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Part One:Yoga with Awareness
Chapter 1
Observation of Physical Actions
Observation of Sense experiences
Awareness of thoughts
Awareness of emotions
Awareness of Action and Reaction
Awareness of energy and its effects on the mind
Awareness of attitudes, positivity and negativity
Creating a sankalpa
Chapter 2
Why do I act the way I do, even though it makes no sense to me?
Awareness of patterns of thought
Awareness of ongoing patterns in life
Creating new patterns
Creating regularity and simplicity
Chapter 3
Acting not Reacting
Witnessing and dis-identification
Attachments to things and attitudes
Transforming negative to positive
Maintaining balance in the face of difficulties
Flowing with life without sinking in it
Chapter 4
Self-acceptance, acknowledgement of imperfections
Self acceptance, skills and attributes
Artha, awareness of material needs, needs for security
Kama, recognising pleasure and satisfaction in daily life
Dharma, living according to one’s true nature
Moksha, through self-acceptance comes freedom
SWAN Practice and theory
Chapter 5
Observation of the gunas in the world around us – tamas
Observation of the gunas in the world around us – rajas
Recognising the gunas in one’s self – tamas
Recognising the gunas in one’s self – rajas
Recognising the gunas in one’s self – sattwa
Harmonising the gunas
Gunas activity
Part two:Yoga with Attitude
Focused Change – the potency of attitude
The Yamas and Niyamas
Chapter 6
Yamas (preliminary topic) 1: Awareness of attitudes
Yamas 2: Ahimsa, non-violence in our surroundings
Yamas 3: Ahimsa, non-violence in relationships with other people
Yamas 4: Ahimsa, non-violence within ourselves
Yamas 5: Ahimsa, holding the focus on ahimsa, in thought and action, as meditation and aspiration
Yamas 6: Satya, truth in observation
Yamas 7: Satya, truth in relationships
Yamas 8: Satya, truthfulness with ourselves
Yamas 9: Satya, hold the focus on truthfulness in thought and action, as meditation and aspiration
Yamas 10: Asteya, observing fairness in dealings with the world
Yamas 11: Asteya, observing fairness in our interactions with others
Yamas 12: Asteya, observing honesty with ourselves
Yamas 13: Asteya, holding a focus on asteya, in thought and action, as meditation and aspiration
Yamas 14: Brahmacharya, awareness of sexuality in popular culture
Yamas 15: Brahmacharya, awareness of sexuality when relating to others
Yamas 16: Brahmacharya, awareness of our own sexuality in thoughts and actions
Yamas 17: Brahmacharya, holding a focus on brahmacharya, in thought and action, as meditation and aspiration
Yamas topic 18: Aparigraha, non-possessiveness, observing and reflecting on social attitudes to ownership
Yamas 19: Aparigraha, non-possessiveness, observing and reflecting on attitudes to possessiveness in interactions with other people
Yamas 20: Aparigraha, non-possessiveness, observing and reflecting on attitudes to possessiveness in our own thoughts, ideas and actions.
Yamas 20: Aparigraha, holding a focus on aparigraha, in thought and action, as meditation and aspiration
Chapter 7
Niyamas topic 1: Shaucha, cleanliness, observing and reflecting on attitudes to cleanliness as expressed in the world and society.
Niyamas topic 2: Shaucha, cleanliness, observing and reflecting on attitudes to cleanliness in interactions with other people
Niyamas topic 3 – Shaucha, cleanliness, observing and reflecting on attitudes to cleanliness in thoughts, ideas and actions
Niyamas topic 4: Shaucha, cleanliness, holding a focus on cleanliness, in thought and action, as meditation and aspiration
Niyamas topic 5: Santosha, contentment, observing and reflecting on attitudes to contentment expressed in the world and society.
Niyamas topic 6: Santosha, contentment, observing and reflecting on attitudes to contentment in interactions with other people
Niyamas topic 7: Santosha, contentment, observing and reflecting on attitudes to contentment in our thoughts, ideas and actions
Niyamas topic 8: Santosha, contentment, holding a focus on santosha, in thought and action, as meditation and aspiration
Niyamas topic 9: Tapasya, austerity, observing and reflecting on attitudes to self-discipline in relation to the world and society.
Niyamas topic 10: Tapasya, austerity, observing and reflecting on attitudes to self-discipline in interactions with other people
Niyamas topic 11: Tapasya, austerity, observing and reflecting on attitudes to self-discipline in thoughts, ideas and actions
Niyamas topic 12: Tapasya, austerity, holding a focus on tapasya, in thought and action, as meditation and aspiration
Niyamas topic 13: Swadhyaya, self-study, observing and reflecting on attitudes to swadhyaya, learning from the world and society.
Niyamas topic 14: Swadhyaya, self-study, observing and reflecting on attitudes to swadhyaya, learning from interactions with other people
Niyamas topic 15: Swadhyaya, self-study, observing and reflecting on attitudes to swadhyaya learning from thoughts, ideas and actions
Niyamas topic 16: Swadhyaya, self-study, holding a focus on swadhyaya, in thought and action, as a meditation and aspiration
Ishwara Pranidhana
Niyamas topic 17: Ishwara Pranidhana, surrender, observing and reflecting on attitudes to surrender as an expression in the world and society.
Niyamas topic 18: Ishwara Pranidhana, surrender, observing and reflecting on attitudes to surrender in interactions with other people
Niyamas topic 19: Ishwara Pranidhana, surrender, observing and reflecting on attitudes to surrender in thoughts, ideas and actions
Niyamas topic 20: Ishwara Pranidhana, holding a focus on Ishwara Pranidhana, in thought and action, as meditation and aspiration
Chapter 8
Ities 1: Serenity
Ities 2: Regularity
Ities 3: Absence of vanity
Ities 4: Sincerity
Ities 5: Simplicity
Ities 6: Veracity
Ities 7: Equanimity
Ities 8: Fixity
Ities 9: Non-irritability
Ities 10: Adaptability
Ities 11: Humility
Ities 12: Tenacity
Ities 13: Integrity
Ities 14: Nobility
Ities 15: Magnanimity
Ities 16: Charity
Ities 17: Generosity
Ities 18: Purity
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