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Imperial Library
Preface: A Personal Note
The Historical Setting
2 The Evolution of American Intelligence
3 America's Intelligence Requirements
4 The Task of Collection
5 Collection-Enter the Machine
6 Planning and Guidance
7 The Main Opponent-The Communist Intelligence Services
8 Counterintelligence
9 Volunteers
10 Confusing the Adversary
11 How Intelligence Is Put to Use
12 The Man on the job
13 Myths, Mishaps and Mischief-Makers
14 The Role of Intelligence in the Cold War
15 Security in a Free Society
16 The Intelligence Service and Our Freedoms
But in the craft of intelligence the East was ahead of the West in 400 ii.c. Rejecting the oracles a
The deposition goes on to tell how Alexander Bryan got away from Burgoyne's Army and reached the Ame
Japan and the preparation for the Potsdarn Conference of July, 1945. But on April 26 he had a chance
The necessity of procuring good Intelligence is apparent and need not be further urged. All that rem
Eloquent testimony to the value of scientific intelligence collection, which has proved its worth a
But this was not the end of the story. If the Nazis had learned that the submarine had not been scut
Stimson adopted as his guide in foreign policy a principle he always tried to follow in personal rel
brink of World War 1.4
special "Executive Action" section within the latter has the responsibility for planning such assass
Peter Deriabin, who came over to us in Vienna in 1954, relates in his book that he began his KGB car
The fact that the Soviets have no comeback when this is done is shown by an instance which came to l
Lucy ... held in his hands the threads which led hack to the three main commands in Germany, and als
major Soviet agents, Blake, Vassal] and the five members of the Lonsdale ring: Lonsdale himself, Hou
get into trouble with these powerful men. But this event merely reinforced the conviction I now had
In 1959, Soviet diplomat Aleksandr Kaznacheev defected in Burma, where he had been stationed in the
This was perhaps one of the best cases of deception utilizing a single move in recent intelligence h
Each time the National Security Council is about to consider a certain policy-let us say a policy ha
In the early postwar years there was a good deal of skepticism in the United States about the future
He did not think lCayporl had become a spy merely for the money; he was a man of modest tastes.... I
What Maugham shows us here is, of course, a fact that every good writer and psychologist knows, and
A fresh and abounding group of myths about the CIA, each more fantastic than its predecessor, has be
The Soviets cannot eliminate love and sex and greed from the scene. Since they use them as weapons t
And now conies the latest and most horrendous myth of them all-that CIA and its cohorts in intellige
I arrived first and awaited with some curiosity the arrival of this agent who had his lines so deep
The international Communist movement has become the most influential political force of our epoch...
I was able to find one American after another who seemed impelled-after a drink or two-to tell me th
information even when it had been made available to them by authorized government sources."222
... the President, the Vice President, and the Speaker of the House ... undertake to coordinate a co
ecessor as Secretary of State, William Jennings Bryan.4
I would not emulate all such security precautions of the Soviets, and we have no need to turn our em
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