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Imperial Library
By Paul Horgan
Title Page
Preface to the Fourth Edition
Paul Horgan: A Biographical Note
Volume One: Indians and Spain
Prologue: Riverscape
1. Creation
2. Gazetteer
3. Cycle
Book One: The Indian Rio Grande
1. The Ancients
2. The Cliffs
3. To the River
4. The Stuff of Life
i. Creation and Prayer
ii. Forms
iii. Community
iv. Dwelling
v. Garments
vi. Man, Woman and Child
vii. Farmer and Hunter
viii. Travel and Trade
ix. Personality and Death
5. On the Edge of Change
Book Two: The Spanish Rio Grande
1. The River of Palms
2. Rivals
3. Upland River
4. The Travellers’ Tales
5. Destiny and the Future
6. Faith and Bad Faith
7. Facing Battle
8. Battle Piece
9. The Garrison
10. Siege
11. The Eastern Plains
12. Prophecy and Retreat
13. Lords and Victims
14. The River of May
15. Four Enterprises
16. Possession
17. The River Capital
18. Collective Memory
i. Sources
ii. Belief
iii. The Ocean Masters
iv. The King and Father
v. Arts
vi. Style and Hunger
vii. The Swords
viii. Soul and Body
19. Duties
20. A Dark Day in Winter
21. The Battle of Acoma
22. Afterthoughts
23. Exchange
24. The Promises
25. The Desert Fathers
26. The Two Majesties
27. The Hungry
28. “This Miserable Kingdom”
29. The Terror
30. Limit of Vision
31. A Way to the Texas
32. The Great Captain
33. Fort St. John Baptist
34. Early Towns
35. Colonial Texas
36. Mexico Bay
37. Forgotten Lessons
38. Hacienda and Village
i. Land and House
ii. Fashion
iii. Family and Work
iv. Mischance
v. Feast Days
vi. Wedding Feast
vii. Mortality
viii. The Saints
ix. Provincials
39. The World Intrudes
40. The Shout
41. The Broken Grasp of Spain
Appendix A: Sources for Volume One, by chapters
1. Pueblos and Early Settlements
2. Spanish Expeditions
Volume Two: Mexico and the United States
Book Three: The Mexican Rio Grande
1. A Colony for Mexico
2. A Wild Strain
3. The Twin Sisters
4. Last Return
5. The Spark
6. The Ariel
7. Slavery
8. Bad Blood
9. The Mexico Trade
10. Tormented Loyalties
11. “God and Texas”
12. From Mexico’s Point of View
13. Fortunes of New Mexico
i. Peoples and Towns
ii. Politics
iii. Defense
iv. Church and School
v. Foreigners
14. Revolt Up River
15. The River Republic
16. The Santa Fe Pioneers
17. Border Smoke
18. To Mier and Beyond
19. Diplomacies
20. The United States to the River
Book Four: The United States Rio Grande
1. “Way, You Rio”
2. Collective Prophecy
i. New Man and New Principles
ii. Frontier Attitudes
iii. Woman and Home
iv. Community Expression
v. Language
vi. Arts and Utility
vii. Light in the Clearing
viii. Sons of Harmony
ix. Knacks and Crafts
x. First Interpreters
xi. The American Art
3. Bivouac
4. The Army of the Rio Grande
5. The Cannonade
6. Fort Texas
7. The Listeners
8. Palo Alto
9. Resaca de la Palma
10. The River Dead
11. The Nation’s War
12. Invasion Summer
13. Recurrent Frontier
14. Upstream and Inland
15. The Army of the West
16. The Secret Agent
17. Bloodless Possession
18. The Army of Chihuahua
19. The Free Missourians
20. Brazito and the Pass
21. Counterdance
22. The Avengers
23. Massacre at Taos
24. Chihuahua
25. Trial at Taos
26. All on the Plains of Mexico
27. El Dorado
28. Contraband
29. A Thread of Spirit
30. Boundaries
31. Flag and Lamplight
32. The Rio Grande Divided
33. The Desolate
34. Confederate Border
35. The Second Mexican Empire
36. The Mexico Moon
37. Bad Men and Good
38. The Last Wagons
39. The Last Frontiersman
40. Treasure
41. The Last Earth Secrets
42. Revolution and Reflex
43. Utility and Vision
i. Utility
ii. Vision
Appendix B: Sources for Volume Two, by chapters
Appendix C: General Bibliography
Appendix D: The Names of the Rio Grande
1. Texas and Mexico
2. New Mexico
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