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Title Page
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 About Econometrics
1.2 The Structure of this Book
1.3 Illustrations and Exercises
Chapter 2: An Introduction to Linear Regression
2.1 Ordinary Least Squares as an Algebraic Tool
2.2 The Linear Regression Model
2.3 Small Sample Properties of the OLS Estimator
2.4 Goodness-of-fit
2.5 Hypothesis Testing
2.6 Asymptotic Properties of the OLS Estimator
2.7 Illustration: The Capital Asset Pricing Model
2.8 Multicollinearity
2.9 Missing Data, Outliers and Influential Observations
2.10 Prediction
Chapter 3: Interpreting and Comparing Regression Models
3.1 Interpreting the Linear Model
3.2 Selecting the Set of Regressors
3.3 Misspecifying the Functional Form
3.4 Illustration: Explaining House Prices
3.5 Illustration: Predicting Stock Index Returns
3.6 Illustration: Explaining Individual Wages
Chapter 4: Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation
4.1 Consequences for the OLS Estimator
4.2 Deriving an Alternative Estimator
4.3 Heteroskedasticity
4.4 Testing for Heteroskedasticity
4.5 Illustration: Explaining Labour Demand
4.6 Autocorrelation
4.7 Testing for First-order Autocorrelation
4.8 Illustration: The Demand for Ice Cream
4.9 Alternative Autocorrelation Patterns
4.10 What to do When you Find Autocorrelation?
4.11 Illustration: Risk Premia in Foreign Exchange Markets
Chapter 5: Endogenous Regressors, Instrumental Variables and GMM
5.1 A Review of the Properties of the OLS Estimator
5.2 Cases Where the OLS Estimator Cannot be Saved
5.3 The Instrumental Variables Estimator
5.4 Illustration: Estimating the Returns to Schooling
5.5 The Generalized Instrumental Variables Estimator
5.6 The Generalized Method of Moments
5.7 Illustration: Estimating Intertemporal Asset Pricing Models
Chapter 6: Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Specification Tests
6.1 An Introduction to Maximum Likelihood
6.2 Specification Tests
6.3 Tests in the Normal Linear Regression Model
6.4 Quasi-maximum Likelihood and Moment Conditions Tests
Chapter 7: Models with Limited Dependent Variables
7.1 Binary Choice Models
7.2 Multiresponse Models
7.3 Models for Count Data
7.4 Tobit Models
7.5 Extensions of Tobit Models
7.6 Sample Selection Bias
7.7 Estimating Treatment Effects
7.8 Duration Models
Chapter 8: Univariate Time Series Models
8.1 Introduction
8.2 General ARMA Processes
8.3 Stationarity and Unit Roots
8.4 Testing for Unit Roots
8.5 Illustration: Long-run Purchasing Power Parity (Part 1)
8.6 Estimation of ARMA Models
8.7 Choosing a Model
8.8 Illustration: The Persistence of Inflation
8.9 Predicting with ARMA Models
8.10 Illustration: The Expectations Theory of the Term Structure
8.11 Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity
8.12 What about Multivariate Models?
Chapter 9: Multivariate Time Series Models
9.1 Dynamic Models with Stationary Variables
9.2 Models with Nonstationary Variables
9.3 Illustration: Long-run Purchasing Power Parity (Part 2)
9.4 Vector Autoregressive Models
9.5 Cointegration: the Multivariate Case
9.6 Illustration: Money Demand and Inflation
Chapter 10: Models Based on Panel Data
10.1 Introduction to Panel Data Modelling
10.2 The Static Linear Model
10.3 Illustration: Explaining Individual Wages
10.4 Dynamic Linear Models
10.5 Illustration: Explaining Capital Structure
10.6 Panel Time Series
10.7 Models with Limited Dependent Variables
10.8 Incomplete Panels and Selection Bias
10.9 Pseudo Panels and Repeated Cross-sections
Appendix A: Vectors and Matrices
A.1 Terminology
A.2 Matrix Manipulations
A.3 Properties of Matrices and Vectors
A.4 Inverse Matrices
A.5 Idempotent Matrices
A.6 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
A.7 Differentiation
A.8 Some Least Squares Manipulations
Appendix B: Statistical and Distribution Theory
B.1 Discrete Random Variables
B.2 Continuous Random Variables
B.3 Expectations and Moments
B.4 Multivariate Distributions
B.5 Conditional Distributions
B.6 The Normal Distribution
B.7 Related Distributions
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