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Table of Contents
1 Overview and Muscles
1.1 The Neck: General Aspects
1.2 Overview and Superficial Neck Muscles
1.3 Suprahyoid and Infrahyoid Muscles
1.4 Prevertebral and Lateral (Deep) Neck Muscles
2 Neurovascular Structures
2.1 Arteries
2.2 Veins
2.3 Lymphatic System
2.4 Overview of the Nervous System in the Neck and the Distribution of Spinal Nerve Branches
2.5 Cranial Nerves and Autonomic Nervous System in the Neck
3 Cervical Viscera
3.1 Embryology
3.2 Thyroid Gland (Glandula thyroidea) and Parathyroid Glands (Glandulae parathyroideae)
3.3 Larynx: Location, Shape, and Laryngeal Cartilages
3.4 Internal Features and Neurovascular Structures
3.5 Muscles
3.6 Topographical and Clinical Anatomy
3.7 Pharynx: Muscles
3.8 Surface Anatomy of the Mucosa and Its Connections with the Skull
3.9 Topographical Anatomy and Innervation
3.10 Neurovascular Structures in the Parapharyngeal Space (Spatium Peripharyngeum)
3.11 The Parapharyngeal Space (Spatium Peripharyngeum) and Its Clinical Significance
4 Topographical Anatomy
4.1 Surface Anatomy and Triangles of the Neck
4.2 Posterior Cervical Triangle
4.3 Anterior Cervical Triangle
4.4 Deep Lateral Cervical Region, Carotid Triangle, and Thoracic Inlet
4.5 Posterior Cervical and Occipital Regions
4.6 Cross-sectional Anatomy of the Neck from the TI/TII to CVI/CVII Levels
4.7 Cross-sectional Anatomy at the Level of the CV/CVI Vertebral Bodies
5 Spaces
5.1 Overview of the Thoracic Skeleton and its Landmarks
5.2 Divisions of the Thoracic Cavity and Mediastinum
5.3 Overview of the Mediastinum
5.4 Contents of the Mediastinum
5.5 Pericardium
5.6 Pleural Cavity (Cavitas pleuralis)
6 Organs
6.1 Esophagus (Oesophagus): Location, Divisions, and Special Features
6.2 Location and Wall Structure
6.3 Inlet and Outlet, Opening and Closure
6.4 Trachea: Thoracic Location and Relations
6.5 Lung (Pulmo): Thoracic Location and Relations
6.6 Shape and Structure
6.7 Trachea and Bronchial Tree (Arbor Bronchialis): Shape and Structure
6.8 Lung (Pulmo): Segmentation
6.9 Functional Structure of the Bronchial Tree
6.10 Functional Structure of the Vascular Tree
6.11 Diaphragm (Diaphragma)
6.12 Respiratory Mechanics
6.13 Prenatal and Postnatal Circulation
6.14 Heart (Cor): Anterior View
6.15 Lateral and Superior Views
6.16 Shape and Structure
6.17 Muscular Structure (Myocardium)
6.18 Atria and Ventricles
6.19 Overview of the Cardiac Valves (Valvae Cordis); the Atrioventricular Valves
6.20 Semilunar Valves and Sites for Auscultating the Cardiac Valves
6.21 Impulse Formation and Conduction System
6.22 Mechanical Action of the Heart
7 Blood Vessels
7.1 Thoracic Aorta
7.2 Vena Cava and Azygos System
7.3 Arteries and Veins of the Esophagus
7.4 Pulmonary Arteries and Veins (Aa. and Vv. Pulmonales)
7.5 Bronchial and Diaphragmatic Arteries and Veins (Rr. and Vv. Bronchiales)
7.6 Coronary Vessels (Aa. Coronariae and Vv. Cardiacae): Topography
7.7 Coronary Vessels: Distribution of the Coronary Arteries (Aa. Coronariae)
8 Lymphatic System
8.1 Overview of Thoracic Lymphatic Trunks and Pathways
8.2 Overview of the Lymph Nodes
8.3 The Thymus
8.4 Lymphatic Drainage of the Esophagus
8.5 Lymphatic Drainage of the Trachea, Bronchial Tree, and Lungs
8.6 Lymphatic Drainage of the Diaphragm, Heart, and Pericardium
9 Nervous System
9.1 Overview of Thoracic Innervation
9.2 Innervation of the Esophagus, Trachea, and Bronchial Tree
9.3 Innervation of the Heart
9.4 Innervation of the Pericardium and Diaphragm
Abdomen and Pelvis
10 Spaces
10.1 Location of the Abdominal and Pelvic Organs and Their Projection onto the Trunk Wall
10.2 Divisions of the Abdominal and Pelvic Cavities
10.3 Peritoneal Relationships in the Abdomen and Pelvis: Overview and Anterior Abdominal Wall
10.4 Peritoneal Cavity: Dissections to Display the Abdominal Viscera
10.5 Mesenteries and Drainage Spaces
10.6 Peritoneal Relationships and Recesses on the Posterior Abdominal Wall
10.7 The Retroperitoneum (Spatium Retroperitoneale) and its Contents
10.8 Omental Brusa (Brusa Omentalis)
10.9 Transverse Sections through the Abdomen
10.10 Peritoneal Relationships and Pelvic Spaces: Comparison of Coronal and Parasagittal Sections in the Male and Female
10.11 Comparison of Midsagittal Sections in the Male and Female
10.12 Peritoneal Relationships and Spaces in the Male Pelvis
10.13 Peritoneal Relationships and Spaces in the Female Pelvis
10.14 Location and Attachments of the Pelvic Organs: Comparison of Transverse Sections in the Male and Female
11 Organs
11.1 Embryonic Development of the Gastrointestinal Tract: Formation and Migration of Organs
11.2 Rotation of the Primary Intestinal loop
11.3 Stomach (Gaster): Location, Peritoneal Relationships, and Relationship to Adjacent Organs
11.4 Shape and Interior
11.5 Wall Structure and Histology
11.6 Small Intestine (Intestinum Tenue): Duodenum
11.7 Jejunum and Ileum
11.8 Large Intestine (Intestinum Crassum): Colon Segments
11.9 Wall Structure, Cecum, and Vermiform Appendix
11.10 Location and Shape of the Rectum
11.11 Wall Structure of the Rectum and Mechanism of Defecation
11.12 Innervation of the Rectum and Continence Mechanisms
11.13 Radiography of the Small and Large Intestine
11.14 Liver (Hepar): Position and Relationship to Adjacent Organs
11.15 Peritoneal Relationships and Shape
11.16 Segmentation and Histology
11.17 Gallbladder (Vesica Biliaris) and Bile Ducts: Location and Relationship to Adjacent Organs
11.18 Gallbladder (Vesica Biliaris) and Extrahepatic Bile Ducts: Structure and Sphincter System
11.19 Pancreas: Location and Relationship to Adjacent Organs
11.20 Ductal Anatomy and Histology
11.21 Spleen (Splen, Lien)
11.22 Suprarenal Glands (Glanaulae suprarenales)
11.23 Overview of the Urinary Organs
11.24 Kidneys (Renes): Topographical Anatomy
11.25 Fasciae and Capsules; Shape and Structure
11.26 Architecture and Microstructure
11.27 Renal Pelvis and Urinary Transport
11.28 Ureters and Bladder (Vesica Urinaria) in the Male: Topographical Anatomy
11.29 Ureters and Bladder (Vesica Urinaria) in the Female: Topographical Anatomy
11.30 Bladder (Vesica Urinaria) and Urethra: Wall Structure and Function
11.31 Urethra: Location and Structure
11.32 Overview of the Genital Tract
11.33 Embryology of the Genital Organs
11.34 Female Internal Genitalia: Overview
11.35 Topographical Anatomy and Peritoneal Relationships; Shape and Structure
11.36 Wall Structure and Function
11.37 Vagina, Uterine Positions
11.38 Ovary (Ovarium) and Follicular Maturation
11.39 Pregnancy and Childbirth
11.40 Male Genitalia: Accessory Sex Glands
11.41 Scrotum, Testis, and Epididymis
11.42 Seminiferous Structures and Ejaculate
12 Blood Vessels
12.1 Arteries of the Abdomen and Pelvis
12.2 Branches of the Celiac Trunk (Truncus Coeliacus): Arteries Supplying the Stomach, Liver and Gallbladder
12.3 Arteries Supplying the Pancreas, Duodenum, and Spleen
12.4 Branches of the Superior Mesenteric Artery: Arteries Supplying the Pancreas, Small Intestine, and Large Intestine
12.5 Branches of the Inferior Mesenteric Artery: Arteries Supplying the Large Intestine
12.6 Tributaries of the Inferior Vena Cava (V. Cava Inferior)
12.7 Tributaries of the Portal Vein (V. Portae Hepatis)
12.8 Portal Vein: Venous Drainage of the Stomach, Duodenum, Pancreas, and Spleen
12.9 Superior and Inferior Mesenteric Vein: Venous Drainage of the Small and Large Intestine
12.10 Arteries and Veins of the Kidneys and Suprarenal Glands: Overview
12.11 Topographical Anatomy and Variants
12.12 Divisions and Topographical Anatomy of the Internal Iliac Artery (A. Iliaca Interna)
12.13 Arteries and Veins of the Pelvic Organs
12.14 Arteries and Veins of the Rectum
12.15 Arteries and Veins of the Female Genitalia and Urinary Organs
12.16 Venous Anastomoses in the Abdomen and Pelvis
13 Lymphatic System
13.1 Overview of Lymphatic Trunks and Lymph Node Groups in the Abdomen and Pelvis
13.2 Overview of the Lymphatic Drainage of Abdominal and Pelvic Organs
13.3 Lymphatic Drainage of the Stomach, Spleen, Pancreas, Duodenum, and Liver
13.4 Lymphatic Drainage of the Small and Large Intestine
13.5 Lymphatic Drainage of the Kidneys, Suprarenal Glands, Ureter, and Bladder
13.6 Lymphatic Drainage of the Male and Female Genitalia
14 Autonomic Nervous System
14.1 Organization of the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems
14.2 Autonomic Ganglia and Plexuses
14.3 Autonomic Innervation of the Liver, Gallbladder, Stomach, Duodenum, Pancreas, and Spleen
14.4 Autonomic Innervation of the Intestine: Distribution of the Superior Mesenteric Plexus
14.5 Distribution of the Inferior Mesenteric Plexus and Inferior Hypogastric Plexus
14.6 Autonomic Innervation of the Urinary Organs and Suprarenal Glands (Glandulae Suprarenales)
14.7 Autonomic Innervation of the Male Genitalia
14.8 Autonomic Innervation of the Female Genitalia
Neurovascular Supply to the Organs
15 Neurovascular Supply to the Organs
15.1 Thymus
15.2 Larynx
15.3 Thyroid Gland (Glandula Thyroidea)
15.4 Pharynx
15.5 Esophagus (Oesophagus)
15.6 Heart (Cor)
15.7 Pericardum
15.8 Lung (Pulma) and Trachea
15.9 Diaphragm (Diaphragma)
15.10 Liver (Hepar), Gallbladder (Vesica Biliaris), and Spleen (Splen)
15.11 Stomach (Gaster)
15.12 Duodenum und Pancreas
15.13 Jejunum und Ileum
15.14 Cecum, Vermiform Appendix, Ascending and Transverse Colon
15.15 Descending Colon and Sigmoid Colon
15.16 Rectum
15.17 Kidney (Ren), Ureter, and Suprarenal Gland (Glandula Vesiculosa)
15.18 Bladder, Prostate, and Seminal Vesicle
15.19 Testis, Epididymis, and Vas Deferens (Ductus Deferens)
15.20 Uterus, Fallopian Tube (Tuba Uterina) and Vagina
15.21 Fallopian Tube (Tuba Uterina) and Ovary (Ovarium)
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