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Section 1 – What Catholics Believe
Chapter 1: What Catholics Believe – Introduction
Chapter 2: What Catholics Believe – Sunday observance
Section 2: The sabbath
Chapter 3: What does the Old Testament say?
Chapter 4: What does the New Testament say?
Chapter 5: The sabbath in the Gospels
Chapter 6: Matt 5 – will the law never pass away?
Chapter 7: Matt 5 vs Heb 7 - who is right?
Chapter 8: A sabbath commandment in Revelation?
Chapter 9: It is finished – the law, the sabbath
Chapter 10: Mark 2/Matt 12/Luke 6 – was the sabbath made for all mankind to keep?
Chapter 11: Matt 24 – pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day?
Chapter 12: Luke 4 – did Jesus set an example of sabbath keeping for us?
Chapter 13: John 7 – circumcision on the sabbath
Chapter 14: Matt 28/Mark 16/Luke 24/John 20 – Easter weekend and the sabbath / first day
Chapter 15: Col 2:14-17 – does this refer to the 7th day sabbath?
Chapter 16: Col 2:16 – a weekly sabbath reference or not? Part 1
Chapter 17: Col 2:16 – a weekly sabbath reference or not? Part 2
Chapter 18: Rom 14:5-6 – do we need to keep the sabbath?
Chapter 19: Gal 4:10-11 – do we need to keep the sabbath?
Chapter 20: Hebrews 4 – what is the Christian sabbath?
Chapter 21: 1 Cor 16:2 – regular first day services?
Chapter 22: 1 Cor 16:2 – Adventists take up monetary offerings on the sabbath?
Chapter 23: Further analysis of 1 Corinthians 16 verses 1-2
Chapter 24: Acts 20:7 – a service on the first day of the week?
Chapter 25: Acts 1 – do Christians keep the sabbath in Acts?
Chapter 26: Acts 13 – do Christians keep the sabbath in Acts?
Chapter 27: Acts 15 – do Christians keep the sabbath in Acts?
Chapter 28: Acts 16 – do Christians keep the sabbath in Acts?
Chapter 29: Acts 17 – do Christians keep the sabbath in Acts?
Chapter 30: Acts 18 – do Christians keep the sabbath in Acts?
Chapter 31: Gen 2:2-3 – Did Adam keep the sabbath?
Chapter 32: Isaiah 66 – sabbath keeping in heaven?
Chapter 33: Isaiah 66 – from one sabbath to another
Chapter 34: Exod 31 / Deut 5 / Neh 9 / Ezek 20 – to whom was the sabbath given, as a sign of what?
Chapter 35: The sabbath first revealed to man
Chapter 36: The sabbath and the Old Covenant, part 1
Chapter 37: The sabbath and the Old Covenant, part 2
Chapter 38: The sabbath and the Old Covenant, part 3
Chapter 39: The 10 Commandments and the New Law in Catholic teaching
Chapter 40: Is the sabbath moral or ceremonial law?
Chapter 41: Rome's challenge to Adventists – prove what you say! aka Constantine, the Papacy, and the real origins of Sunday
Chapter 42: Pope Sylvester I – who changed the sabbath?
Chapter 43: More on Sunday and Pope Sylvester I
Chapter 44: Adventist misrepresentation of The Constitutions of the Holy Apostles
Chapter 45: Socrates and Sozomen on Christian observance of the sabbath
Chapter 46: Adventist misrepresentation of St Patrick
Chapter 47: Why Sunday is an improvement on the sabbath
Chapter 48: Remember the sabbath day – what does “remember” mean
Chapter 49: From sunset to sunset
Chapter 50: 10 Commandments, Pentecost, and the Holy Spirit
Chapter 51: St John Chrysostom on the sabbath
Chapter 52: Will Catholics persecute Adventists for sabbath keeping?
Chapter 53: The sabbath ended on a Thursday
Section 3: Prophecy
Chapter 54: Did the papacy really uproot the 3 horns of Daniel 7:8,24?
Chapter 55: A Catholic understanding of St John's Revelation
Chapter 56: Refuting an Adventist theory without providing a replacement theory
Section 4: Dietary laws
Chapter 57: Clean and unclean meat, part 1
Chapter 58: Clean and unclean meat, part 2
Chapter 59: Debate about Old Testament food laws – Stephen Korsman vs “Annie” Adventist
Chapter 60: Vegetarianism and Adventism
Chapter 61: Why a bishop may not drink grape juice
Section 5: The afterlife
Chapter 62: Soul sleep – are the dead alive in heaven, or not?
Chapter 63: And no man hath ascended up to heaven
Chapter 64: Paradise vs Heaven
Chapter 65: Ecclesiastes and the dead
Chapter 66: You will be with me in paradise today
Section 6: General articles on Adventism
Chapter 67: An example of how facts can be twisted to bear false witness
Chapter 68: Ellen White's inspiration on a par with the Bible
Chapter 69: Shame on you – Adventists, dishonesty, and the Catholic Church
Chapter 70: The original Adventists
Chapter 71: When did Adventism lose the truth?
Chapter 72: Adventism cannot be the true remnant church
Chapter 73: The Law of God vs the Law of Moses
Chapter 74: Ellen White and St Ambrose
Chapter 75: Albigensians, Waldensians, and Ellen White
Chapter 76: Adventist Review's indirect admission of Ellen White's errors regarding the Albigensians and Waldenses
Chapter 77: When was the Day of Atonement in 1844?
Chapter 78: The animal origins of non-white people
Chapter 79: Galatians 4: Adventists are Hagar, Christians are Sarah
Chapter 80: Does Adventism teach a deficient Gospel?
Section 7: The Bible
Chapter 81: Line upon line – interpreting the Bible
Chapter 82: How we know what the New Testament contains
Chapter 83: Whose truth is the real truth, and how can we know? ... or does Sola Scriptura work?
Section 8: Christian holy days
Chapter 84: Christian holy days - a gift to Jesus
Chapter 85: Christmas is Christian
Chapter 86: Is Easter Pagan?
Chapter 87: Is Easter Christian? A reply to Samuele Bacchiocchi
Chapter 88: Christian Halloween
Section 9: Guest posts on an Adventist blog
Chapter 89: God's visible grace
Chapter 90: Sacraments, or God reaching out through space and time
Section 10: General articles defending Catholic teaching
Chapter 91: The use of statues, pictures, and other icons in worship
Chapter 92: Vicarius Filii Dei and 666
Chapter 93: Does the pope claim to be God on earth?
Chapter 94: Simon the stone, Peter the rock
Chapter 95: Did Catholics change the Bible?
Chapter 96: Baptism by immersion only?
Chapter 97: Halos – pagan or biblical?
Chapter 98: Call no man father
Chapter 99: Call no man Father? Tell Ellen White!
Chapter 100: What is purgatory?
Chapter 101: A simple explanation of justification
Chapter 102: Pope Francis – Jesus' failure on the cross?
Chapter 103: Why I remain Catholic
Section 11: The Virgin Mary
Chapter 104: What Catholics Believe – Mary, the Virgin Mother of God
Chapter 105: Mary, Mother of God
Chapter 106: More on the Mother of God
Chapter 107: Mary's children
Chapter 108: Jesus' brothers and sisters
Chapter 109: Was Jesus the son of Mary?
Chapter 110: Mary, the Ark of the New Covenant
Chapter 111: You are Theotokos, we are theotokoi
The end
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