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Imperial Library
Chapter One: You are not superman
Chapter Two: Murphy's Law . . . Murphy must have been a Marine
Chapter Three: When in doubt, empty the magazine
Chapter Four: Over the bounding main
Chapter Five: A slow race to combat
Chapter Six: Don't look conspicuous; it draws fire
Chapter Seven: How the 5th saved the life of General McArthur and helped sink a Japanese aircraft carrier
Chapter Eight: When you have secured an area, don't forget to tell the enemy
Chapter Nine: Anything you do can get you shot. . . including doing nothing
Chapter Ten: Important things are simple; It's the simple things that are hard
Chapter Eleven: Make it too tough for the enemy to get in, and you can't get out
Chapter Twelve: Teamwork is essential; . . . it gives them other people to shoot at
Chapter Thirteen: How to survive in spite of yourself
Chapter Fourteen: You will enjoy recreation, whether you like it or not
Chapter Fifteen: Professionals are predictable but the world is full of amateurs
Chapter Sixteen: Try to look unimportant; they may be low on ammo
Chapter Seventeen: Leaving Paradise
Chapter Eighteen: A band of brothers
Chapter Nineteen:" . . I am proud and feel honored to fight until death comes . . ." [Lt. Gen. Kurabayashi in a letter to his son Taro.]
Chapter Twenty: We have repulsed the enemy
Chapter Twenty-One: The Marines are coming . . .
Chapter Twenty-Two: "Four days? This will be like shooting ducks." "Oh, yeah? Well, these ducks will be shooting back." (overheard aboard LST 789)
Chapter Twenty-Three: Impossible to remember but impossible to forget
Chapter Twenty-Four: This is as bad as it can get, but don't bet on it
Chapter Twenty-Five: The careful application of terror is also a form of communication
Chapter Twenty-Six: There is absolutely no substitute for the lack of preparation
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Someone who thinks logically is a nice contrast to the real world
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Friends may come and friends may go, but enemies accumulate
Chapter Twenty-Nine: By the time you make both ends meet, they move the ends
Chapter Thirty: If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid
Chapter Thirty-One: If you are short of everything except the enemy, you are in combat
Chapter Thirty-Two: All five-second grenade fuses are really three seconds
Chapter Thirty-Three: Leaving the Japanese Alamo
Chapter Thirty-Four: The great adventure ends
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