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Imperial Library
Miscellanea Curiosa. Containing a COLLECTION OF Curious Travels, VOYAGES, AND Natural Histories OF COUNTRIES, As they have been Delivered in to the Royal Society. VOL. III.
A Journal of a Voyage from England to Constantinople, made in the Year, 1668. by T. Smith, D. D. and F. R. S.
Historical Observations relating to Constantinople. By the Reverend and Learned Tho. Smith, D. D. Fellow of Magd. Coll. Oxon. and of the Royal Society.
An account of the City of Prusa in Bythynia, and a continuation of the Historical Observations relating to Constantinople, by the Reverend and learned Thomas Smith D. D. fellow of Magd. Coll. Oxon. and of the Royal Society.
A Relation of a Voyage from Aleppo to Palmyra in Syria; sent by the Reverend Mr. William Hallifax to Dr. Edward Bernard (late) Savilian Professor of Astronomy in Oxford, and by him communicated to Dr. Thomas Smith. Reg. Soc. S.
An Extract of the Journals of two several Voyages of the English Merchants of the Factory of Aleppo, to Tadmor, anciently call'd Palmyra.
The first Voyage, Anno 1678.
The second Voyage, Anno 1691.
Some Account of the Ancient State of the City of Palmyra, with short Remarks upon the Inscriptions found there. By E. Halley.
A Voyage of the Emperour of China into the Eastern Tartary, Anno. 1682.
The Distances of the Places, thro' which we passed in the Eastern Tartary.
A Voyage of the Emperor of China, into the Western Tartary, in the Year, 1683.
An Explanation, necessary to justify the Geography supposed in these Letters.
Some Observations and Conjectures concerning the Chinese Characters. Made by R. H. R. S. S.
A Letter from F. A. Esq; R. S. S. to the Publisher, with a Paper of Mr. S. Flowers, containing the Exact Draughts of several unknown Characters, taken from the Ruins at Persepolis.
A Letter from Monsieur N. Witsen to Dr. Martin Lister, with two Draughts of the Famous Persepolis.
A Description of the Diamond-mines, as it was presented by the Right Honourable the Earl Marshal of England, to the R. Society.
A Letter from the East Indies, of Mr. John Marshal to Dr. Coga, giving an Account of the Religion, Rites, Notions, Customs, Manners of the Heathen Priests commonly called Bramines. Communicated by the Reverend Mr. Abraham de la Pryme.
Part of two Letters to the Publisher from Mr. James Cunningham, F.R.S. and Physician to the English at Chusan in China, giving an account of his Voyage thither, of the Island of Chusan, of the several sorts of Tea, of the Fishing, Agriculture of the Chinese, &c. with several Observations not hitherto taken notice of.
A Letter from Mr. John Clayton Rector of Crofton at Wakefield in Yorkshire, to the Royal Society, May 12. 1688. giving an Account of several Observables in Virginia, and in his Voyage thither, more particularly concerning the Air.
Of the AIR.
Mr. Clayton's second Letter, containing his farther Observations on Virginia.
Of the WATER.
A Continuation of Mr. John Clayton's Account of Virginia.
Of the Earth and Soil.
Mr. John Clayton, Rector of Crofton at Wakefield, his Letter to the Royal Society, giving a farther Account of the Soil, and other Observables of Virginia.
Of the BIRDS
A Continuation of Mr. Clayton's Account of Virginia.
Of the Beasts of Virginia.
Part of Two Letters from Mr. J. Hillier, dated Cape Corse, Jan. 3. 1687/8. and Apr. 25. 1688. Wrote to the Reverend Dr. Bathurst, President of Trinity Colledge, Oxon; giving an Account of the Customs of the Inhabitants, the Air, &c. of that Place, together with an Account of the Weather there from Nov. 24. 1686. to the same Day 1687.
An Account of the Weather at Cape Corse in Guiney, from Nov. 24. 1686. to the same Day, 1687.
Lat. N. 4d. 49m. Nov. 1686.
December, 1686.
January, 1686/7.
February, 1686/7.
March, 1686/7.
April, 1687.
May, 1687.
June, 1687.
July, 1687.
August, 1687.
September, 1687.
October, 1687.
November, 1687.
An Account of the Moorish Way of Dressing their Meat (with other Remarks) in West-Barbary, from Cape Spartel to Cape de Geer. By Mr. Jezreel Jones.
A Letter from Mr. John Monro to the Publisher, concerning the Catacombs of Rome and Naples.
An accurate Description of the Lake of Geneva, not long since made by a Person that had visited it divers times in the pleasantest season of the Year; and communicated to the Publisher by one of his Parisian Correspondents: English'd as followeth.
Part of a Journal kept from Scotland to New Caledonia in Darien, with a short Account of that Country. Communicated by Dr. Wallace, F. R. S.
A DISCOURSE tending to prove at what Time and Place, Julius Cesar made his first Descent upon Britain: Read before the Royal Society by E. Halley.
Books Printed for, and Sold by Jeffery Wale, at the Angel, in St. Paul's Church-Yard.
Books and Maps Sold by John Senex, next the Fleece-Tavern in Cornhil.
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