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Front Matter
Part I. Fundamental Physics
1. Symmetries in the Standard Model
2. Going Beyond the Standard Model
3. Using “Enhanced Quantization” to Bound the Cosmological Constant, (for a Bound-on Graviton Mass), by Comparing Two Action Integrals (One Being from General Relativity) at the Start of Inflation
4. “Equat Causa Effectum”
5. (Non-)Uniqueness of Einstein–Palatini Gravity
6. Ballistic Transport in Nanowires
7. Gravitation by Condensation
8. Dark Matter Anomaly
9. Before the Big Bang
Part II. Physics Education Research
10. Innovation of Curriculum and Frontiers of Fundamental Physics in Secondary School: Research-Based Proposals
11. Physics Education Research and the Foundations of Physics: A Case Study from Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
12. Stem, Inquiry Practices and Technology in Physics Education
13. Designing Teaching Learning Sequences Based on Design-Based Research
14. IDIFO6 MQ_P: A Course for In-Service Secondary School Teachers Education on Modern Physics
15. Freshman Engineering’ Reasoning Strategies When Answering FCI Questions: A Case Study
16. Inquiry-Based Approach and Numerical Simulations: A Powerful Integration in Condensed Matter Physics Education
17. A View on High School Students’ Knowledge About Nanotechnology
18. Student Learning Paths from Exploration of Optical Diffraction with Online Sensors to Formal Interpretative Models
19. Research-Based Path Proposal on Optical Spectroscopy in Secondary School
20. A Combination of Historical Physics Documents and Other Teaching Tools for the Instruction of Prospective Teachers in Chaos and Complexity
21. Design, Construction and Use of a Quantitative Spectroscope for Science Dissemination
22. SPETTROGRAFO: A Digital Spectrometer for Educational Lab Activities
23. Time as Topic Transversal Perspective in Teacher Professional Development Carry Out in the Master in Science Education
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