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Imperial Library
Title Page
Chapter I. Jewish Texts. Home and Synagogue
1. Qaddish
2. Qiddush for Sabbaths and Feasts
3. Birkat Ha-mazon
4. Passover Haggadah
5. Shemaʾ Yiśraʿel and Its Blessings
6. Shemoneh Esre (The Eighteen Blessings)
Chapter II. Subapostolic Texts
7. The Didache or The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles
8. Clement of Rome
8-A. Letter to the Corinthians
9. Ignatius of Antioch. Letters
9-A. To the Ephesians
9-B. To the Magnesians
9-C. To the Trallians
9-D. To the Philadelphians
9-E. To the Smyrnians
9-F. To Polycarp of Smyrna
9-G. To the Romans
10. Pastor Hermas
10-A. The “Shepherd” of Hermas
11. Odes of Solomon
11-A. Ode 4
11-B. Ode 27
12. Polycarp of Smyrna
12-A. Letter to the Philippians
13. Martyrdom of Polycarp
Chapter III. Second Century. West
14. Justin Martyr
14-A. Apology I
14-B. Dialogue with Trypho the Jew
15. Irenaeus of Lyons
15-A. Against (All) Heresies
15-B. Demonstration of the Apostolic Teaching
Chapter IV. Second Century. East
Asia Minor
16. Pliny the Younger and Trajan the Emperor
16-A. Letter from Pliny the Younger to Trajan the Emperor
16-B. Letter from Trajan to Pliny the Younger
17. Epistle of the Apostles
18. Acts of John
19. Acts of Paul
20. Acts of Peter
21. Melito of Sardis
21-A. Homily on the Passion
22. Aristides of Athens. Apology
23. Theophilus of Antioch
23-A. Discourse to Autolychus
24. Letter of Barnabas
Chapter V. Third Century. West
25. Minucius Felix
25-A. The Octavius
26. Tertullian
26-A. To the Gentiles
26-B. Apology
26-C. On the Shows
26-D. The Prescription of Heretics
26-E. On Baptism
26-F. On Prayer
26-G. To My Wife
26-H. On Penance
26-I. On the Dress of Women
26-J. Against Marcion
26-K. On the Resurrection of the Dead
26-L. On the Soul
26-M. On the Crown
26-N. On Idolatry
26-O. On Fasting
26-P. On Flight in Persecution
26-Q. Against Praxeas
26-R. On Modesty
27. Cyprian of Carthage
27-A. To Donatus
27-B. On the Lapsed
27-C. On the Lord’s Prayer
27-D. On Works and Almsgiving
27-E. Letters. 1; 5; 12; 15; 16; 17; 18; 20; 29; 30; 55; 57; 63; 64; 67; 69; 70; 71; 72; 73; 74; 75
28. Pseudo-Cyprian. To Novatian
29. Pseudo-Cyprian. On Rebaptism
30. Commodian.
30-A. Instructions against the Gods of the Pagans
31. Hippolytus of Rome
31-A. Apostolic Tradition
31-B. Commentary on Daniel
31-C. Refutation of All Heresies
32. Novatian
32-A. On the Shows
33. Inscriptions (West)
33-A. Inscription of Pectorius
33-B. Inscription in the Catacomb of Priscilla
Chapter VI. Third Century. East
Asia Minor
34. Letter to Diognetus
35. Gregory Thaumaturgus
35-A. Canonical Letter
36. Phos Hilaron
37. Inscriptions
37-A. Inscription of Abercius
38. Didascalia of the Apostles
39. Acts of Thomas
40. Confession of Cyprian
41. Philip Bardesane
41-A. Book of the Laws of Countries
42. Pseudo-Clement. Letter 2 to Virgins
43. Origen
43-A. Homilies
43-A-1. Homily 10 on Genesis
43-A-2. Homily 13 on Exodus
43-A-3. Homily 2 on Leviticus
43-A-4 . Homily 8 on Leviticus
43-A-5. Homily 15 on Leviticus
43-A-6. Homily 10 on Numbers
43-A-7. Homily 16 on Numbers
43-A-8. Homily 2 on Joshua
43-A-9. Homily 14 on Luke
43-B. Commentary on Romans
43-C. Against Celsus
43-D. On Prayer
44. Clement of Alexandria
44-A. The Tutor of Children (Paidagogos)
44-B. Carpets (Stromata)
44-C. Excerpts from Theodotus
45. Dionysius the Great of Alexandria
45-A. Letter to Bishop Basilides
46. Apostolic Church Order
47. Oxyrhynchus Hymn
Index to Volume One
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