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Imperial Library
Front Cover
Title Page
Copyright Page
1. The Realm: England and the World in 1314
2. The Iron King: France, the Reach, and the Curse of the Templars
3. The Lion of England: The Real Tywin Lannister
4. The First Men: Ancient Britain and Westeros
5. “You’re no son of mine”: Scotland and the She-Wolf
6. “We bow down before no man”: Greece, Sparta, and the Real Unsullied
7. Walls of Ice and Brick: Roman Inspirations
8. Beyond the Wall: Scottish History in Game of Thrones
9. The Old Gods and the New: Religion, Magic, and Monsters in Martin’s World and Ours
10. Winter is Coming: The Great Famine
11. The Seven: Church and Sept
12. Dornish Spain: Moorish Spain and Dorne
13. Silk Ribbons tied round the Sword: Sellswords, Rapers, and the Hundred Years War
14. The Seven Kingdoms: The Andals and the Angles
15. The Dance of Death: Greyscale, the Black Death, and Leprosy
16. “Cattle die, kindred die, we ourselves shall die.”: Viking Influences on Game of Thrones
17. The Brethren of the Cross: The Sept, the Church, Sparrows, Flagellants
18. The Drowned Town: Venice and Braavos
19. The Small Folk: The Jacquerie and the Peasants Revolt
20. Wildfire: Constantinople, the Greatest City That Was and Will Be
21. The Mad King: Madness and Fire
22. Fire and Blood: Conquerors, Castles, Bastards, and Dwarves
23. The Death of Kings: The Tragedy of Richard II
24. A Song of Heroic Deeds: Tournaments and Chivalry
25. The Curse of the Kingslayer: The House of Percy
26. “I have other Sons”: How England’s Forgotten Civil War inspired Game of Thrones
27. A Golden Crown: Henry V, Falstaff, and Robert Baratheon
28. “I am a Knight, I shall die a Knight”: William Marshal, the Sword of the Morning
29. The Witch: Joan of Arc—The Woman Who Stepped into the Fire
30. The Sword in the Darkness: The Knights Templars and the Night’s Watch
31. A Marriage of Fire and Milk: Henry VI and Margaret of Anjou
32. A Clash of Steel: Justice and Vengeance
33. The Stallion Who Mounts the World: Dothraki and Mongols
34. The Smell of Blood and Roses: York and Somerset
35. The Rock that bestrides the continents: The Rise of the Turks
36. The Kings in the North: The Percys and the Nevilles
37. The Sons of the First Men: The Tudors
38. The Black Dinner: The Real Red Wedding
39. The Young Wolf: York and Lancaster at the Bridge of Bodies
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