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Title Page
Chapter I: The Word of the Lord
A Catholic Understanding of the Bible
Scripture and Tradition
Sacred Scripture in the Life of the Church
Chapter II: The Church’s Scriptures
How to Study Scripture
Old Testament Themes
The Kingdom of God (CCC 541–56)
The Messiah (CCC 436–40)
The Gospels (CCC 125–27)
The Jesus of the Gospels
The Goal of the Gospels
Life in the Early Church
The Acts of the Apostles
The Pauline Letters
The Catholic Epistles and Revelation
The Scriptures in the Church
Chapter III: A Biblical Theology of the Mass
The Jewish Roots of the Liturgy
The Eucharistic Meal
The Eucharistic Sacrifice (CCC 1365–72)
Eucharistic Communion
Ritual Elements of the Mass
The Liturgical Cycle
Concluding Thoughts
Chapter IV: Mass Prayers; Biblical Prayers
The Order of Mass
Introductory Rites
Penitential Rite
Profession of Faith
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Preparation of the Altar and Gifts (CCC 1350)
Eucharistic Prayer (CCC 1352–54)
Preface Acclamation
Eucharistic Prayer I
Eucharistic Prayer II
Eucharistic Prayer III
Eucharistic Prayer IV
Communion Rite
Lord’s Prayer (CCC 2777–854)
Breaking of the Bread
Chapter V: “What about …?”
1. Why Do Catholics Place the Church above the Bible?
2. Didn’t the Catholic Church for Centuries—Particularly before the Protestant Reformation—Try to Keep the Bible from the People?
3. Why Weren’t Catholics Allowed to Read the Bible Even in the Years Just prior to Vatican Council II?
4. Why Are Catholics Ignorant of Scripture?
5. Why Don’t Catholics Hear about Scripture in the Mass and in Their Schools?
6. Why Do Catholics Seem More Interested in the Teachings of Philosophers Such as Saint Thomas Aquinas than in the Direct Message of the Bible Itself?
7. What Are the Differences between the Catholic and Protestant Bibles, and Why?
8. What Do Catholics Have against the King James Bible?
9. How Can a Teaching like the Assumption of Mary Be Required for Belief When It Is Nowhere Mentioned in Scripture?
10. For Whom Was the Bible Written?
11. Does the Bible Contradict Itself?
12. What Did Jesus Mean When He Said Everyone Must Be “Born Again”? Can “Born-Again” People Sin and Lose out on Heaven?
13. What Does It Mean to “Have a Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ”?
14. What Kind of an Answer Is Appropriate to Give to an Assemblies of God Member Who Says “Organized Religion” Is Unnecessary and contrary to the Bible?
15. What Does the Church Teach about the Book of Revelation? Does that Book Teach that the Pope Is the Anti-christ and that Catholics Bear the Mark of the Beast?
16. Should Catholics Attend Non-catholic Bible Study Programs?
17. How Do I Handle Seventh-Day Adventists, Assemblies of God People, or Jehovah’s Witnesses Who Come to My Door Proselytizing?
18. Why Do Catholics Pray to the Saints, When the Bible Tells Us Jesus Is the Sole Mediator between God and Man?
Appendix A: Catholic Biblical Resources
1. Associations
2. Periodicals
3. Reference Works
4. Introductory Works
5. Audio-Visual Aids
Appendix B: Seven Principles Essential to Fundamentalism
1. Regarding the Nature of Man
2. Regarding the Nature of Grace
3. Regarding the Nature of Salvation
4. Regarding the Nature of the Church
5. Regarding the Nature of the Priesthood
6. Regarding the Nature of Revelation
7. Regarding the Nature of Scripture
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