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Learn SQL Database Programming
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Section 1: Database Fundamentals
Introduction to Relational Database Management Systems
Understanding SQL
Elements of SQL
Understanding databases
Records or rows
Understanding data integrity
Types of integrity
Entity integrity
Unique constraints
Not null constraints
The primary key
Referential integrity
Domain integrity
Database normalization
The first normal form
The second normal form
The third normal form
Types of RDMS
SQL Server
RDMS SQL differences
Installing and Using MySQL Workbench
Technical requirements
Installing MySQL Workbench
Installing on Windows
Installing MySQL on Windows
Configuring MySQL on Windows
Installing on Mac
Installing MySQL Server on Mac
Checking the status of MySQL Server on Mac
Installing MySQL Workbench on Mac
Using MySQL Workbench
Connecting to your local instance
Connecting to another instance or setting up your local instance
Restoring a database
Understanding Data Types
Understanding string data types
String data types in MySQL
MySQL string data type table summary
String data types in other RDMS
SQL Server
String data types RDMS table comparison
Understanding numeric data types
Numeric data types in MySQL
MySQL numeric data type table summary
Numeric data types in other RDMSes
SQL Server
Numeric data types table comparison
Understanding date and time data types
Date and time data types in MySQL
MySQL date and time data type table summary
Date and time data types in other RDMSes
SQL Server
Date and time data types table comparison
Understanding other data types
Other data types in MySQL
Other data types in other RDMSes
SQL Server
Choosing the right data type
Examples of choosing a data type
Designing and Creating a Database
Technical requirements
Creating a database
Guidelines for naming conventions
Avoiding keywords
Avoiding spaces
Descriptive and accurate naming
Case and separating words
Allowed characters when naming database objects
Learning how to create a database
Creating a database via the MySQL Workbench interface
Creating a database via MySQL Workbench with a SQL script
Understanding SQL code errors
Understanding table relationships
Understanding entity-relationship diagrams
Understanding one-to-one table relationships
Understanding one-to-many table relationships
Understanding many-to-many table relationships
Creating a table in the database
Understanding how to apply data types and data integrity to your table
Learning to create a database table
Natural and surrogate primary keys
Creating a database table via MySQL Workbench
Creating a database table via MySQL Workbench with SQL scripts
Learning how to format SQL code for readability
Commenting SQL code
Understanding indexes
Understanding how indexing relates to data integrity
Types of indexes
Understanding how indexing impacts performance
Understanding naming conventions for indexes
Further reading
Importing and Exporting Data
Technical requirements
Understanding table data import and export
Importing CSV files with table data import
Exporting to CSV files with table data export
Understanding SQL data import and export
Importing via data import in MySQL Workbench
Exporting via data export in MySQL Workbench
Understanding result data export
Exporting data directly from a result set
Understanding SQL syntax for importing and exporting data
Importing with a SQL script
Exporting with a SQL script
Further reading
Section 2: Basic SQL Querying
Querying a Single Table
Technical requirements
Using the SELECT statement and FROM clause
Understanding the SELECT statement and the FROM clause
Learning the correct order of other clauses you can use with SELECT
Understanding the different ways to query with a SELECT statement
Learning how to use column aliases
Using the USE statement
Learning how to use the DISTINCT clause
Learning how to use the LIMIT clause
Limiting results on other Relational Database Management Systems (RDMSes)
Learning how to save a SQL query to a file
Learning how to open a SQL file
Learning how to add comments to your SQL code
Commenting code on other RDMSes
Using the WHERE clause
Understanding how and when to use the WHERE clause to limit query results
Learning how to use the AND and OR operators
Learning how to use the NOT, IN, and BETWEEN operators
Learning how to use the LIKE operator and wildcards
Using the percent (%) wildcard
Using the underscore (_) wildcard
Escaping wildcard values
Differences between LIKE in other RDMSes
Learning how to filter on NULL values
Using the ORDER BY clause
Learning how to use the ORDER BY clause to order query results
Learning how to use the ORDER BY clause to sort by one or more columns
Using indexes with your queries
Learning how to see what indexes your query is using
Further reading
Querying Multiple Tables
Technical requirements
Understanding joins
Understanding results returned with an inner join
Understanding results returned with a left outer join
Understanding results returned with a right outer join
Understanding results returned with a full outer join
Learning INNER JOIN syntax
Learning how to use table aliases
Learning LEFT OUTER JOIN syntax
Learning RIGHT OUTER JOIN syntax
Exploring differences in other relational data models
Using advanced joins
Understanding what a CROSS JOIN is and how to use it
Understanding what a NATURAL JOIN is and how to use it
Understanding what a SELF JOIN is and how to use it
Understanding set theory
Understanding what a UNION join is and learning how to use it in a SQL query
Understanding what an intersect is and learning how to use it in a SQL query
Looking at intersection in other RDMS
Understanding what difference is and learning how to use it in a SQL query
Exploring differences in other RDMS
Using indexes with your queries
Further reading
Modifying Data and Table Structures
Technical requirements
Inserting data into tables
Gathering information to insert, update, or delete data
Using the INSERT statement
Single-row inserts
Multiple row inserts
Differences in other Relational Database Management Systems
Inserting data from one table into another table
Differences to other RDMSes
Deleting data from tables
Using the DELETE statement with a WHERE clause
Deleting all the data from a table
Learning an alternative way to delete data with the TRUNCATE statement
Updating data in tables
Using the UPDATE statement with a WHERE clause
Updating all the data in a table
Updating table data from another existing table
Using transactions to save or revert changes
Understanding a SQL transaction
Learning the SQL syntax for SQL transactions
Differences in RDMS transaction syntax
Modifying the table structure
Adding a column
Dropping a column
Renaming a column
Changing the data type of a column
Adding or changing a column constraint
Dropping a constraint, key, or index
Differences to other RDMS
Dropping a table
Further reading
Section 3: Advanced SQL Querying
Working with Expressions
Technical requirements
Using expressions
Literal values
Comparison operators
Logical operators
Mathematical operators
Operator precedence
Column values
Built-in functions
String built-in functions
Differences in RDMS (Relational Database Management Systems)
Numeric built-in functions
Differences in RDMS
Datetime built-in functions
Working with time zones
Differences in RDMS
Advanced built-in functions
Working with NULL values
Differences in advanced built-in functions in RDMS
Built-in functions and indexing
Using statistical functions
Learning how to use built-in statistical functions
Exploring differences in RDMS
Using generated columns
Types of generated columns
Creating a generated column
Differences in RDMSes
Further reading
Grouping and Summarizing Data
Technical requirements
Understanding aggregate functions
Numeric aggregate functions
Statistical aggregate functions
Using the GROUP BY clause
Understanding how GROUP BY works without aggregate functions
Learning how to use the GROUP BY clause to group query results using aggregate functions
Learning how to use the ROLLUP modifier
Differences in RDBMSes
Using the HAVING clause
Learning how to use the HAVING clause to limit query results
Understanding the difference between the HAVING and WHERE clauses
Understanding SQL query order of execution
Advanced Querying Techniques
Technical requirements
Using subqueries
Understanding the different types of subqueries and their usage
Using non-correlated subqueries
Using a non-correlated subquery in the WHERE clause
Using a non-correlated subquery in the SELECT clause
Using a non-correlated subquery in the FROM clause
Using INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE with non-correlated subqueries
Differences between non-correlated subqueries in other relational database management systems (RDMSes)
Using correlated subqueries
Using a correlated subquery in the WHERE clause
Using a correlated subquery in the SELECT clause
Using common table expressions
Using non-recursive CTEs
Non-recursive CTE with the SELECT statement
Using recursive CTEs
Differences between CTEs in other RDMSes
Using query hints and transaction isolation levels
Understand the concepts of locking, blocking, and deadlocking
Learning how to use index hints to improve queries
Learning how to use transaction isolation levels
Further reading
Programmable Objects
Technical requirements
Creating and using views
Learning how to create and query a view
Learning how to modify data returned in a view
Updating data using a view
Updating data using a view that has multiple tables
Inserting data using a view
Inserting data using a view that has multiple tables
Deleting data using a view
Deleting data using a view that has multiple tables
Learning how to update or delete a view
Differences between views in other relational database management systems (RDBMSes)
Creating and using variables
Learning how to create and assign values to variables
Learning how to use variables in SQL statements
Differences between variables in other RDBMSes
Creating and using stored procedures
Creating a stored procedure
Learning how to alter and drop stored procedures
Using variables and parameters in stored procedures
IN parameter
OUT parameter
Using flow control statements
Understanding the different types of flow control statements
Understanding the difference between the IF and CASE statements and how to use them
Understanding how to loop through statements
Using error handling
Understanding error handling syntax and how to implement error handling
Differences between stored procedures in other RDBMSes
Creating and calling a stored procedure in Oracle
Flow control in Oracle
Error handling in Oracle
Creating a stored procedure in PostgreSQL
Flow control in PostgreSQL
Error handling in PostgreSQL
SQL Server
Creating and calling a stored procedure in SQL Server
Flow control in SQL Server
Error handling in SQL Server
Creating and using functions
Understanding the difference between a function and a stored procedure
Learning how to create and use functions
Learning how to alter or delete functions
Differences between functions in other RDBMSes
SQL Server
Creating and using triggers
Learning how to create and use a trigger
Creating and using a trigger with one statement
Creating and using a trigger with multiple statements
Creating and using multiple triggers on the same table
Deleting a trigger
Differences between triggers in other RDBMSes
Creating and using temporary tables
Learning how to create and use a temporary table
Learning how to delete a temporary table
Differences between temporary tables in other RDBMSes
Further reading
Section 4: Presenting Your Findings
Exploring and Processing Your Data
Technical requirements
Exploring your dataset
Getting to know your data using statistical identities
Detecting rare and outlier values
Detecting missing values
Detecting duplicate and erroneous values
Consulting with experts or becoming the expert
Creating a data dictionary
Using regular expressions
Combining regular expression characters
Processing your dataset
Fixing rare and outlier values
Fixing missing values
Removing or fixing duplicates
Removing duplicates
Fixing duplicates
Fixing erroneous data
Telling a Story with Your Data
Technical requirements
Finding a narrative
Types of data stories
Asking questions to find your narrative
Using the statistical identity of your data to determine a narrative
Knowing your audience
Determining who your audience is
Creating a compelling presentation for your audience
Determining a presentation framework
Explaining the question
Explaining the answer
Explaining your methodology
Using visualizations
Common mistakes to avoid in visualizations
Using data visualization tools
Section 5: SQL Best Practices
Best Practices for Designing and Querying
Technical requirements
Best practices for database design
Understanding data integrity
Naming conventions of database objects
Understanding what data types to use
Best practices for indexing
Understanding when to create indexes
Best practices for querying and modifying data
Understanding how to write clean code
Understanding query optimization
Understanding best practices when querying data
Understanding best practices when modifying data
SQL Appendix
SQL for designing databases
Syntax for creating a database
Syntax for creating and altering tables
Syntax for creating and altering indexes
SQL for selecting data
Syntax for selecting data
Syntax for filtering data
Syntax for ordering results
Syntax for joining tables
Syntax for grouping results
Syntax for filtering grouped results
Syntax for using aggregate functions
SQL for modifying data
Syntax for inserting data
Syntax for updating data
Syntax for deleting data
Syntax for SQL transactions
SQL expressions
Types of expressions
Syntax for using generated columns
Advanced query techniques
Syntax for subqueries
Syntax for common table expressions
Syntax for query hints
Syntax for transaction isolation level
Programmable objects
Syntax for views
Syntax for variables
Syntax for stored procedures
Syntax for flow control statements
Syntax for error handling
Syntax for functions
Syntax for triggers
Syntax for temporary tables
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
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