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Preface to the Fourth Edition
General Introduction: What Is Moral Philosophy?
I. What Is Morally Right Conduct? Introduction: Plato’s Moral Philosophy
1. Plato: What Is Right Conduct?
II. Moral Relativism vs. Moral Objectivism Introduction
2. Herodotus: Custom Is King
3. Thomas Aquinas: Natural Law
4. Ruth Benedict: Cultural Relativism
5. Louis P. Pojman: A Defense of Ethical Objectivism
6. Gilbert Harman: A Defense of Ethical Relativism
III. Ethics and Egoism Introduction
7. Plato: Why Should I Be Moral?
8. Thomas Hobbes: Egoism as the Beginning of Morality
9. Ayn Rand: A Defense of Ethical Egoism
10. James Rachels: A Critique of Ethical Egoism
11. Howard Kahane: Sociobiology, Egoism, and Reciprocity
IV. Value: What Is the Good? Introduction
12. Plato: The Good and the Allegory of the Cave
13. Jeremy Bentham: Classical Hedonism
14. Friedrich Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil
15. G. E. Moore: The Good Is Not Natural
16. Robert Nozick: The Experience Machine
17. W. D. Ross: Value Pluralism
18. Derek Parfit: What Makes Someone’s Life Go Best?
V. Utilitarian Ethics Introduction
19. John Stuart Mill: Utilitarianism
20. John Hospers: Rule-Utilitarianism
21. Bernard Williams: A Critique of Utilitarianism
22. Sterling Harwood: Eleven Objections to Utilitarianism
23. Brad Hooker: Ideal Code Utilitarianism
VI. Deontological Ethics Introduction
24. Immanuel Kant: The Foundations of Ethics
25. Melissa Bergeron and Peter Tramel: Rightness as Fairness: Kant’s Categorical Imperative
26. W. D. Ross: What Makes Right Acts Right?
27. William Frankena: A Reconciliation of Ethical Theories
28. T. M. Scanlon: A Contractarian Ethics
VII. Virtue Ethics Introduction
29. Aristotle: Virtue Ethics
30. Bernard Mayo: Virtue and the Moral Life
31. William Frankena: A Critique of Virtue-Based Ethics
32. Alasdair MacIntyre: The Nature of the Virtues
33. Jonathan Bennett: The Conscience of Huckleberry Finn
34. Rosalind Hursthouse: Virtue and Emotion
VIII. Morality and Religion Introduction
35. Plato: The Euthyphro Problem
36. Bertrand Russell: A Free Man’s Worship
37. James Rachels: God and Morality Are Incompatible
38. C. Stephen Layman: God and the Moral Order
39. Peter Byrne: God and the Moral Order: A Reply to Layman
IX. Applied Ethics Introduction
40. Judith Jarvis Thompson: The Trolley Problem
41. Peter Singer: Famine, Affluence, and Morality
42. Onora O’Neill: Kantian Ethics and World Hunger
43. John T. Noonan Jr.: Abortion Is Morally Wrong
44. Mary Anne Warren: The Personhood Argument in Favor of Abortion Rights
45. John Rawls: Fifty Years after Hiroshima
46. Michael Walzer: Supreme Emergency
47. Thomas Nagel: War and Massacre
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