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Imperial Library
Foreword by Marcus Grodi
I. Introduction
1. About This Book
2. About the Fathers
II. The World of the Fathers
3. The World at a Glance
4. “My Witnesses in Jerusalem”
5. The Second Holy Land
6. Greece and Rome
7. The Far West
8. North Africa
III. Ad Fontes! —“To the Sources!”
9. Know Your Fathers
10. Know Your Councils
11. Know Your Writings
12. Know Your Heresies
IV. God
13. The One True God
14. God Has No Body
15. The Trinity
16. The Three Persons of the Trinity
17. The Divinity of Christ
18. The Eternal Sonship of Christ
19. Filioque
V. Creation
20. Creation out of Nothing
21. Creation in Genesis
VI. The Sources of Faith
22. The Canon of Scripture
23. Apostolic Tradition
VII. The Church and the Pope
24. The Catholic Church
25. Apostolic Succession
26. Peter the Rock
27. Peter’s Primacy
28. Peter in Rome
29. Peter’s Successors
30. The Authority of the Pope
VIII. Morality
31. Mortal Sin
32. Abortion
33. Contraception and Sterilization
34. Homosexuality
35. Astrology
IX. Sacraments and Worship
36. Baptism as a Means of Grace
37. Baptismal Regeneration
38. The Necessity of Baptism
39. Trinitarian Baptism
40. Infant Baptism
41. Confirmation
42. The Real Presence
43. The Sacrifice of the Mass
44. Confession
45. Bishop, Priest, and Deacon
46. Women Priests?
47. The Permanence of Marriage
48. Sabbath or Sunday?
X. Mary, the Saints, the Miraculous
49. Mary, Full of Grace
50. Mary, Mother of God
51. Mary, Ever Virgin
52. Intercession of the Saints
53. Ongoing Miracles
54. Private Revelation
XI. The Last Things
55. Salvation Outside the Church
56. Reward and Merit
57. Purgatory
58. Hell
59. Reincarnation?
60. The Resurrection of the Body
61. The Antichrist
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