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Attitude Is Everything for Success—Say It, Believe It, Receive It Keith D. Harrell HAY HOUSE, INC. Carlsbad, California Copyright © 2004 by Keith D. Harrell Published and distributed in the United States by: Hay House, Inc., P.O. Box 5100, Carlsbad, CA 92018-5100 • Phone: (760) 431-7695 or (800) 654-5126 • Fax: (760) 431-6948 or (800) 650-5115 • www.hayhouse.com • Published and distributed in Australia by: Hay House Australia, Ltd., 18/36 Ralph St., Alexandria NSW 2015 • Phone: 612-9669-4299 • Fax: 612-9669-4144 • www.hayhouse.com.au • Published and distributed in the United Kingdom by: Hay House UK, Ltd. • Unit 202, Canalot Studios • 222 Kensal Rd., London W10 5BN • Phone: 44-20-8962-1230 • Fax: 44-20-8962-1239 • www.hayhouse.co.uk • Published and distributed in the Republic of South Africa by: Hay House SA (Pty), Ltd., P.O. Box 990, Witkoppen 2068 • Phone/Fax: 2711-7012233 • orders@psdprom.co.za • Distributed in Canada by: Raincoast • 9050 Shaughnessy St., Vancouver, B.C. V6P 6E5 • P
IntroductionThis book will clearly show you how having the right attitude is one of the master keys for successful living. You see, your attitude affects all of your interactions as well as the outcome of everything you do—so a positive attitude will help you navigate successfully through life, while a negative one will cement you into destructive patterns that doom you to failure. The words you say fuel your attitude, so you must intentionally select helpful language in order to create the right conditions to attract success. If, after you make a mistake, you tell yourself, “I never do anything right,” chances are good that you’ll fail in your next attempt as well. However, if you see that you’ve made an error and instead say, “I make good decisions, and I learn something new from each one,” you’ll grow stronger through your life experiences. We all make mistakes now and then—if we didn’t, we wouldn’t be doing anything at all—but our attitude toward those mistakes is what determines w
How to Use This BookThis book is structured in a user-friendly, easy-to-read format. If you wish, you can start with Day 1, or you may prefer to pick the word best suited to the challenge you’re facing on that particular day. You could also let the book fall open to a page, allowing circumstance or coincidence guide you, or you might want to read a little bit at a time in sequence—whatever works best for you is best for you. No matter where you start, as long as you read and reread the page of insights out loud you will reprogram your attitude. Choose a word or a chapter, review the related section called “Say It, Believe It, and Receive It” (each part of this section is explained in further detail below), and you’re on your way to acquiring the attitudes that contribute to a more successful life! Say It You may not be aware of this, but the statements you use define you, because they express your underlying beliefs. It’s vitally important that you understand the power of the words you
How to Use This Book
Believe ItIn this section, I’ll explain how the right words can empower you. As you think of each of the words in this book, I’d like you to remember a positive incident in your life and recall your attitude, your mind-set, and your feelings. Then, as you read the “Believe It” section, focus on how each word recharges and renews your attitude and enhances your success. For example, the particular word might elicit memories of something as small as when your grade- school teacher held up your paper and told the class it was a good example of neatness. Perhaps your college roommate complimented you on your choice of clothes. Maybe you entered a contest and won or made the winning run in a ball game. Reach into your memories and pull out a positive experience like that—think about the words others used and how they made you feel, and remember your emotions, the overwhelming sense of joy you experienced at the time. This exercise helps you remember that great things have happened to you .
Receive ItIn this stage, you’ll internalize and visualize the “attitude” words you’ve been saying. You’ll walk, talk, and act as if you own the characteristics you seek and have already received the things you want. In other words, you’ll “fake it ’til you make it.” When you act “as if” you’ve already achieved and received what you want, you expedite the attitude-acquisition process, because you’re doing it, not merely thinking it. You’ll move into the action that will bring you closer to having what you truly desire. Let’s say, for instance, that you want to be promoted to manager of your department. If you act as if you already are the manager, you’ll dress the part, arrive early to work, tackle aggressive projects that prove your worth to the company, and make yourself visible. Soon you’ll see the rewards in a promotion or something even better. Now, if you have a presentation to give, you can talk yourself into feeling and acting more self-assured by saying the Day 11—Confidence af
Daily QuotesWe all have favorite quotes and sayings . . . why do we love them so much? Perhaps because quotes are succinct, eloquent statements that often capture the essence of a divine truth better than we can express in our own words. Quotes can be funny, profound, thought-provoking, and timeless, and they often use the smallest number of words to deliver a strong message or an enlightening insight. Review the quotes in this book and select the ones that resonate with you—then repeat them until you can say them from memory. When you find yourself faced with a challenge, recite the appropriate quote again and again to keep your thoughts constructive instead of destructive. Reprogram your attitude with the enduring wise observations from some of the greatest philosophers and humorists on Earth. And if you’re in a rut, grab one of these quotes and affirmations to reprogram your attitude. Remember, the right words each day help keep failure away. Let’s get working on that attitude!
Day 1: Achievement: Expect It Definition of achievement: To accomplish or attain by work or effort.[1] Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge achievement in all areas of my life. I possess the skills and talents to achieve anything. I am an achiever. I am realizing the positive outcomes I truly desire. I am thankful for all of my achievements, no matter how small. [1]All definitions are from Webster’s II New Riverside Dictionary, Revised Edition.
Believe ItYou can go beyond your current situation—in fact, more than you ever imagined is within your reach because it’s within you. All it takes is the right attitude. To maintain that attitude, celebrate every victory. Make each one special, because small victories are living proof that you can accomplish things, and they lead to even greater triumphs. Recently I’ve had several major achievements, including getting an article published in The Wall Street Journal and having my books published by prominent companies. While these achievements are important, they’re no more significant than completing a chore, putting my neighbor’s paper on his porch to get it out of the rain, calling my mom to tell her I love her, resisting temptation, or leading an honest life. Reread the definition of achievement again. Notice that it contains the words work and effort. Thanks to a great coach, I learned early in life that achieving what I want often has more to do with effort than talent. When I was
Receive ItThink of something you want to achieve: Would you like to go back to school? Run a marathon? Master a new language? Learn to paint? Landscape your yard? Become an independent consultant? Write a book? Let your imagination take you to whatever heights it wants to go. Now envision what’s keeping you from reaching your goal. Chances are good that the barriers aren’t on the outside—they’re within you. Are you procrastinating, even on seemingly important projects? Are you afraid that you don’t have the talent to accomplish your goal? Do you think you don’t have the time? Do you see failure before you even begin? If you answered yes to any of these questions, think again—you can turn procrastination into hustle and start working toward your objective. Mentally fast-forward to that time when you will have successfully accomplished your goal. Bask in the glow of achievement. Enjoy the feeling of attaining your desire. Feel it. Sense it. Picture it in your mind. Now believe it. Receiv
Daily Quotes “Achievement is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to go after.” — Anonymous “We have got but one life here. It pays, no matter what comes after it, to try and do things, to accomplish things in this life and not merely to have a soft and pleasant time.” — Theodore Roosevelt “Achievement starts when you know that your present place in life does not determine how far you will go. Its only purpose is to remind you where you started.” — Keith D. Harrell
Day 2: Action: Take It Definition of action: A manner, process, or method of performing an act or deed; habitual or vigorous activity or energy; movement; motion; a force that causes change. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge the things I need to take action on in my life. I possess the attitude and skills needed to take action. I am proactive. I am consciously acting upon my thoughts and producing the desired outcomes. I am winning in life by turning my attitude into action.
Believe ItNot many of us can recall all the laws of physics, but most of us remember these: A body in motion tends to stay in motion, and a body at rest tends to stay at rest. So a stationary body continues to have no action, but a moving body keeps going . . . could life really be that simple? Yes, it can. Life can be put as simply as this: Do nothing, and nothing gets done; do something, and many things get set into motion. We can’t sit around expecting success to come to us—we have to break out of our inertia and take action to get what we want. One of the best contemporary practitioners of the concept of “taking action” is a man named Nido Qubein. Nido left the Middle East and came to America as a teenager with just $50 in his pocket—today he is the president and CEO of the Great Harvest Bread Company, owner of several other businesses, and a member of the board of directors for numerous charitable organizations. How did Nido accomplish so much? Well, for one thing, he didn’t sit d
Receive ItAre there less-than-ideal circumstances in your life? What’s happening that you don’t like? What do you want that you don’t have yet? Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find. You’ve got to know what you want, because whatever you’re seeking will then start to seek you. Knock, and the door will be opened. Don’t wait to be rescued, and don’t spend your energy complaining or worrying. Instead, define one thing you can do today that will take you one step closer to your ideal situation, your perfect life, or whatever goal or object you desire. Movement produces momentum. One step is all it takes to begin your journey—and as you continue to take steps, you’ll move forward and leave the past behind. Also, be sure to celebrate each step you take, and enjoy the fact that you’re on your path.
Daily Quotes “Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.” — Benjamin Disraeli “Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility.” — Dietrich Bonhoeffer “Action will remove the doubt that theory cannot solve.” — Tehyi Hsieh
Day 3: Attitude: Leverage It Definition of attitude: A state of feeling or mind about a particular person or situation; a position of the body or manner of carrying oneself: posture. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge the importance of maintaining a positive attitude in my life. I possess a positive attitude. I am positive. I am optimistic that good things will happen in my life. I am positive about what this day will bring. I rejoice and feel glad.
Believe ItAttitude is a feeling, a mood, a mind-set, an outlook, and most important, it defines your life. You might not be able to choose your initial circumstances, but you can choose your attitude toward your circumstances. If you don’t like your life, instead of wallowing in self-pity, see yourself changing it—sure enough, what you envision will come about. If want to be out of debt and you believe that you can do it, you will. If you wish you had a better job and believe that you’re worthy of one, then before you know it, you’ll take the steps to bring it about. Here’s how I make sure I start each day with a happy, self-assured attitude: The moment I wake up, I applaud the day—I actually clap in bed! Then I pray, thanking God for another day. My goal is to wake up with peace and joy in my spirit, and I find that when I start out with a great attitude, it’s easy to maintain one throughout the day.
Receive ItGive yourself an attitude tune-up: What were your first thoughts when you woke up this morning? You had a vast range of choices, from “Woe is me; I have to drag myself out of bed and get to work” to “Hooray! It’s a brand-new day in which I can do many wonderful things.” So, were your thoughts positive or negative? If your thoughts were pessimistic, did you immediately replace them with optimistic ones? If they were positive, congratulate yourself and keep up the good work. When you arrived at your place of work, how did you react to your fellow employees? Did you greet them with smiles when they asked how you were? Did you tell them that attitude is everything? Or did you just tell them, “I’m here—that’s good enough”? In case you think that having a strong belief that all will be fine is a brand-new philosophy, in the early 1900s French psychotherapist Emile Coue published a book called Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion. In it he suggests that every person, severa
Daily Quotes “Life is 10 percent what you make it and 90 percent how you take it.” — Irving Berlin “Attitude—it’s the control center for your life; it will determine how high you will go or how low you will stay.” — Dr. Creflo Dollar “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” — W. W. Ziege
Day 4: Belief: Trust It Definition of belief: Something or someone you have confidence and trust in. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge the importance of believing in myself. I possess a strong internal belief in all that I do. I am who I believe I am. I am motivated by my beliefs. I demonstrate them through my words and deeds. I am transformed by the power of my beliefs.
Believe ItMany things help program your beliefs, including books, newspapers, magazines, TV programs, radio broadcasts, the Internet, the things people say to you, and most important, the things you say to yourself. For example, I vividly remember the day I ran home from kindergarten humiliated by my classmates’ cruel taunts because I couldn’t say my name without stuttering. For several years, I endured daily reprogramming from my speech therapists and my mother to build my confidence and trust in my ability. They repeatedly told me that one day I’d be able to say my name without tripping over my tongue. As a professional speaker, I thank God that I can now give an entire speech without stumbling over a word. Thanks to my mom and all of my speech therapists and teachers, the belief was instilled in me that I could overcome this challenge. But in the end, they weren’t the ones who transformed me—I transformed myself into a person who could speak without stammering because I believed wha
Receive ItEliminate all negative and toxic programming from your life immediately by replacing it with positive programming. Evaluate the phrases you hear yourself saying: Do they reflect a lack of belief? Do you hear yourself saying that you’ll try to do something, rather than that you will do something? A friend of mine once sent me an e-mail announcing that for the new year, he was going to try to stop smoking. I zapped him with a reply that said, “Remember what Yoda said in The Empire Strikes Back: ‘Try not. Do or do not. There is no try’!” If my friend believes that he’ll only try to quit smoking, then he probably won’t receive the gift of being a nonsmoker. When he truly believes he can quit, he will. What would you like to receive in life? Write it down, relax, and bring it to you with your belief that it will happen.
Daily Quotes “For the believer, there is no question; for the nonbeliever, there is no answer.” — Anonymous “Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.” — William James “Believe in something larger than yourself.” — Barbara Bush
Day 5: Challenge: Face It Definition of challenge: A demand; a call to engage in a contest or fight. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge all challenges that I need to face in my life. I possess the power to overcome any challenges I face. I am able to overcome any challenges that come my way. I am stronger on the inside than the challenges I face on the outside. I am ready to tackle my challenges head on.
Believe ItLife is full of challenges. There’s no limit to how many of them will come your way, so get ready, be ready, and stay ready. As I heard Garrison Keillor say on the radio recently, “Life is like war—if things get too quiet, you’re losing.” Of course he was making a joke, but the truth is that when the road gets too smooth, you have the tendency to become complacent. You won’t be able to know what you’re made of and grow stronger if everything in your life comes easily without bumps that challenge you to find new ways to resolve issues. If all of your relationships evolved perfectly and you never had any arguments, disagreements, or even differences of opinion, you’d never learn anything. You wouldn’t be equipped to successfully handle difficult situations and, in essence, you’d be defeated. The fact of the matter is that challenges are a part of life, but God can use them to make you a better person by sharpening the qualities within you that are able to overcome those obstacl
Receive ItHow do you handle your challenges? Are you propelled to act by drawing on your inner strength and faith and focusing on what needs to be done? Or do you procrastinate, using food, shopping, or sleeping as easy escapes? Instead of running away from them, you must face your challenges—when they come, see them as opportunities to grow. Receive your obstacles with warmth, appreciation, and love. Consider the Egyptians, the great builders of the pyramids. They would never have been able to erect these awesome structures without their perceived need for an eternal way to honor the kings and queens whom they highly esteemed. So receive the challenges that come your way and turn them into the great life lessons you’re meant to learn. Build your own pyramid!
Daily Quotes “Challenges—life is full of them; without them, how would you know and realize the awesome power that lives within you?” — Keith D. Harrell “A challenge is nothing but an opportunity turned upside down.” — Toni Malliet “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.” —Proverbs 24:10
Day 6: Change: Embrace It Definition of change: To make or become different: alter; to take, put, or use in place of another: exchange; to replace by another; modify, mutate, transform, turn, vary. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge that I am a change embracer. I possess the skills needed to embrace change. I am willing to accept change in order to grow. I am changing on the inside, which brings about change on the outside. I am learning important lessons from the changes in my life.
Believe ItChange is the essence of life—without it, we can’t grow. A seed must absorb water, break open, and push forth a sprout in order to grow into a mighty oak . . . and human beings are no different. Change brings us the opportunity to be something even better than we were before. When I considered leaving my hometown of Seattle to accept a job promotion in Atlanta, I first thought of the negatives: I’d be leaving my roots and my loved ones; I’d have to make new friends (or live a lonely life); I’d have to find a new place of worship, a new doctor, a new dentist, and a new place to live; and I felt apprehensive about moving to a part of the country where I hadn’t spent much time, I didn’t know the roads, and the traffic appeared to be three times worse than what I’d experienced in Seattle. Could I handle all that change? I eventually wiped out my negative thoughts with positive ones: The promotion meant more money, more prestige, and more opportunity than ever before; the move wou
Receive ItDoes an area in your life need to change? Do you want to lose weight, stop smoking, end a relationship, or move to a new location? Or has change thrust itself upon you? Have you lost a job, gone through a rift or separation of some sort, or experienced a life-changing injury or illness? Determine what you need to embrace the new reality, whether it was thrust upon you or you decided to bring it about yourself. Identify whatever help you may need and go get it—seek out counseling with a minister or mental-health professional, find a support group of like-minded people dealing with similar situations, speak to your loved ones about the change, or read books on the subject. In addition, in order to really accept that change, you’ll need to modify your attitude. Here’s how: Take some time to sit, meditate, and visualize how things will be once the event has taken place. See the positive aspects of the changes taking place, and welcome and invite into your life all the good things
Daily Quotes “If you’re not in a change mode, you’re probably in a rut, and the only difference between a rut and a grave are the dimensions.” — Anonymous “Change will either chain you to your past or free you to your future.” — Danielle Kennedy “The only thing you can change is yourself, but sometimes that changes everything.” — Keith D. Harrell
Day 7: Choice: Make It Definition of choice: The act of choosing; selection; the power, opportunity, or right to choose; an option, an alternative, something to choose or select. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge the importance of choice. I possess the ability to make the right choices for my life. I am making the right choices for my life. I am making choices that support the lifestyle that is right for me. I am making a choice to make this day an “attitude is everything” day.
Believe ItThe ability to make choices is one of the most powerful gifts God has given you. Think of how wonderful it is that you have the freedom to choose the direction you want your life to take. You have the ability to shape your future now, so if you want to experience success rather than failure, you’ve got to make choices that support that goal. A man named William once told me about a choice he made when he was in his mid-20s. He’d been in the Navy, where he enjoyed being a dental technician, and he returned to civilian life to attend college on the GI Bill. When the time came to make a decision about his career, William had two job offers: The first, a delivery-truck driver, paid well, had impressive benefits, and promised promotions; the second opportunity involved a fledgling occupation no one had yet heard about, something called emergency medical technician (EMT). It didn’t pay well, and there was a high possibility that the general public would never accept or respect it.
Receive ItJust like William, you must consider the final outcome you want to experience before you make a choice. William’s passion and love for people propelled him into the career that made him the happiest—similarly, whenever you make a decision, ask yourself, “Are my choices moving me closer to or farther away from my goals? Are my choices honorable? How do these choices affect my loved ones?” Life is just a series of decisions that will either make or break you. It’s up to you to make the right choices so that you can experience the right outcome. You’re a free moral agent—and freedom to choose your destiny is one of the greatest gifts God has given you. Ask Him to direct every choice you make, and have faith that He will guide you on the path to success. Making beneficial choices doesn’t have to be difficult. It just takes confidence in God. So know that you possess the knowledge to choose wisely. It is innately inside you—all you have to do is tap in to it and let it help you ma
Daily Quotes “Choosing to do nothing is still a choice.” — Reggie Green “The choices you made yesterday have impacted your success today, while the choices you will make today will impact your success tomorrow.” — Keith D. Harrell “In the long run we shape our lives and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.” — Eleanor Roosevelt
Day 8: Commitment: Honor It Definition of commitment: To be responsible for, or to, something or someone. To pledge or obligate yourself to something or someone. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge the importance of being committed. I possess the attitude to follow through on all my commitments. I am able to keep my commitments. I am remaining committed despite any challenges or obstacles. I am able to stay committed to my obligations so that I can achieve my desired outcome.
Believe ItOne of the reasons why you may be unable to see your vision come to pass is because you’re not committed to it. Just like in a marriage in which a husband and wife pledge themselves to one another for life, you must make a similar dedication to what you want to see come to pass for yourself. Unfortunately, you may be so focused on your “big” dreams and goals that you fail to recognize that commitment starts with the “small” things. Before you’ll be able to see success on a large scale, it’s important to begin with the things you do every day—the habits you form now will determine your success later. Recognizing the need to stay committed to something is the first step you need to take. For example, one of my goals awhile back was to see greater results in my spiritual life. When I recognized the need for more meaning in this area, I decided to do what it took to see that goal achieved. I became dedicated to improving that part of my life, and I stayed committed to my decision
Receive ItYou can start by examining the small, everyday things that you’d like to make better. Pick one and make a 30-day commitment to do whatever is necessary to see change in that area. You may want to improve your personal relationships by going out of your way do nice things for others, or, if you want to drop a few extra pounds, you could commit to walking or jogging for 20 minutes a day. Start small and believe big. By staying focused on the end result, you’ll be more motivated to remain committed to your goal. So see yourself accomplishing the things you’ve set for yourself—become that final outcome in your mind, and set your mind toward that goal and refuse to abandon your commitment. Remember, seeing your vision come to pass depends on how determined you are to do what it takes to make it happen.
Daily Quotes “We make decisions with our head; we make commitments with our heart.” — Anonymous “If you don’t make a total commitment to whatever you’re doing, then you start looking to bail out the first time the boat starts leaking. It’s tough enough getting that boat to shore with everybody rowing, let alone when a guy stands and starts putting his life jacket on.” — Lou Holtz “Commitment: Doing the things that others won’t do, in order to have the things that others won’t have.” — Dr. Creflo Dollar
Day 9: Communication: Improve It Definition of communication: An act of effectively transmitting ideas; imparting, telling; the exchange of ideas, messages, or information, by speech, signals, and writing. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge the importance of communication. I possess good communication skills. I am always communicating my thoughts through my words, deeds, and actions. I am an effective communicator, able to express myself whenever I need to. I am exchanging and sharing words of hope, love, and success.
Believe ItAs you enhance your speaking and listening skills, keep in mind that God gave you one mouth and two ears for a reason. Constantly talking without taking time to listen to others is not only aggravating to the speaker, but it limits you, too. When you talk, you say only what you know; when you listen, you learn what others know. More than 20 years ago, I decided to attend my first Toastmasters’ meeting in an effort to become a more confident speaker in front of my peers at work. Today I speak to audiences of thousands, and I still use the fundamentals of public speaking I learned then: Establish good eye contact, maintain a relaxed demeanor, speak clearly, and express the appropriate emotions and enthusiasm to convey ideas. To enhance her sales, my friend Beverly took a course called Assertive Listening. Every evening after class, she went home and practiced her new skills. Whenever her child spoke, Beverly would ask a probing question to get more information. With her husband
Receive ItThe next time you talk to someone, pay attention to yourself: Do you monopolize the conversation, barely allowing the other person to get a word in? As the other person speaks, are you thinking of what you’re going to say next, or are you paying attention to what he or she is saying? If you normally do plan your next comment instead of quietly and carefully listening, you’re missing the vital information the other person’s trying to tell you because you’re so busy trying to figure out how you’re going to respond. Begin to practice the fundamentals of communication by paying close attention while others are speaking. Ask clarifying questions, such as: “When you say [such and such], do you mean [so and so]?” or “So you say you [fill in the blank]?” When you actively listen and respond to others when they’re speaking, you improve your relationship with them and gain valuable information that can help you make decisions later. You may also want to consider enrolling in a communic
Daily Quotes “He who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words.” — Elbert Hubbard “It takes two to speak the truth—one to speak and another to hear.” — Henry David Thoreau “It’s just as important to say what you mean as it is to mean what you say.” — Anonymous
Day 10: Completion: Finish It Definition of completion: Entire, full, intact, integral, perfect, whole. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge the importance of getting things done. I possess the ability to finish what I start. I am complete in all I do. I am complete—worthy, whole, and perfect in God’s sight. I am willing to do whatever it takes to finish what I started, and to bring all unfinished tasks to completion.
Believe ItSeveral years ago, Parade magazine carried a story about Olympic marathon runner John Stephen Akhwari from Tanzania. During the 1968 Olympic games, Akhwari was the last runner to finish the grueling 26-mile race. His leg was bloodied and bandaged because he had fallen and severely injured his knee. When he painfully hobbled across the finish line, a reporter approached him and asked why he hadn’t quit. He said, “My country did not send me [here] to start the race. They sent me to finish.” Akhwari stayed focused on the end result—finishing the race—rather than the fact that his injury ruined his chances of winning. If he’d given his attention to the challenge rather than the finish line, he would have given up on the race. You must have the same attitude when it comes to completing those things you’ve set your mind to accomplish. Even when it looks impossible or negative situations arise, make a decision to complete the task at hand. It’s not enough to set goals for yourself i
Receive ItIt’s critical that you do your research and understand exactly what it will take to complete your tasks—you need to be very detail oriented in coming up with an effective plan. Write down all the things you’ll need to do, and dedicate yourself to seeing your projects and goals through to the end. For example, if your goal is to lose a certain amount of weight and achieve a certain size, you know that there are some things that you’re going to have to implement in order to see that goal come to pass. You’ll need to come up with an exercise plan that incorporates cardiovascular and weight training. You’ll also have to rethink your eating habits and make changes in your diet. Even when you don’t feel like continuing, you’ll have to set your will to finish what you start. If you’re having a difficult time completing a task, stay focused, be resourceful, and get help if necessary. Seek the support of friends and family who can encourage you when you want to give up. Much of the ch
Daily Quotes “What we call the beginning is often the end, and to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.” — T. S. Eliot “A thing that cannot be accomplished should never be undertaken.” — African (Yoruba) proverb “The completion of one task signals the beginning of something new.” — Anonymous
Day 11: Confidence: Hold on to It Definition of confidence: Reliance or trust; a trusting relationship; a feeling of self-assurance; belief or faith. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge the importance of having confidence. I possess the confidence to do all things. I have the confidence to overcome any adversity in my life. I am confident in my ability to achieve my goals. I am bold and full of courage. I face every situation with confidence.
Believe ItBobbie was the typical mother: She held a full-time job; kept up with the housework, shopping, and laundry; and shuttled her son to soccer practices and games several times a week. Her duties as a soccer mom included providing refreshments to the team every couple of weeks. Needless to say, she was a very busy person. As the summer grew longer, Bobbie watched the team morale drop as the heat took its toll. Week after week, her son’s team lost, and their confidence went downhill. Parents discussed what they might do to help improve the situation, but they could only cheer from the sidelines and hope that their children would somehow miraculously feel better about themselves. On one of the days that Bobbie was supposed to provide the refreshments, she cut some oranges into bite-sized segments and then reached into her freezer to get some orange juice. Unfortunately, she suddenly realized that she’d forgotten to buy any. She only had grape juice—and no one had ever brought grape
Receive ItThe greatest challenges to your confidence come when you’re facing a situation that looks impossible. When this happens, you must tap in to the unseen force of self-assurance so that you can press beyond supposed limits. It’s not a matter of what things look like on the outside—the key is to recognize what you have working on the inside. Confidence is often the missing link to seeing yourself accomplish the impossible. You just have to believe that you have what it takes to be successful, and don’t back down from your capable stance. You are in control of your thoughts. If you choose to believe you have confidence—that you’re energized with Super Juice—then you will be. The next time you face a big challenge, take a deep breath and fill your heart with the belief that you have Super Juice running through your veins. Build your confidence by reflecting on those things you’ve already accomplished. If you did it once, you can certainly do it again. Today, receive the confidence
Daily Quotes “He who has lost confidence can lose nothing more.” — Anonymous “Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence.” — Vince Lombardi “To be confident is to act in faith.” — Bernard Bynion
Day 12: Desire: Embrace It Definition of desire: To hope or wish for ardently; to ask for: request; a request or petition. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge my internal desire as a driving force that will help me succeed. I possess the desire to do all things. I am building a stronger level of desire each day to do the things I need to do to succeed. I am able to stay motivated by my strong desire to excel. I am renewed by my desire to achieve.
Believe ItDesire is a key force that will propel you to success. God placed this force inside of you so that you would constantly have fuel to run on in order to be successful. It’s one of the things that will keep you going when you want to quit. When your desire to accomplish your goals is strong enough, you won’t let anything stop you. Here’s an example of what I mean. As a preteen, Terry was active in sports and enjoyed playing soccer, basketball, and tennis. She was on the swim team and was a member of the cheerleading squad; in addition, she took ballet and tap-dancing lessons, as she had a strong desire to become a professional dancer one day. Yet when she was 12, the unthinkable happened: Terry was in a serious car accident that broke her back and injured her spinal column. Doctors, nurses, physical therapists, and family members prepared her for life in a wheelchair, telling her she’d never walk again. For many people, this experience would have quenched their desire for succe
Receive ItDesire is the fire that brings enthusiasm to a boil, the power behind all great successes. Desire transcends obstacles and barriers and brings you what you want when you spend time cultivating it and then stepping out on it in faith. You can begin to develop your God-given desires by spending a little time each day seeing, feeling, expressing, enjoying, and building what you want. Look at images of what you want to see come to pass. Bring that desire to the boiling point so that you can see it manifesting in your life easily and quickly. Fuel yourself with the belief that your desires are the bubbling, churning, burning steam engines that take you where you want to go. Celebrate and honor your desires, and follow where they lead you, for they’ll take you further than you’ve ever gone before. Remember, desire takes you beyond limitations—it ignores challenges and setbacks and helps you plow forward.
Daily Quotes “He who desires but acts not is simply unwilling to play the hand he’s been dealt.” — Anonymous “Desire—it’s the D-factor. It’s the force on the inside that is displayed by an unstoppable action to never, never, never give up.” — Keith D. Harrell “Delight thyself in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” — Psalms 37:4
Day 13: Destiny: Discover It Definition of destiny: Fate; a predetermined or inevitable course of events. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge my destiny. I possess the ability to fulfill my destiny. I am fulfilling my destiny. I am committed to my destiny. I am here to make a difference and was created for a special plan and purpose.
Believe ItGod wants you to discover your destiny—He doesn’t want you to wander aimlessly through life, not knowing what you were put on Earth to do. Most likely, you already have a clue as to what your destiny is, but you’re allowing obstacles to keep you from fulfilling it. On the other hand, sometimes obstacles can be viewed as “spiritual bumpers” that God is using to steer you in the right direction for your divine destiny. If you continue to pursue the path that’s wrong for you, you’ll never get to your destination in life. At the same time, you can benefit from the experiences you have along the way to help you gain valuable skills that will benefit you later on. In college, I thought I knew my destiny—to play in the NBA. At 6'7", I was on the starting lineup of my basketball team all four years, was captain three years in a row, and averaged a little more than 16 points a game in my senior year. And, most important, I had a passion for the game. When the NBA didn’t draft me, I re
Receive ItThink of what you want to do, for whom, for what purpose, and how you’re going to do it. Then get a plan together to determine what you want to ultimately get out of your goals. Planning is critically important when you’re fulfilling your destiny, so carefully calculate the steps you must take to realize your dreams. Factor in the extra things you may need to do to be the best at what you’ve been called to be. For example, maybe you need to take a class or read books that will help give you the extra edge and information you need to succeed. Examine your strengths and weaknesses, as well as the gifts and talents you’ve been blessed with, which are all clues to God’s divine plan for your life. When challenges, setbacks, or negative thoughts get in the way, consider them as mere pebbles in your path. Even when people try to block your progress, walk in love toward them and trust that the path you’re on is true. Just keep stepping over anything that gets in the way of your fulfi
Daily Quotes “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” — John Lennon “Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.” — William Jennings Bryan “[When it comes to destiny], if you aren’t going all the way, why go at all?” — Joe Namath
Day 14: Enthusiasm: Live with It Definition of enthusiasm: Intense feeling for a subject or cause; eagerness; zeal. (The English word enthusiasm is derived from the Greek enthousiasmos, which means “inspiration.” The two root words are enthous and entheos, meaning “God or Spirit within.”) Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge that I am enthusiastic. I possess enthusiasm. I am enthusiastic about the possibilities that this day will bring. I am excited about life and the difference I can make in the lives of others. I am enthusiastic and leave a lasting positive impression on everyone I meet.
Believe ItEnthusiasm can be defined by the last four letters of the word: I Am Seriously Motivated. Communicating commitment, determination, and spirit, enthusiasm is infectious and will affect everyone around you. And it will keep you motivated as well. During my talks, I sometimes divide participants into two groups. I tell them we’re having an enthusiasm contest, and I want the first group to generate the most noise it can, while the second group waits for its turn. Without fail, the second group is always the loudest, for one simple reason: Enthusiasm is contagious. But don’t take it from me—go to any sporting event and watch the cheerleaders. Their pep gets the crowd excited, and the crowd’s exuberance then spurs the athletes on to perform their best. Trust that enthusiasm works: The applicant with the most enthusiasm usually wins the job; the dog with the most enthusiasm gets the treat; and the person with the most enthusiasm boosts him- or herself to success. Enthusiasm is a tel
Receive ItChildren innately have enthusiasm. Watch them get excited over a new toy, a tasty treat, or a game. The odd thing is that you don’t lose your enthusiasm as you grow older—instead, you bury it. You pile layers of stress, doubt, obligations, resentments, and other useless preoccupations on top of your zeal until it appears to be snuffed out. It’s still there, though—you just need to uncover it. Act as if you have it, and soon your real eagerness will bubble up through the mire and appear on the surface. You can make every day an “attitude is everything” day just by allowing it to be so. Draw enthusiasm to you, and share it with others. Unmask your excitement for life, let it glow, and allow it to bring you whatever you want. Never let the kid in you die.
Daily Quotes “We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements in life, when all that we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about.” — Charles Kingsley “If you aren’t fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm.” — Vince Lombardi “The world belongs to the energetic.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Day 15: Excellence: Strive to Reach It Definition of excellence: Exceptionally good, fine; first-class, first-rate; superior; of great value or worth. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge excellence as a standard for my life. I possess excellence in all that I do. I am a living example of God’s excellence. I am living a life of excellence. I am striving for excellence minute by minute, day by day.
Believe ItAnita had waited tables, worked at fast-food establishments, and held a few other low-paying jobs, but she knew that she was getting nowhere in life. She had no training or special expertise that set her apart, yet she wanted to work for herself and build a business where her hard work would be repaid. Anita realized that she could clean houses for a living, but she wondered what she could do to set herself apart from other housekeepers. Instead of starting just another housecleaning company, she decided that her service would be a few steps above anything anyone else did. For example, when she met with a client for the first time, Anita asked what extra chores she might do regularly. She inquired whether or not the client wanted the refrigerator emptied and cleaned once a month. Would he or she like the deck swept regularly or the tops of the cabinets dusted every week? Anita wrote down all the extra little chores she promised her clients, and then she did them. And then she
Receive ItExcellence is an attitude. Many times it’s tempting to take the easier route and only do what’s necessary to get a job done—unfortunately, even though this way of doing things may be faster, all too often you end up sacrificing the quality of the job you’re doing. Maintaining a standard of excellence in your life is essential. Examine the little things that you do and ask yourself if there’s any way you could do them in a more outstanding way—perhaps it’s meticulously cleaning your house or your car or going the extra mile at work. If you maintain a high standard in your personal life, that same spirit will carry over into other areas of your life. The next time you face a task or take on a new job, look for ways you can stand out. How can you do the job even better than those before you or those who do the same thing? Write down those little tasks that make a big difference. When you do them, you’ll see that they add up to excellence that will set you apart and put you on th
Daily Quotes “The keynote of progress, we should remember, is not merely doing away with what is bad; it is replacing the best with something better.” — Edward A. Filene “To serve with excellence is to work above the expectations of others.” — Keith D. Harrell “Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.” — Philip Dormer Shanhope, Earl of Chesterfield
Day 16: Faith: Strengthen It Definition of faith: Trust. Belief. Belief and trust in God. A set of principles or beliefs. Confident belief in the truth; value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge the importance of living my life by faith. I possess faith. I am relying on my faith to do all things. I expect great things to happen in my life. I am anticipating a miracle. I am walking and living by faith.
Believe ItFaith is the foundation for the things you hope for. The stronger your faith, the greater the possibility of seeing your desires become a reality. For example, several years ago I was diagnosed with blood clots in both my legs, but I had faith that God would heal me. While I was in the hospital being treated, my doctor explained the seriousness of the condition, saying that if even one of the clots broke free and went to my brain, it could kill me. I knew God wasn’t going to let such a thing happen to me—I had faith that the treatments I received would dissolve the clots and I’d be restored to perfect health. My belief kept me from worrying about the outcome of the situation or asking, “Why me?” Instead of getting depressed about what was happening, I relied on my faith. It kept me going each day, in total trust that all would be well. Because I absolutely knew that God would heal me, I’m perfectly fine today. Faith will pull you through any situation you’re facing. I know th
Receive ItIn order to strengthen your faith, read, study, and listen to spiritual materials and live by trusting in God, believing that everything will work out the way it should. Take time to sit in meditation or prayer every morning and evening so that your mind and spirit can calm down. Focus on the goodness of God. In your morning quiet time, feel the trust in your heart and allow it to become a part of your soul, letting it spring from deep within you. Know that all is well. Have confidence in the fact that the universe works perfectly and in divine order—everything is happening according to the divine plan. Structure your day in the way you’d like it to unfold, and believe that it will be so. Then, take five minutes or more to pray or meditate every evening, and reflect on all that happened that day. Be thankful for the blessings that came to you and for the ones that have yet to come your way. Be grateful for your health, your life, and your ability to improve every day that you
Daily Quotes “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” — Hebrews 11:1 “The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason.” — Benjamin Franklin “I believe in the sun, even if it isn’t shining. I believe in love even when I am alone. I believe in God even when He is silent.” — Anonymous
Day 17: Goal: Obtain It Definition of goal: A purpose: objective; the finish line of a race. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge the importance of setting goals for my life. I possess the power to achieve my goals. I am working on my goals daily. I am committed to reaching all of my goals. I am a goal-setter: I write them down, I review them, and I obtain them.
Believe ItYou can achieve your goals, regardless of your circumstances. For instance, I recently read about a 73-year-old woman who graduated from college. Her age didn’t bother her—she simply set a goal to become a college graduate, and she achieved it. A similar example comes from Mike Rothberg, founder of Corporate Finance Associates, a worldwide business brokerage firm. Mike saw many associates join his business with enthusiasm, but few ever fulfilled their initial promise. When Mike’s young stepson, Jim, wanted to enter the business, Mike warned him that he’d need to have enough money to live on for the first few years until the money started to come in. Jim said he’d be fine, and he opened up an office in Colorado. The first year, Jim closed a deal or two and made a decent income. The next year, Jim’s office performed even better, and his success continued. Practically every month, Jim closed deals that Mike never thought possible. One day Mike met with Jim and asked his secret.
Receive ItWrite down a goal that you want to achieve in the next 40 days, and then set up mini-goals, or the steps that you need to take to achieve the larger goal. Put deadlines beside each one—and in 40 days, celebrate your accomplishment.
Daily Quotes “Set short-term goals and you’ll win games. Set long-term goals and you’ll win the championship!” — Anonymous “Aim at nothing and you’ll succeed.” — Anonymous “Concentrate on finding your goal, then concentrate on reaching it.” — Colonel Michael Friedman
Day 18: Gratitude: Demonstrate It Definition of gratitude: Thankfulness; appreciation; the abundant blessing of being thankful. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge the importance of having an attitude of gratitude. I possess an attitude of gratitude. I am grateful for this day. I live with an attitude of thankfulness. I am abundantly blessed. I am thankful for my victories, and I rejoice during my setbacks; each provides an opportunity to remind myself how blessed I am.
Believe ItHaving gratitude helps you make every day an “attitude is everything” day. I mean, can you even count all that you have to be grateful for? Be thankful that you woke up this morning and are alive. Listen to the birds sing outside the window—appreciate that nature brings you delights. Give thanks to God for your loved ones, and appreciate the food you eat. Be grateful that you’re on your way to great success. My acquaintance Paul and his wife found themselves on the verge of bankruptcy after their craft business failed. Paul knew he had to leave the business he loved and get a job he probably wouldn’t enjoy, and he felt bitter that he’d endured a major setback. However, his wife didn’t seem to feel this way at all. She’d been attending classes based on A Course in Miracles, and she’d learned that in each setback lies a lesson, and everything is temporary. Paul’s wife took him to the classes, and he came away with a message that pulled him through: “I found out I needed to live
Receive ItAny day above ground is a good day. The fact that you have warm blood flowing through your veins and breath in your body is reason to celebrate. A lot of people didn’t make it that far, so take a deep breath and give thanks. You can take practical steps to put an attitude of gratitude in motion: For the next several days, write down at least five things daily that you’re grateful for. You’ll soon realize that the list is never-ending! There are so many things to thank God for that every day becomes an opportunity to acknowledge and receive more blessings. The more you begin to live a thankful life, the more you’ll begin to see your blessings multiply. Make a conscious effort to thank as many people as you can today for anything, no matter how big or small. Watch the transformation that happens in your life when you continually maintain an attitude of gratitude, one that says, “Thank You, God.”
Daily Quotes “God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say ‘thank you’?” — William A. Ward “Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.” — William A. Ward “When you wake up and there is no chalk outline around your body, that’s a good day to embrace an attitude of gratitude.” — Anonymous
Day 19: Humility: Develop It Definition of humility: Absence of pride. Cheerful submission to others. The state or quality of being humble in mind and spirit. A sincere commitment to serve others; to separate oneself from pretense and pride. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge my spirit of humility. I possess and embrace the attitude of humility. I am humbled by the blessings I receive from God. I am humble in all that I do. I am always humble with others.
Believe ItI’m sure you’ve encountered arrogant, conceited people in your life. Do you remember how they made you feel? Probably not very good, and it’s doubtful that you were looking forward to running into them again. On the opposite end of the spectrum, humility is pleasing to others. You can never offend anyone by being modest. In addition, maintaining a humble attitude keeps you from having an exaggerated opinion of yourself. It shields you from becoming prideful and keeps you focused on others rather than concentrating on yourself and your abilities. The first time I spoke in front of my peers at a National Speakers Association conference, I really wanted to impress them. I believed that everyone there had more experience and possessed better speaking skills than I did. In an effort to wow everyone, I operated out of my own self-interest rather than focusing on the needs of my audience. I prepared a speech that I hoped would knock their socks off, forgetting that if you work too h
Receive ItAsk any comedian what makes for good humor, and you’ll find out that embarrassing others is number one on their list. When someone else is embarrassed, the onlookers often get a good belly laugh, and the comedian looks good in their eyes. How can you turn your most humbling experience into laughter? Think back on a time when you were trying too hard to impress someone—did it work? You may have even made the other party giggle at your failed attempts at getting his or her attention. How would you do things differently now, knowing that humility is much more impressive than arrogance? Where there is patience and humility, there is neither strife nor anger. Humility can’t walk with ego, which stands for Edging God Out. In order to be humble, you’ve got to get yourself out of the way and focus on other people. Once you start taking the attention away from yourself, you’ll realize that your needs aren’t the only ones that count and you’ll be able to more effectively meet the needs
Daily Quotes “For everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled, and he who humbles himself shall be exalted.” — Luke 14:11 “A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle.” — Benjamin Franklin “The proud man counts his newspaper clippings—the humble man his blessings.” — Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
Day 20: Integrity: Value It Definition of integrity: Strict adherence to a standard of value or conduct; personal honesty and independence; completeness; unity. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge integrity as one of the core values for my life. I possess integrity in all that I do. I am credible. I always keep my word. I am a person of integrity. I am respectful of others. I always conduct myself in a respectful manner.
Believe ItIntegrity will take you further than any other value you possess. People may forget many of the things you do in your life, but they’ll remember if you lived your life with integrity. They’ll certainly remember if you don’t—we’ve all seen the headlines of disgraced politicians, who, when running for office, made an implicit pledge to be honest and truthful. Yet when the truth about their underhanded dealings is revealed, they lose face, lose elections, and often lose their freedom by going to prison. Sometimes your desire to do something else after you’ve made a commitment tempts you to compromise your integrity. I was faced with such a situation when I made plans to attend my 20th high school reunion. I was all set to go, and then the committee changed the date at the last minute. Unfortunately, I had a business engagement on the new date, and my customer expected me to honor my commitment. I went back and forth between my choices—I wanted to attend the reunion, but if I’d g
Receive ItIntegrity is the platform from which you should build all your relationships—with friends, relatives, clients, spouses, children, colleagues, and even animals. Never compromise by cheating and doing wrong, because in the end, it will destroy you. Integrity has to be what fuels your life. If you’re good only because you’re paid to be good, when the money runs out, so will your integrity. Are you more concerned with receiving a paycheck than doing your job with excellence? Do you fulfill your commitments to yourself and others? When faced with the temptation to do wrong, do you choose the right path? Integrity is a part of good character—if people can’t count on you to do what you say you’ll do, you won’t be taken seriously. Identify one person you know who has maintained integrity during times when it would have been easier for them to make a different choice. What can you do to emulate that behavior? What steps can you take in your personal life to build your integrity? Befor
Daily Quotes “Always do right. This will gratify some people, and astonish the rest.” — Mark Twain “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” — Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful.” — Samuel Johnson
Day 21: Love: Share It Definition of love: Intense affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties. A feeling that produces unconditional commitment and loyalty to another. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge the importance of unconditional love. I possess an attitude of unconditional love. I am in love with life. I am in love with the things of God. I am a person of unparalleled love.
Believe ItLove should be the foundation from which everything else in your life is built. Take, for example, Derek Redmond, a British runner in the 400-meter race at the 1992 Olympics. Derek was leading at the first turn when a sharp pain in the back of his right thigh threw him to the track in agony with a torn hamstring muscle. Pure determination and desire caused Derek to get up and continue the race with no hope of winning a medal. But the tenacity of this dedicated runner couldn’t get him to the finish line alone—his father, Jim, left his seat in the stands, pushed aside the security guards, and made his way to his son on the track. Arm in arm, shoulder to shoulder, father and son got to the finish line, which Jim allowed Derek to cross on his own. Derek Redmond finished the race to a standing ovation, and even though he didn’t win a medal that day, he and his father taught the world about the power of love. Love, when shared, makes us all winners because it’s concerned with givin
Receive ItThink of someone who needs your love, and call, e-mail, fax, or write them today. In your quiet time, imagine your love bubbling up from the very bottom of your spine. Feel it rise up through your hips, to your stomach, across your chest, all around your heart, and into your head. Feel it inside you . . . and imagine how much you have to give. The next time you have the opportunity to give away a little love, remember how filled you are with it. You can never run out of love, for you manufacture it every day. Give affection to others freely and without expectation, just as the earth gives us its foundation to stand upon without expecting anything in return. Many people who have had near-death experiences return to the living and reveal the great message they received as they almost made a transition to the other side: “The message is love—we must love one another.” Of course you don’t need to come close to death to learn to live your life in love. Let it drive all your action
Daily Quotes “Let God love you through others and let God love others through you.” — D. M. Street “Never forget that the most powerful force on earth is love.” — Nelson Rockefeller “Three of the strongest words in the world to motivate anyone happen to be the three least used: ‘I love you.’ And four of the strongest are: ‘I love you, too.’” — Keith D. Harrell
Day 22: Persistence: Maintain It Definition of persistence: Continuing firmly and steadfastly despite obstacles; to continue in existence: enduring. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge the importance of being persistent. I keep going until I reach my goal. I possess an inner drive of persistence. I am set up to keep going; I succeed by being persistent. I am persistent and will always press on.
Believe ItA persistent person always gets what he or she wants, so never stop believing in yourself and striving to achieve your goals. Remember that nothing in the world can stop the success of a person who has dogged determination. In the game of life, persistence and purpose are power twins that remain undefeated—if you begin to adopt these qualities in your own life, you can’t help but see your goals begin to manifest. When Harold chose to leave high school to enlist in the Navy, for instance, he dreamed that all of his children would have the opportunity to attend college. Throughout his life he often held down several jobs—sometimes working all day and all night—to make ends meet. Yet when times got tough, Harold never gave up. He was persistent in achieving his goals, which were providing for his family and making sure that his children had the opportunities he never had. Everything he wanted eventually came to him, because he never gave up, caved in, or quit. Persistence is rem
Receive ItHow would you rate your persistence—do you have an unstoppable attitude? Quietly meditate on the events in your life that thwarted you: Were they outside challenges, or did issues within yourself slow you down? What could you have done to get around those barriers and move on toward your goal? How will you handle the next obstacle that you perceive in your life? Will you sit down and give up, or will you find a way over, under, around, or through whatever gets in your way? Now that you know that persistence is key to reaching your goals, I hope you understand that if you keep plugging away at whatever gets in your way, it will give way. Life just can’t beat the person who keeps coming back, the person who never, ever gives up. Most of the time, when you remain steadfast in the face of challenges, you acquire the strength necessary to see things through to the end. You see, persistence will build up your ability to endure. You won’t get intimidated by negativity, but instead w
Daily Quotes “I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.” — Booker T. Washington “Nothing in the world can take the place of a person who is persistent. In the game of life, persistence remains undefeated.” — Bruce Harrell “When someone tells you to keep going, that’s encouraging. When you tell yourself, ‘Don’t stop,’ that’s powerful, but when God says, ‘Persist until you win,’ your victory then becomes guaranteed.” — Keith D. Harrell
Day 23: Possibility: Believe It Definition of possibility: Capable of existing or being true; capable of happening or being accomplished; potential; capable of being used for a certain purpose. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge that there are unlimited possibilities for my life. I possess the awareness that possibility encompasses my life. I am aware that with God, all things are possible. I am always thinking about the possibilities. I am not swayed by what things look like on the outside. Anything is possible.
Believe ItHave confidence that endless possibilities for your life can happen at any moment. For example, I realized this when I won the National Speakers Association (NSA) Council of Peers Award for Excellence in 2000, which put me in the NSA Hall of Fame. I was overwhelmed by emotion when I received this recognition, since being recognized by my peers as one of the top speakers in the country was a great honor. Who would have ever thought that this tall, shy, skinny kid who stuttered for most of his childhood would one day be inducted into the NSA Hall of Fame? God knew that there was a possibility, and He made it happen because through Him, all things are possible. When Sanford decided to go to veterinary school, he was three years older than most of the other students because he’d taken time after receiving his undergraduate degree to work in a lab at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Others who had tried to get into veterinary school told him it was impossible—each
Receive ItConsider the things you would do if you knew that absolutely anything was possible. Would you learn to fly an airplane? Take a different course with your career? Travel around the world? You can do all these things and more, for you have the potential to do, be, or have whatever you set your mind to. Start by believing in the probability of the occurrence, and in time, your dream will become your reality. God will make sure of it. If you can imagine it, the possibilities are limitless—all you have to do is give yourself permission to accomplish it.
Daily Quotes “We are all given possibilities to do and be whatever we want.” — Anonymous “Look at things as they can be, not as they are, and you’ll gradually see the possibilities.” — Keith D. Harrell “. . . with God, all things are possible.” — Matthew 19:26
Day 24: Purpose: Find It Definition of purpose: Desire, goal, aim, intention. The object toward which one strives or for which something exists. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge my purpose. I possess a purpose for my life. I am living each day with purpose and passion. I am fulfilling God’s purpose for my life. I am willing to stretch and grow in order to fulfill my appointed purpose.
Believe ItBefore I discovered my purpose in life, my work wasn’t fulfilling. I felt a void inside until I finally discovered that I was put on this planet to make a positive mark in the lives of others by getting them to understand the power of their attitude. Today, I show others the role that their attitude plays in their lives, and my mission is to make people fully understand and embrace the philosophy that “attitude is everything.” Now that I know my mission, I can make sure that everything I do brings me closer to my goal. Knowing my purpose helps me make life-changing decisions easily. Having a clear vision of why I’m here keeps me aligned and on target for my goals. (And whenever I need instructions for my life, I just read the Bible, which stands for Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.)
Receive ItIf you’ve been unable to reach your goals, perhaps it’s because they weren’t in alignment with your true purpose. You need to ask yourself what your reason for living is. If you haven’t found what lights your fire yet, you must do so before you can define your goals. So take some quiet time to meditate on your purpose in life. Go inside to figure out what you want to do, for whom, and why you want to do it. When you find your answers, write them down and keep refining and defining them until you have a one-sentence statement that outlines your mission in life. Once you have that one-sentence “purpose statement” down, you’ll be on your way to achieving whatever it is you truly want from life. There are two great moments in a person’s life: The first is when you’re born; the second is when you discover why you were born. Purpose is like the drum major leading the band—it’s out front directing the way, in step with harmony and rhythm.
Daily Quotes “Purpose is what gives life a meaning.” — C. H. Parkhurst “The world stands aside to let anyone pass who knows where he is going.” — David Starr Jordan “I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be honorable, to be compassionate. It is, above all, to matter: to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all.” — Leo C. Rosten
Day 25: Risk: Understand It Definition of risk: The possibility of suffering harm or loss; danger. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge the importance of taking risks. I possess the ability to take risks. I step toward all risks with the attitude, faith, and power to conquer. I am a risk taker. I take risks knowing that sound thinking produces exceptional results. I am willing to take the necessary risks to succeed.
Believe ItGoing to work for myself has been one of the biggest risks I’ve ever taken. I’d worked for IBM for 14 years, and it was my first and only job. Yet I knew that I wanted to help others succeed, and to do that, I had to take some chances and make changes in my life. I risked my money, my time, and my future, knowing that if I didn’t, I’d never move toward my ultimate goal. Taking the gamble was well worth it, as my career as a motivational speaker has turned out even better than I ever fantasized it would. Going after my dream enabled me to meet new people and make a difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. At the same time, while I have impacted their lives, many of these people have greatly affected me as well. Looking back on it, my risks seem really small in comparison to the giant rewards I’ve reaped as a result of taking those leaps of faith.
Receive ItIn the game of life, some people show up to watch, some to cheer, and some to play. In order to get in the game, you’ve got to take some risks. Doing something you’ve never done before means that you’re going to have to move out of your comfort zone. For example, you may have to leave your family and friends, nice house, or well-paying job—and even though it may seem difficult at first, you must overcome your fears so that you’ll get on that road to success. Take time to consider the chances you must take if you wish to attain your long-term goals. Write them down and look at the pros and cons. Study the odds, but expect the unexpected. And keep in mind that being successful means that you risk being a failure—but if you’re paralyzed with fear, you’ll never give yourself the chance to make it at all. To deal with risk and reach your full potential, you must develop a “whatever it takes” attitude. Reduce your gamble by following the three P’s: preparation, planning, and prayer
Daily Quotes “Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash.” — General George S. Patton, Jr. “Living at risk is jumping off the cliff and building your wings on the way down.” — Ray Bradbury “And the trouble is, if you don’t risk anything, you risk even more.” — Erica Jong
Day 26: Sacrifice: Make It Definition of sacrifice: Forfeiture of something valuable for the sake of something else. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge the things I need to sacrifice. I possess the ability to sacrifice in order to succeed. I am making a sacrifice for my family, whom I love very much. I am able to make sacrifices. I am willing to sacrifice now so that my family and I can benefit later.
Believe ItSacrifice is one of the hardest things you’ll have to do in order to achieve success, but in order to get what you want out of life, you’re going to have to give something up. For example, if you want to live a more rewarding spiritual life, one that pleases God, you’ll have to give up the things that will lead you down the wrong path. Sacrifice is inevitable—when I think of this concept, I think of my grandparents and parents, who forfeited personal time to raise a family. I think of the people in the armed forces, who risk their lives to protect this country. I think of teachers, who give up the chance at higher-paying careers to help all of us. I think of all the volunteers in the world, including men and women in the ministry, who donate their time to serve others and/or build them up spiritually. All of these people have made the world a better place. Personally, I’ve given up the chance to have a family so that I could more easily pursue my business goals and aspiration
Receive ItIn life, you must make a commitment, take action, and come to realize that sacrifice is also part of the package. Everything you desire to achieve comes with a catch, or something you must give up to reach your dream—are you willing to pay that price? If not, perhaps your goal isn’t really worth it. As you examine what you must give up in order to get what you want out of life, you’ll recognize the opportunity to evaluate how badly you want to reach your desired destination. If it isn’t worth the time, effort, or end result, give it up! However, if your dream is worth giving something up, then the sacrifices you make to reach it will seem small in comparison. Spend some time thinking about your goals and what you’re willing to give up to reach them—for only you can decide what you’re willing to give up or do without in order to win.
Daily Quotes “If you want to achieve little, sacrifice little.” — Anonymous “I stand here before you not as a prophet but as a humble servant of you, the people. Your tireless and heroic sacrifices have made it possible for me to be here today. I therefore place the remaining years of my life in your hands.” — Nelson Mandela “By sacrificing, you’re choosing to do your best in order to have what you truly desire.” — Anonymous
Day 27: Self-Esteem: Build It Definition of self-esteem: Having a high regard, or respect for oneself. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge the importance of having high self-esteem. I possess high self-esteem. I am my own unconditional best friend. I am one of God’s precious gifts. I am a winner.
Believe ItEveryone experiences self-doubt or dissatisfaction at different times. One period in my life particularly stands out. During my freshman year in college, my basketball team had a poor season, winning only 5 games and losing 17—a personal worst for me. Up to that point, I’d never looked at myself as a loser, but my confidence started to wane dramatically during this time. I doubted my skills and my ability to play well, and I became so depressed that I questioned whether life was even worth living. My whole identity was tied up in basketball. The summer after that horrible freshman year, I decided to turn things around by practicing, working hard on the fundamentals of the game, and looking ahead to the upcoming season. As a result, I pulled myself out of my slump. I realized that I couldn’t do anything about the past, but I could make a difference in the future. By taking the necessary steps to improve my game, I was able to rebuild my self-esteem. It was just a matter of doi
Receive ItDon’t confuse self-esteem with arrogance: Arrogance is an overevaluation of your worth, while self-esteem is a healthy opinion of yourself—it’s valuing yourself to the point that you don’t allow other people or negative situations and circumstance to influence the way you feel about yourself. Until you value yourself, you won’t value anything, and other people won’t value you either. After all, your relationship with yourself is the most important one you’ll ever have. When you’re filled with self-doubt, give yourself a little pep talk. Repeat aloud the following, “A 30-Second Commercial to Me”: “[Your name], you are great! You are a unique individual, a new kind of person the world has never known. You were born to do well. You were born to succeed. You were born to bless the lives of others. You were born to be great, and you have what it takes to be great. You are enthusiastic, optimistic, and a change-embracer. You are a giver, rather than a taker. You are organized. You
Daily Quotes “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” — Eleanor Roosevelt “Until you value yourself, you won’t value anything.” — Anonymous “If you make friends with yourself, you will never be alone.” — Maxwell Maltz
Day 28: Setback: Overcome It Definition of setback: An unanticipated delay or reverse in progress. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge that there will be setbacks. I possess the ability to overcome setbacks. I am able to handle adversity because I know it will pass. I am learning valuable lessons from each setback. I am strong, turning my setbacks into comebacks.
Believe ItSetbacks are only turning points waiting to be converted into learning points. I’ve definitely had experience with life’s stumbling blocks, and in my early days at IBM, I experienced an especially disheartening one. I watched someone on my sales team make the 100% Club (a prestigious honor at the company), while I was overlooked for no apparent reason. Both of us received training together and worked as a team with the same customers, so I simply couldn’t understand why I’d been passed over. Yet instead of dwelling on the situation, I looked at what I could learn from it and then decided to put myself in charge of my destiny. With the help of my new manager, Craig Karis, the following year I made it into the 100% Club. That experience taught me that when life knocks you down, it doesn’t knock you out unless you let it. I also learned not to trust other people for my promotion—advancement comes from God and, in due season, it will come to pass. You may have experienced similar
Receive ItDon’t dwell on failures—instead, learn what you can from them and continue to move toward your goal. For every win and loss, there’s a lesson to be learned. Usually setbacks will reveal something about yourself that you didn’t even know, such as a poor attitude or impatience. After all, without life’s ups and downs, you’d never discover your own strengths. Do you feel as if you’ve had too many setbacks? If so, examine them. Life always serves you a lesson—if you don’t learn it, you’ll get served that same lesson again and again. So learn from your setback! Write down three things that you’ve accomplished or three things that have had significant meaning in your life, and think about what you did to achieve them. How did you overcome the delays and disappointment along the way? If you had nothing holding you back from your goal, achieving it wouldn’t have had any merit. The setbacks made you stronger—so welcome them, learn from them, and get over them. And remember that a setb
Daily Quotes “Anything other than death is a minor injury.” — Bill Muncey “Turn your setback into a set up for something better.” — Willie Jolley “For every win and loss, there is a lesson in disguise. Without life’s joys and defeats, you would never know the stock of which you are made.” — Keith D. Harrell
Day 29: Success: Work at It Definition of success: The achievement of something desired, intended or attempted. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge that I have the skills needed for success. I possess the skills needed for success in all areas of my life. I am a winner. Success follows me wherever I go. I am drawn to success. I act as if I have already succeeded. I am empowered to succeed, and I encourage others to be successful.
Believe ItThere is a seed of greatness inside you that has the potential to grow and produce success in every area of your life, from your finances to your relationships. God created you with winning in mind—whether or not you recognize this will determine how far you go. You must come to understand and believe that no matter how big or how small, success at any level is meaningful. So cultivate your desire for winning by seeing yourself accomplishing your goals with ease. Remind yourself right now that you’re accomplishing something each day you wake up. Every day you’re being propelled to the next level. Your success doesn’t depend on your race, age, gender, or occupation—what matters is your attitude and mind-set. If you believe that you can succeed, you will. It’s important to achieve in life because success builds your self-esteem and empowers you to take on more challenges and have a positive outcome. However, it’s essential that you judge your accomplishments by your own standar
Receive ItTo win, you have to work hard, play by the rules, and most important, stay in the game. You can’t allow situations, circumstances, and other people’s opinions of you to affect whether or not you’re going to succeed in life—these things should be viewed simply as obstacles to overcome. Reflect on one of your successes. How did you feel when you accomplished what you’d set for yourself? Write down how you accomplished this goal in a detailed manner so that you have a blueprint to work with. Now take action! Finally, don’t confuse success with wealth, popularity, or fame. Success is personal, and everyone’s definition of it is different, so celebrate every positive step you take, no matter how small.
Daily Quotes “The best place to succeed is where you are with what you have.” — Charles M. Schwab “If your success is not on your terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all.” — Anna Quindlen “Creating success is tough, but keeping it is tougher. You have to keep producing, you can never stop.” — Pete Rose
Day 30: Wisdom: Get It Definition of wisdom: Insightful understanding of what is right, true, or enduring; good judgment; knowledge; discretion; skill in the management of affairs. Say It As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state—possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each “I” statement: I acknowledge wisdom as the principal thing. I possess wisdom in all that I do. I am using wisdom to do all things. I am filled with the wisdom of God. I am wiser today than I was yesterday because of the wisdom instilled in me.
Believe ItI learned from my spiritual parents, Dr. Creflo Dollar and Taffi Dollar of World Changers Church International, that wisdom is the ability to use what you know. It’s much more than just having a lot of information or “head knowledge”—it’s knowing what to do when you aren’t sure what logical path to take. For example, many people have been to college and have acquired extensive degrees in their fields, but when they’re in a “crunch,” they’re at a loss as to how to solve their problems and challenges. They need wisdom, which is the key to unlocking the answers to life’s problems. Our church motto is: “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting, get understanding.” (Proverbs 4:7) This is a powerful statement because until you really understand something, you can’t put it to use. Therefore, wisdom must be a fundamental part of your life, for it’s an invaluable key to success.
Receive ItMany times you take steps and make decisions without being backed by wisdom. Often, when this happens, the choices you make aren’t the best ones and you end up wasting time and energy. It’s critical that you seek God’s wisdom first in all your decisions. When you’re angry, tired, or emotional, you’re less likely to have sound judgment, so don’t make any moves without spending some time alone to hear from God. During these quiet moments, think of any area where you may need more information or understanding about a particular situation. Listen for an inner knowing or voice that will guide and direct you as to how to proceed. In relationships, problems sometimes arise when you don’t understand your partner’s needs and goals. Once you truly understand the other person, there’s no need to argue. The same is true with any other challenging situation—what you don’t understand will create conflict, which is why understanding and wisdom are critical to your success. The phrase “knowl
Daily Quotes “Wisdom never kicks at the iron walls it can’t bring it down.” — Oliver Schreiner “Wisdom is a key element for succeeding in life.” — Anonymous “To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.” — Marilyn vos Savant It’s now time to challenge life by realizing how the 30 key words we’ve looked at can help change your attitude and ultimately help change your life. Remember, attitude is everything, so say it, believe it, and receive it!
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