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(Re)Introducing Brecht
Format and scope
1 Revealing the Radical Theorist
Brecht as theorizing practitioner
The different functions of theory to Brecht
Theorizing as a private and public activity
Understanding the assumptions of the ‘Short Organon’, or: An introduction to dialectics
The appeal of dialectics to Brecht
What is Brecht teaching?
Defining ‘the Brechtian’
Making theatre politically
The radicalism of the ‘Short Organon’
2 Buying Brass as Performative Thinking
Theorizing with more than one voice
The possibilities of performing theory
A Brechtian performance of Buying Brass
Not only dialogues: Buying Brass’s scenes for actors
Montage, or: Structured disruption in the episodic form of Buying Brass
3 Brecht and Difference
The centrality of change and its relationship to difference in Brecht’s theatre
Forgetting ‘character’
How to build a contradictory ‘figure’
The dangers of empathy in theatrical communication
Interrupting empathy in Brecht’s theatre
Separating the elements of the performance and the meaning of ‘epic theatre’
Historicization and/as Verfremdung
Theatre as a site of contradiction, not merely conflict
4 Method Trumps Styles
The Brechtian method: Greater than the sum of its parts
The centrality of the Fabel
Arrangement as the Fabel made flesh
Locating the actor in society: The discovery of a figure’s Gestus
A figure is the sum of all its Haltungen
Brecht’s theatre of showing
Realism and Brecht’s dialectical method
5 Brecht and the Actor
There is no ‘Brechtian Style’ of acting
Brecht and casting, or: Cleaving the actor from the role
Observation, realism and Gestus
Sensitizing the actor to dialectics
The actor-as-demonstrator in theory and practice
Playing the situation and not the character, or: The problem of saying ‘I’
The pursuit of naturalness and lightness in a stylized theatre
Acting and emotion
6 Brecht and the Director
Inductive direction, or: The ‘invisibility’ of the Brechtian director
The tasks of the Brechtian director
The prerequisite for a Brechtian director: A vibrant ensemble
Rehearsing with an inductive director
Abolishing the read-through, or: The status of the text in rehearsal
The rehearsal process and its social goals
Connecting the individual to society: Details, customs and monologues
Bringing out the social in performance: Focus on The Broken Jug
7 Brecht, Documentation and the Art of Copying
Imitation and innovation
The building blocks of documentation at the Berliner Ensemble: Notate
Demystifying the theatrical process: ‘Modelbooks’
Making use of the ‘models’
Copying as productive activity
8 Using Brecht’s Method
Applicability and approach
The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui: Identifying the problems of a potential production
Relativizing the centrality of Arturo Ui
Avoiding the ‘allegory trap’
Making Ui’s rise ‘resistible’
Closer: Why Brecht?
The social contexts of 1990s Britain
Investigating the ‘Micro-Fabel’
Extending the reach
Working with Brecht
Working with Brecht beyond Brecht
Bibliography (including list of abbreviations)
Works by Brecht
Other Works
Works by Brecht: List of Abbreviations
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