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Contents at a Glance
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Chapter 1: Using a Java Client with MongoDB
Setting Up the Environment
Creating a Maven Project
Creating a BSON Document
Using a Model to Create a BSON Document
Getting Data from MongoDB
Updating Data in MongoDB
Deleting Data in MongoDB
Chapter 2: Using the Mongo Shell
Getting Started
Setting Up the Environment
Starting the Mongo Shell
Running a Command or Method in Mongo Shell
Using Databases
Getting Databases Information
Creating a Database Instance
Dropping a Database
Using Collections
Creating a Collection
Dropping a Collection
Using Documents
Adding a Document
Adding a Batch of Documents
Saving a Document
Updating a Document
Updating Multiple Documents
Finding One Document
Finding All Documents
Finding Selected Fields
Using the Cursor
Finding and Modifying a Document
Removing a Document
Chapter 3: Using MongoDB with PHP
Getting Started
Overview of the PHP MongoDB Database Driver
Setting Up the Environment
Installing PHP
Installing PHP Driver for MongoDB
Creating a Connection
Getting Database Info
Using Collections
Getting a Collection
Dropping a Collection
Using Documents
Adding a Document
Adding Multiple Documents
Adding a Batch of Documents
Finding a Single Document
Finding All Documents
Finding a Subset of Fields and Documents
Updating a Document
Updating Multiple Documents
Saving a Document
Removing a Document
Chapter 4: Using MongoDB with Ruby
Getting Started
Overview of the Ruby Driver for MongoDB
Setting Up the Environment
Installing Ruby
Installing DevKit
Installing Ruby Driver for MongoDB
Using a Collection
Creating a Connection with MongoDB
Connecting to a Database
Creating a Collection
Using Documents
Adding a Document
Adding Multiple Documents
Finding a Single Document
Finding Multiple Documents
Updating Documents
Deleting Documents
Performing Bulk Operations
Chapter 5: Using MongoDB with Node.js
Getting Started
Overview of Node.js Driver for MongoDB
Setting Up the Environment
Installing MongoDB Server
Installing Node.js
Installing the Node.js Driver for MongoDB
Using a Connection
Creating a MongoDB Connection
Using the Database
Using a Collection
Using Documents
Adding a Single Document
Adding Multiple Documents
Finding a Single Document
Finding All Documents
Finding a Subset of Documents
Using the Cursor
Finding and Modifying a Single Document
Finding and Removing a Single Document
Replacing a Single Document
Updating a Single Document
Updating Multiple Documents
Removing a Single Document
Removing Multiple Documents
Performing Bulk Write Operations
Chapter 6: Migrating an Apache Cassandra Table to MongoDB
Setting Up the Environment
Creating a Maven Project in Eclipse
Creating a Document in Apache Cassandra
Migrating the Cassandra Table to MongoDB
Chapter 7: Migrating Couchbase to MongoDB
Setting Up the Environment
Creating a Maven Project
Creating Java Classes
Configuring the Maven Project
Adding Documents to Couchbase
Creating a Couchbase View
Migrating Couchbase Documents to MongoDB
Chapter 8: Migrating Oracle Database
Overview of the mongoimport Tool
Setting Up the Environment
Creating an Oracle Database Table
Exporting an Oracle Database Table to a CSV File
Importing Data from a CSV File to MongoDB
Displaying the JSON Data in MongoDB
Chapter 9: Using Kundera with MongoDB
Setting Up the Environment
Creating a MongoDB Collection
Creating a Maven Project in Eclipse
Creating a JPA Entity Class
Configuring JPA in the persistence.xml Configuration File
Creating a JPA Client Class
Running CRUD Operations
Creating a Catalog
Finding a Catalog Entry Using the Entity Class
Finding a Catalog Entry Using a JPA Query
Updating a Catalog Entry
Deleting a Catalog Entry
The Kundera-Mongo JPA Client Class
Installing the Maven Project
Running the Kundera-Mongo JPA Client Class
Invoking the KunderaClient Methods
Chapter 10: Using Spring Data with MongoDB
Setting Up the Environment
Creating a Maven Project
Installing Spring Data MongoDB
Configuring JavaConfig
Creating a Model
Using Spring Data MongoDB with Template
Creating a MongoDB Collection
Creating Document Instances
Adding a Document
Adding a Document Batch
Finding a Document by Id
Finding One Document
Finding All Documents
Finding Documents Using a Query
Updating the First Document
Update Multiple Documents
Removing Documents
Using Spring Data with MongoDB
Getting Document Count
Finding Entities from Repository
Saving Entities
Deleting Entities
Deleting a Document By Id
Deleting All Documents
Chapter 11: Creating an Apache Hive Table with MongoDB
Overview of Hive Storage Handler for MongoDB
Setting Up the Environment
Creating a MongoDB Data Store
Creating an External Table in Hive
Chapter 12: Integrating MongoDB with Oracle Database in Oracle Data Integrator
Setting Up the Environment
Creating the Physical Architecture
Creating the Logical Architecture
Creating the Data Models
Creating the Integration Project
Creating the Integration Interface
Running the Interface
Selecting Integrated Data in Oracle Database Table
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