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Creating Mobile Apps with Sencha Touch 2
Table of Contents
Creating Mobile Apps with Sencha Touch 2
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1. A Simple Task List
A brief overview of Sencha Architect
The Toolbox
The help section
The design area
The Project Inspector area
The Config area
Getting started with the task list
Creating the data store
Adding a Model, Fields, and Field Types
Adding the model to the store
Making copies
Adding filters
Pay attention to the man behind the curtain
Architect versus coding by hand
Creating the views
Configuring the Tab Panel
Adding the lists and details
Setting up the templates
Testing with starter data
Adding the back button
Creating the forms
Add Task form
Editing and completing a task
Testing the application
Extra credit
2. A Feed Reader
The basic application
An overview of NavigationView
Adding the form
Back to the navigation view
Adding the controller
Getting the data from a remote source
Enter the JSONP proxy
Yahoo Query Language (YQL)
The YQL console
Meanwhile, back at the controller
The details dataview
And now, the CSS
3. Going Command Line
The basic application
Installing Sencha Cmd
Advantages of Sencha Cmd
Generating the application skeleton
Creating the TimeCop layout
Creating the theme
Creating the increment button
Creating the start button
Using native APIs with Ext.device
Testing and running native applications
Registering as a developer
Becoming an Apple developer
Provisioning an application
Meanwhile back in the code
Using the native notifications
Compiling the application
Setting up packager.json
Building native Android applications
Creating the Android signing certificate
Creating the Android configuration file
Compiling and launching the Android application
4. Weight Weight
Sencha Charts overview
The basic application
Setting up the application and building the form
Creating the data entry form
Creating the AddTag view
Creating the config form
Creating the DataEntry controller
Defining the models and stores
Meanwhile, back in the controllers
Getting started with Sencha Touch Charts
Creating the overview chart
Adding the axes
Creating the series
The interactions section
Creating the details view
Creating the goalChart view
Creating the word chart
5. On Deck: Using Sencha.io
The basic application
Creating the models and stores
Creating the views
Getting started with Sencha.io
The sign-up process
Downloading and installing the Sencha.io SDK
Registering your application and Auth group
Updating the application for Sencha.io
Updating the stores
Creating the controller
Overriding the Carousel component
Back in the controller
Deploying the application
6. Catalog Application and API
What is an API?
Using a remote API in Sencha Touch
Creating your own API
Receiving data
Communicating with the database
Sending data back to the application
More information on APIs
Building the basic application
Creating the item model
RewriteRule and .htaccess
The item store
Creating the category model and store
Testing the store and the model
Creating the XTemplates
The API and the database
The GET request
The POST request
The PUT request
The DELETE request
The rest of the API
7. The Decider: External APIs
Using an external API
The API key
API functions
External APIs and Sencha Touch
The basic application
Creating the categories list
Creating the contact controller
Integrating with Google Maps and Foursquare
Starting the mainView.js controller
Creating the confirmLocation view
Creating the Friends Chooser view
Creating the restaurant list, store, and details
Creating the restaurant store and model
Creating the details view
Finishing the main view controller
8. Evolver: Using Profiles
An overview of profiles
Profile basics
Using profiles
Creating the Evolver application
About WordPress
Using the plugin
Setting up the profiles and app.js
Setting up the models and stores
Creating the views
Creating the phone details view
Creating the tablet details view
The main views
Creating the phone main view
Creating the tablet main view
Creating the controllers
Conditional styling
Media queries
9. Workbook: Using the Camera
Designing the basic application
Creating the models and stores
The views
Creating the book views
Adding the book list to the main view
Starting the book controller
Creating the note views
Creating the controller
Getting started with images
Capturing an image
Storing the image
Displaying the image
Sending images
10. Game On
Building the basic board
Creating the square model
Exploring itemTpl
Creating the game controller
Understanding basic controller functions
The game board logic
Starting a turn
Checking the turn
Checking if a move is legal
Decorating the move
Clearing the move
Going beyond the finished game
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