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Front Matter
1. Introduction to Computational Thinking Education
Part I. Computational Thinking and Tool Development
2. Computational Thinking—More Than a Variant of Scientific Inquiry!
3. MIT App Inventor: Objectives, Design, and Development
Part II. Student Competency and Assessment
4. Measuring Secondary School Students’ Competence in Computational Thinking in ICILS 2018—Challenges, Concepts, and Potential Implications for School Systems Around the World
5. Computational Thinking Processes and Their Congruence with Problem-Solving and Information Processing
6. Combining Assessment Tools for a Comprehensive Evaluation of Computational Thinking Interventions
7. Introducing and Assessing Computational Thinking in the Secondary Science Classroom
8. Components and Methods of Evaluating Computational Thinking for Fostering Creative Problem-Solvers in Senior Primary School Education
Part III. Computational Thinking and Programming Education in K-12
9. Learning Composite and Prime Numbers Through Developing an App: An Example of Computational Thinking Development Through Primary Mathematics Learning
10. Teaching Computational Thinking Using Mathematics Gamification in Computer Science Game Tournaments
11. Mathematics Learning: Perceptions Toward the Design of a Website Based on a Fun Computational Thinking-Based Knowledge Management Framework
Part IV. Computational Thinking in K-12 STEM Education and Non-formal Learning
12. Defining and Assessing Students’ Computational Thinking in a Learning by Modeling Environment
13. Roles, Collaboration, and the Development of Computational Thinking in a Robotics Learning Environment
14. Video Games: A Potential Vehicle for Teaching Computational Thinking
15. Transforming the Quality of Workforce in the Textile and Apparel Industry Through Computational Thinking Education
Part V. Teacher and Mentor Development in K-12 Education
16. Teaching Computational Thinking with Electronic Textiles: Modeling Iterative Practices and Supporting Personal Projects in Exploring Computer Science
17. A Study of the Readiness of Implementing Computational Thinking in Compulsory Education in Taiwan
18. Self-development Through Service-Oriented Stress-Adaption-Growth (SOSAG) Process in the Engagement of Computational Thinking Co-teaching Education
Part VI. Computational Thinking in Educational Policy and Implementation
19. Educational Policy and Implementation of Computational Thinking and Programming: Case Study of Singapore
20. Teaching-Learning of Computational Thinking in K-12 Schools in India
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