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Imperial Library
Millennia of War
Portraying War in Art
The Artists of War
The Art of Modern Warfare
Dark to Middle Ages
Early Modern Age and Wars for European Dominance
The Napoleonic Wars
Other Conflicts in the 19th Century
The World Wars
Mythological Battles
The Trojan War
Battle of the Amazons
The Rape of the Sabine Women
Antiquity to Christianisation of the Roman Empire
The Victory Stele of Naram-Sin of Akkad
Battle of Kadesh
Battle of Marathon
Battle of Thermopylae
Battle of Mantinea
The Campaigns of Alexander the Great
Battle of the Granicus River
Battle of Issus
Battle of Arbela (Battle of Gaugamela)
Battle of Heraclea
Battle of Cannae
Battle of Zama
Siege and Fall of Carthage
Battle of Alesia
Battle of Teutoburg Forest
Battle of Milvian Bridge
Dark and Middle Ages
Battle of Tolbiac
Battle of Tours
Battle of Roncevaux Pass
Siege of Paris
Battle of Hastings
The Crusades
Siege of Jerusalem
Battle of Hattin
Sieges of Zara and Constantinople
Heiji Rebellion
Battle of Ichi-no-Tani
Battle of Bouvines
Battle of Taillebourg
Battle of Lake Peipus (Battle of the Ice)
Battle of Ain Jalut
Battle of Bannockburn
Battle of Cassel
Battle of Crécy
Battle of Agincourt
Siege of Orléans
Battle of San Romano
Battle of Anghiari
Siege and Fall of Constantinople
Battle of Castillon
Early Modern Age to Wars for European Dominance
Battle of Nancy
Battle of Fornovo
Battle of Garigliano
Siege of Kufstein
Battle of Marignano
Siege and Fall of Tenochtitlan
Battle of Pavia
Battle of Kawanakajima
St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre
Battle of Arques
Siege of Breda
Battle of Nördlingen
Battle of Lens
Battle of the Dunes (Battle of Dunkirk)
Battle of Tournai
Storming of Valenciennes
Battle of Vienna
Battle of Leuze
Battle of Poltava
Battle of Denain
Battle of Fontenoy
Battle of Lauffeld
Battle of Bunker Hill
Battles of Saratoga
Siege of Yorktown
Battle of Valmy
Battle of Fleurus
The Napoleonic Wars
Battle of Arcole
Battle of Rivoli
Alexander Suvorov’s Italian and Swiss Campaign
Battle of the Pyramids
Battle of Aboukir
Battle of Hohenlinden
Battle of Friedland
The Third of May 1808
Battle of Wagram
Battle of Borodino
Battle of Leipzig
Battle of Waterloo
Conflicts of the 19th Century
Third Siege of Missolonghi
Battle of the Alamo
Battle of the Smala
Battle of Montebello
Battle of Balaclava
Battle of Solferino
Battle of Gettysburg
Siege of Vicksburg
Battle of Atlanta
Battle of Sadowa (Battle of Königgrätz)
Battle of Gravelotte
Battle of Little Big Horn
Battle of Omdurman
Boxer Rebellion
Russo-Japanese War
The World Wars
First World War
The Second World War
War and Abstraction
Knight, Death, and the Devil
Battle of Cascina
The Charge of the Lancers
The Bombing of Guernica
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