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Fifty Major Cities of the Bible
Acco: city with a view
Achziv: the city of cemeteries
'Ai (et-Tell): if et-Tell is “'Ai,” the conquest of Joshua isn’t
Aphek (Ras el-Ain): the city of palaces
Arad: from ancient Canaanite city to Judean “temple”
Aroer (in Judah): where did David really go?
Ashdod: home of the “Ashdoda”
Ashkelon: home of the Middle Bronze Age silver calf and a Persian dog cemetery
Azekah: where the fire went out
Beersheba: an Iron Age II Judean town “museum”
Bethel (Tell Beitin): no golden calf: yet
Bethlehem: was Jesus really born here?
BethSaida: from the lost and found department: an Iron Age city reappears
Beth-Shean: why is there a “cigar-shaped” coffin in this place?
Beth-Shemesh: of mice and (Philistine) men
Beth-Zur: a forgotten outpost of Judah?
Caesarea Maritima: Herod’s city by the sea
Caesarea Philippi (Banias): the magnificent palace of Agrippa II
Capernaum: of fishermen and gold coins
Chorazin: did the curse really work?
Damascus: a very old city where Paul almost got himself killed
Dan (Tel): Massebot and “high places”: the gods of Dan
Ekron/Tel Miqne: Philistine capital of the olive oil industry
Far'ah, Tell el- (North) – biblical Tirzah?: is there a wall of “separation”?
Far'ah, Tell el- (South): an important city, but probably not Sharuhen
Gath (Tell es-Safi): “tell it not in Gath”
Gezer: did Solomon build a city gate here?
Gibeah (Tell el-Ful?): concubines beware!
Gibeon (el-Jib): a huge water well and a deadly “game”
Halif, Tell (Rimmon?): where exactly are we?
Hazor: the mightiest Canaanite city of them all
Hebron: of myths and legends: who’s buried here?
Herodian Jericho: why did Herod the Great have to show off so much?
Heshbon (Tell Hesban): a “lover’s eyes”
Jericho (Tell es-Sultan): a big nail in the coffin of a “militaristic conquest”
Jerusalem: whatever happened to “David” and “Solomon”?
Jezreel (Tel): was Omri just boasting?
Lachish: at least the Assyrians were impressed
Megiddo: front-row seat for watching the end of the world
Mizpah (Tell en-Nasbeh?): what’s an “ebenezer”?
Nazareth: a peasant village: hometown of Jesus
Ramat Rachel (Beth-Haccherem): why prophets sometimes hated kings
Samaria: the pride of the Omrides
Shechem: what do all these trees and stones mean?
Shiloh: the place of priests
Ta'anach: home of the cultic prize
Tell Beit Mirsim: what’s in a name?
Tiberias: the jewel beside the Sea of Galilee
Timnah (Tel Batash): a lion, a wife, and a riddle
Yokne'am (Tell Qeimum): you don’t have to be famous to be important
Appendix A: the Philistines
Appendix B: a note on chronology
Appendix C: chronology for kings of Israel and Judah
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