lower Saxony DECEMBER 1690 It seems to us indeed that this block of
Ireland 1690–1691 T HE K ING’S O WN B LACK T ORRENT Guards had been founded by a man Ki
A Hay-rick, St.-Malo, France 9 APRIL 1692 The mind is its own place, and in it self Can
Château d’Arcachon, St.-Malo, France 11 APRIL 1692 “T HE E NGLISH HAVE DEVISED an extra
Eliza to Lothar von Hacklheber 12 APRIL 1692 Mein Herr, PRIDE is a vice to which a w
Eliza to King William III of England 12 APRIL 1692 Majesty, By now you must have he
Eliza to Monsieur le Chevalier d’Erquy 13 APRIL 1692 Monsieur, Thank you for your as
Café Esphahan, Rue de l’Orangerie, Versailles 26 APRIL 1692 “Y OU WERE EXPECTING SOMEON
Daniel Waterhouse to Eliza 19 APRIL 1692 I am in receipt of your recent note urgently r
Roger Comstock, Marquis of Ravenscar, to Eliza 20 APRIL 1692 A LETTER To Her Grace, E
Leibniz to Eliza 21 APRIL 1692 Eliza, You asked—some might say, commanded —me to be
Eliza to Samuel de la Vega 5 MAY 1692 Here is how peculiar France is: They are calling
Eliza to the Marquis of Ravenscar 15 MAY 1692 Your Grace’s recent letter to me was so c
Eliza to Samuel Bernard 18 MAY 1692 Monsieur Bernard, I am en route from St.-Malo to
Samuel Bernard to Eliza 23 MAY 1692 Madame la comtesse, Five Bills should be enclose
Cabin of Météore, off Cherbourg, France 2 JUNE 1692 F OR THREE DAYS Météore had been
London 4 JUNE (N.S.) /25 MAY (O.S.), 1692 Where men build on false grounds, the more they
Gresham’s College 10/20 JUNE 1692 Even Solomon had wanted Gold to adorn the Temple, unles
Book 4
Ahmadabad, the Mogul Empire SEPTEMBER 1693 When Men fly from danger, it is natural for
The Surat-Broach Road, Hindoostan A MONTH LATER (OCTOBER 1693) For the works of the Egyp
Book 5
Mrs. Bligh’s Coffee-house, London SEPTEMBER 1693 “R OGER, YOU ARE a great man now, a
Bonaventure Rossignol to Eliza MARCH 1694 My lady, I pray this intercepts you in Ha
Eliza to Rossignol MARCH 1694 Bon-bon, Yours reached me in Hamburg, where we have b
Eliza to Pontchartrain MARCH 1694 Monsieur, A man of your erudition, a scholar as w
Rossignol to Eliza APRIL 1694 My lady, I hope this finds you on a tidy and well-ski
Pretzsch, Saxony APRIL 1694 P RINCESS W ILHELMINA C AROLINE of Brandenburg-Ansbach had
Pontchartrain to Eliza APRIL 1694 My lady, You have given me a strict command not t
Eliza to Pontchartrain MAY 1694 My ungrateful (but charitable) Count, Your letter b
The Dower-house of Pretzsch APRIL AND MAY 1694 To suffer, as to doe, Our strength is eq
Jean Bart to Eliza MAY 1694 My lady, I take the liberty of sending you a first draf
Leipzig MAY 1694 And why then are we to despise Commerce as a Mechanism, and the Trading
Eliza to Jean Bart MAY 1694 Captain Bart, My dear friend Monsieur le comte de Pontc
Book 4
Southern Fringes of the Mogul Empire LATE 1696 We say of some Nations, the People are
Malabar LATE 1696 AND EARLY 1697 T HEY WERE TRAVELING NOW AS Hindoostani gentlemen: En
Book 5
The Thames FEBRUARY 1696 “A GREAT HEAP OF CORD-WOOD and kindling, saturated with oil
Dunkirk MARCH 1696 I T WAS FAR FROM A warm day, especially with the wind coming in off
An Abandoned Church in France MARCH 1696 “I DO HOPE YOU’LL RECONSIDER , now, all of th
Winter Quarters of the King’s Own Black Torrent Guards Near Namur MARCH 1696 “S ERGEAN
The Track to Pretzsch APRIL 1696 God has chosen the world that is the most perfect, tha
A House Overlooking the Meuse Valley APRIL 1696 B EFORE THE MANOR-HOUSE’S GATES, two e
Herrenhausen Palace, Hanover AUGUST 1697 “F RANCE WILL SHED all of the lands she has c
Book 4
Japan MAY 1700 D APPA EXCHANGED M ALABAR-WORDS with three black sailors who had just
Book 5
Berlin JANUARY 1700 At bottom, all our experience assures us of only two things, namel
Book 4
The Pacific Ocean LATE 1700 AND EARLY 1701 Such are the Diseases and Terrors of the lo
Book 5
Charlottenburg Palace, Berlin JULY 1701 “Y OUR HIGHNESS, WHEN I WAS a boy—rather you
Book 4
Mexico City, New Spain SUKKOTH 1701 That Golden Sceptre which thou didst reject Is no
Mexico City DECEMBER 1701 N OT SHOWING UP FOR AN auto da fé was regarded as a Bad Ide
Qwghlm AUGUST 1702 The Seamen returned enriched with the Plunder, not of Ships, but of F
Book 5
Hôtel Arcachon OCTOBER 1702 “W E ARE VERY SORRY to hear of your little ship-wreck,” sa
Book 4
En Route from Paris to London OCTOBER 1702 T HE K ING WAS TOO POLITE to mention the
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