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Our Three Guiding Principles
Part I: The Basic Design for Success: Responsiveness and Demandingness In a Powerful Blend
Chapter 1: What All Children Bring Into the World and What This Means About Parenting
Chapter 2: The Very Best Parenting Model Around— Authoritative Parenting
Chapter 3: Being a Loving and Responsive Parent— What is involved?
Chapter 4: Demandingness 101: Why and How Children Come to Accept our Rules.
Chapter 5: Demandingness 201: Getting Started
Chapter 6: Demandingness 301: Specific Discipline Tips and Strategies
Part II: The Idea of Preferences and the Measurement of Preferences
Chapter 7: Every Child is Unique
Part III: The Four Major Preference Pairs
Chapter 8: Buzz and Hum or Peace and Quiet: The Extraversion or Introversion Preference Pair
Chapter 9: Facts and Details or Ideas and Theories: The Sensing or Intuitive Preference Pair
Chapter 10: Mercy or Fairness in Decision Making: The Thinking or Feeling Preference Pair
Chapter 11: How You Structure Your Day, Week, Life: The Judging or Perceiving Preference Pair
Part IV: The Critically Important Temperaments
Chapter 12: Masters of the Moment— The Sensing and Perceiving Temperament Group (SPs)
Chapter 13: Keepers of the Flame— The Sensing and Judging Temperament Group— SJs
Chapter 14: Humanity’s Champions— The Intuitive and Feeling Temperament Group (NF)
Chapter 15: Passionate Achievers— The Intuitive and Thinking Temperament Group— NT
Part IV: Polishing the Basic Design— Integrating Responsiveness, Demandingness and Temperament
Chapter 16: Parent Preferences and Responsiveness
Chapter 17: Parent Preferences and Demandingness
Chapter 18: The SP (Sensing and Perceiving) Parent in Action Strengths, Weaknesses, Problems and Stretches
Chapter 19: The SJ (Sensing and Judging) Parent in Action Strengths, Weaknesses, Problems and Stretches
Chapter 20: The NF (Intuitive and Feeling) Parent in Action Strengths, Weaknesses, Problems and Stretches
Chapter 21: The NT (Intuitive and Thinking) Parent in Action Strengths, Weaknesses, Problems and Stretches
Chapter 22: What about Introversion/ Extraversion Effects on Parenting Style?
Chapter 23: Two Parents, Two Temperaments-- When Moms and Dads Disagree
Part VI: Adding Grace to Your Parenting Design— Working With Your Child’s Temperament
Chapter 24: Working With Your Introverted or Extraverted Child
Chapter 25: Working with your Sensing or Intuitive Child
Chapter 26: Working with Your Thinking or Feeling Child
Chapter 27: Working with your Judging or Perceiving Child
Conclusion: The Happy Family
About the Book, Authors, Websites
Endnotes and References
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