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Imperial Library
Title Page
Realizing Modernism
What is Modernism?
Media High Profile
Keeping up with Fashion
Cultural Foundations of Modernism
What is the Difference between Modernism and Modernity?
Technologies of Time
Standard Time
Key Inventions of Modernity
The New Industrial Art
So … How does Modernism Fit into All This?
An Experimentalist Attitude
Simultaneous Futurism
Architecture: Functionalist Modernism
Giedion’s Bible
Sticking Things Together
Tatlin’s Tower
How do we Recognize a Modernist Work?
The End of the Past
Reading Picasso …
… and Reading Similarities
The Pleasure of the Text?
How do the Arts Relate to Each Other?
Multi-Artform Performances
A Spirit of Modernist Cooperation
Avant-garde Film-making
Towards Atonality and Abstraction
Is There a Modernist Theory in Relation to Practice?
Structural Linguistics
The Relation of Modernism to Philosophy
Science and Sociology
What About Marx, Nietzsche and …?
Cross-Currents of Influences
Literary Cross-overs
What is the Relation of Modernism to Primitivism?
Is Primitivism Ethnocentric?
Expressionist Primitivism
Primitivism in Literature
What is the Relation of Modernism to Psychoanalysis?
The Primitivism of Sigmund Freud
Freud’s Influence
How Did Freud “Filter Through”?
The Century’s Greatest Listener …
Psychoanalysis and Surrealism
The Birth of Surrealism by Manifesto
“The Impossible Dream”
The “Dream Factory”
What is the Role of the City in Modernism?
The Crowd
The Human River …
… and the Flâneur
The City as Narrative
Architects’ Utopia
Why Are Modernists So Often “Exiles”?
Modernist Nomads
Exile Into Language
What is the Role of Élites and Avant-gardes in Modernism?
Is Avant-gardism “Pure” Modernism?
The Cohesion of Avant-gardes
Picasso’s Alliances
What Politics Did the Modernists Espouse?
Reactionary Modernism?
Modernists on the Ultra-Right
The Political Errors of Modernism
Examples of Progressive Modernists
No One’s Perfect …
How Does Modernism Relate to Mass Culture?
Against Mass Culture
Understanding Mass Culture
Cultural Industries
The Impact of the First World War
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori
“And What For?”
What Would You Choose?
Crimes Against Humanity
Modernism Emigrates to America
Is America the Natural Home of Modernism?
The Great Crash and Recovery Programme
Modernism: the Un-American Activity
Entartete Kunst
Soviet Censorship
An Unholy Alliance
The Elite Defence of Modernism
Kitsch, High Culture and Abstract Expressionism
Hijacking Abstract Expressionism
Duchamp Descending a Staircase …
Pop Art or Neo-Dadaism?
The “End” of Modernism?
What is the Relation of Cinema to Modernism?
Against the Modernist Grain
European Art Cinema
Avant-garde Cinema: Surrealism
Expressionism in Films
Avant-garde Soviet Films
Reconsidering Hollywood
The New Wave
Breathless …
New Technologies = Postmodernism?
Has Modernism “Ended”?
Postmodern MoMA
Out of Babylon
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