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Imperial Library
Paradoxes and Problemes
The Contents
Bibliographical Note
1. A Defence of Womens Inconſtancy
2. That Women ought to paint
3. That by Diſcord things increaſe
4. That good is more common then evill
5. That all things kill themſelves
6. That it is poſsible to find ſome vertue in ſome Women
7. That Old men are more fantaſtike then Young
8. That Nature is our worſt Guide
9. That only Cowards dare dye
10. That a Wiſe Man is knowne by much laughing
11. That the gifts of the Body are better then thoſe of the Minde
12. That Virginity is a Vertue
1. Why have Baſtards beſt Fortune?
2. Why Puritanes make long Sermons?
3. Why did the Divel reſerve Jeſuites till theſe latter dayes
4. Why is there more variety of Green then of other Colours?
5. Why doe young Lay-men ſo much ſtudy Divinity
6. Why hath the common Opinion afforded Women Soules?
7. Why are the Faireſt, Falſeſt?
8. Why Venus-ſtar only doth caſt a ſhadow?
9. Why is Venus-ſtar multinominous, called both Heſperus and Veſper
10. Why are New Officers leaſt oppreſſing?
11. Why does the Poxe ſo much affect to undermine the Noſe?
12. Why die none for Love now?
13. Why do Women delight much in Feathers?
14. Why doth not Gold ſoyl the fingers?
15. Why do great men of all dependants, chuſe to preſerve their little Pimps?
16. Why are Courtiers ſooner Atheiſts then men of other conditions?
17. Why are ſtateſmen moſt incredulous?
18. Why was Sir Walter Raleigh thought the fitteſt Man, to write the Hiſtorie of theſe Times?
1. The Character of a Scot at the first ſight
2. The true Character of a Dunce
An Eſſay of Valour
Transcriber’s Note
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