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Imperial Library
Part One
How this book came about
The artists
The problems of our times that art must address
The Death of Art
Another path
The primal remedy
Apollonian e Dionysian: dream and ecstasy
1st cycle: Greek art
2nd cycle: medieval and renaissance art
3rd cycle: modern art
The “anomaly” of modern and contemporary art
Tradition and innovation
4th cycle: The new epoch – The forerunners
Edward Hopper
An ambiguous expressive horizon
Conciliation of opposites and revaluation of stereotypes
The alchemic therapy
Alchemy in art
Alchemy in Hopper and Balthus
Inversion of sense
Today’s artists
A new myth?
Part Two
Now to practice
1) Edward Hopper – Western Motel, 1957
2) Balthus – Les beaux jours (Golden Days), 1944-49
3) David Hockney – Bigger Trees Near Warter, Winter, 2008
4) Salvo – Sera, (Evening), 2006
5) Jan Knap – Untitled, 1995
6) Milan Kunc – Paradise of Loneliness, 1998
7) Peter Angermann – Spiral, 1988
8) Luigi Ontani – Avidità divide Davide e Golia con Avi e Gelosia (Greed Divides David and Goliath with Ancestors and Jealousy), 1994
9) Helgi Þorgils Friðjónsson – Sjálfsmynd og fljúgandi fiskai (Flying Fishes), 1989
10) Lorenzo Bonechi – Conversazione con paesaggio (Conversation with Landscape), 1986
11) David Bowes – Card Players, 2007-2008
12) Gianantonio Abate – Gli Aironi (Herons), 2013
13) Enzo Forese – Vaso (Vase), 2005
14) Marcello Carrà – Natura morta con mandolino e carta igienica (Still Life with Mandolin and Toilet Paper), 2013
15) Giacomo Toselli – Lilly e la palla rossa (Lilly and the Red Ball), 2012
16) Simon Keenleyside – The End of a Beautiful Winter, 2004
17) Giampaolo Truffa – Passanti (Passersby), 2008
18) Fulvia Mendini – Orange Blossom, 2008
19) Alda Maria Bossi – Pentola (Saucepan), 2005
20) Andrea Joyce Heimer – Even Though Mrs. Miller Thought She Was Allergic To Her Environment She Still Put On Perfume Every Day And Sometimes Lipstick Too, 2009
21) Carl Michael Lundberg – Strange fruit, 2012
Part Three
Criticisms and affinities
Objections and queries
“Sunniness” in sculpture, cinema, poetry, literature and theatre
Iconographic Index
Colour plates
Black and white plates
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