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Imperial Library
Title Page
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A. The Rules
The Community Rule - (IQS, 4Q255-64, 4Q280, 286-7, 4Q502, 5QII, 13)
Community Rule manuscripts from Cave 4
Entry into the Covenant - (4Q275)
Four Classes of the Community - (4Q279)
The Damascus Document - (CD, 4Q265-73, 5Q12, 6Q15)
Damascus Document manuscripts from Cave 4
The Messianic Rule - (1QSa=1Q28a)
The War Scroll - (IQM, 1Q33, 4Q491-7, 4Q471)
The War Scroll from Cave 4 - (4Q491, 493)
The Book of War - (4Q285, 11Q14)
The Temple Scroll - (11QT=11Q19-21, 4Q365a, 4Q524)
MMT (Miqsat Ma‘ase Ha- Torah) - Some Observances of the Law - (4Q394-9)
The Wicked and the Holy - (4Q181)
4QHalakhah A - (4Q251)
4QHalakhah B - (4Q264a)
4QTohorot (Purities) A - (4Q274)
4QTohorot B-B - (40276-7)
4Q Harvesting - (4Q284a)
The Master’s Exhortation to the Sons of Dawn - (40298)
4Q Men Who Err - (40306)
Register of Rebukes - (4Q477)
Remonstrances (before Conversion?) - (4Q471)
B. Hymns and Poems
The Thanksgiving Hymns - (IQH, IQ36, 4Q427-32)
Hymnic Fragment - (4Q433a)
Apocryphal Psalms (I) - (IIQPs=IIQ5,4Q88)
Apocryphal Psalms (II) - (4Q88)
Apocryphal Psalms (III) - (11QapPs=11Q11)
Non-canonical Psalms - (4Q380-81)
Lamentations - (4Q]179,4Q501)
Songs for the Holocaust of the Sabbath - (4Q400—407, 11Q17, Masada 1039-200)
Poetic Fragments on Jerusalem and ‘King’ Jonathan - (4Q448 )
Hymn of Glorification A and B - (4Q491, fr. 11—4Q471b)
C. Calendars, Liturgies and Prayers
Calendars of Priestly Courses - (4Q320-30, 337)
Calendrical Document C - (4Q326)
Calendrical Document D - (4Q394 1-2)
Calendric Signs (Otot) - (4Q319)
‘Horoscopes’ or Astrological Physiognomies - (4Q186, 4Q534, 4Q561)
Phases of the Moon - (4Q317)
A Zodiacal Calendar with a Brontologion - (4Q318)
Order of Divine Office - (4Q334)
The Words of the Heavenly Lights - (4Q504—6)
Liturgical Prayer - (1Q 34 and 34 bis)
Prayers for Festivals - (4Q 507-9)
Daily Prayers - (4Q 503)
Prayer or Hymn Celebrating the Morning and the Evening - (4Q 408)
Blessings - (1QSb=1Q28b)
Benedictions - (4Q 280, 286-90)
Confession Ritual - (4Q393)
Purification Ritual A - (4Q 512)
Purification Ritual B - (4Q 4]14)
A Liturgical Work - (4Q 392-3)
D. Historical and Apocalyptic Works
Apocalyptic Chronology or Apocryphal Weeks - (4Q 247)
Historical Text A - (4Q248)
Historical Texts C-E (formerly Mishmarot C) - 4Q331-3)
Historical Text F - (4Q468e)
The Triumph of Righteousness or Mysteries - (1Q27, 4Q299-3011)
Time of Righteousness - (4Q 215a)
The Renewed Earth - (4Q 475)
A Messianic Apocalypse - (4Q521)
E. Wisdom Literature
The Seductress - (4Q184)
Exhortation to Seek Wisdom - (4Q185)
A Parable of Warning - (4Q302)
Sapiential Didactic Work A - (4Q412)
A Sapiential Work (i) - (4Q413)
A Sapiential Work (ii) - (4Q415-18, 423, 1Q26)
A Sapiential Work (iii): Ways of Righteousness - (4Q420-21)
A Sapiential Work Instruction-like Composition - (4Q424)
The Two Ways - (4Q473)
Bless, My Soul - (Barki nafshi, 4Q434-438)
A Leader’s Lament - (4Q439)
Fight against Evil Spirits - (4Q444)
Songs of the Sage - (4Q510-11)
Beatitudes - (4Q525)
F. Bible Interpretation
Aramaic Bible Translations - (Targums)
The Targum of Job - (11Q10,4Q157)
The Targum of Leviticus
G. Biblically Based Apocryphal Works
Jubilees - (4Q216-28, 1Q17-18, 2Q19-20, 3Q5, 4Q482(?), 11Q12)
The Prayer of Enosh and Enoch - (4Q369)
The Book of Enoch - (4Q201-2, 204-12)
The Book of Giants - (1Q23-4, 2Q26, 4Q203, 530-33, 6Q8)
An Admonition Associated with the Flood - (4Q370, 4Q185)
The Ages of the Creation - (4Q180)
The Book of Noah - (1Q19, 1Q19 bis, 4Q534-6, 6Q8,19)
Words of the Archangel Michael - (4Q529, 6Q23)
The Testament of Levi (i) - (4Q213-114, 1Q21)
Testaments of the Patriarchs: the Testament of Levi or Testament of Jacob - ...
The Testament of Judah and Joseph - (4Q538-9)
The Testament of Naphtali - (4Q215)
Narrative and Poetic Composition (formerly ‘A Joseph Apocryphon’) - (4Q371-3)
The Testament of Qahat - (4Q542)
The Testament of Amram - (4Q543-9)
The Words of Moses - (1Q22)
Sermon on the Exodus and the Conquest of Canaan - (4Q374)
A Moses Apocryphon - (4Q375)
A Moses Apocryphon - (4Q376, 1Q29)
A Moses Apocryphon - (4Q408)
Apocryphal Pentateuch B (formerly ‘A Moses Apocryphon) - (4Q377)
A Moses (or David) Apocryphon - (4Q373, 2Q22)
Prophecy of Joshua - (4Q522, 5Q9)
A Joshua Apocryphon (i) or Psalms of Joshua - (4Q378—9)
A Joshua Apocryphon (ii) (Masada 1039—211)
The Samuel Apocryphon - (4Q160)
A Paraphrase on Kings - (4Q382)
An Elisha Apocryphon - (4Q481)
A Zedekiah Apocryphon - (4Q470)
A Historico-theological Narrative based on Genesis and Exodus - (4Q462—4)
Tobit - (4Q196—200
Apocryphon of Jeremiah - (4Q383, 385a, 387, 387a, 388a, 389—90)
The New Jerusalem - (4Q554-5, 5Q15, 1Q32, 2Q24, 4Q232, 11Q18)
Pseudo-Ezekiel - (4Q385, 386, 385b, 388, 385c)
The Prayer of Nabonidus - (4Q242)
Para-Danielic Writings - (4Q243-5)
The Four Kingdoms - (4Q552-3)
An Aramaic Apocalypse - (4Q246)
Proto-Esther (?) - (4Q550)
List of False Prophets - (4Q339)
List of Netinim - (4Q340)
H. Miscellanea
The Copper Scroll - (3Q15)
Cryptic Texts - (4Q249, 250, 313)
Two Qumran Ostraca
I. Appendix
Index of QumranTexts
Major Editions of Qumran Manuscripts
General Bibliography
General Index
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