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Imperial Library
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Prologue. The Purpose of One Life.
1. As Dead as Dead Can Be.
2. Peace & Quiet.
3. To Owe a Debt to Death.
4. The Dream.
5. The V Word.
6. Your First Lesson.
7. How Very Terrible You Are.
8. I Relish the Scent of Your Fear.
9. The Dreaming Ends.
10. Are You Afraid?
11. Countless Other Nights to Play.
12. I Am a Game They Must Win.
13. Give Me One Night of Your Life.
14. Dark Blood.
15. More Than I Deserve.
16. Taste.
17. We Could Be Gods.
18. I Am Not Such a Villain.
19. What the Fuck?
20. Madame Rose.
21. They Scream the Prettiest.
22. Everything Will Be Fine.
23. An Early Grave.
24. The One Thing You Love Most.
25. It’s Time.
26. Pay the Pipers.
27. Not Bad, but Definitely Not Good.
28. The Tiny Spider.
29. Our Blood Boy.
30. No Such Thing as Virtue.
31. A Change of Heart.
32. It Starts With a Drop of Blood.
33. The Talent of Blood 1025.
34. Envious of Fire.
35. My Whole World on Fire.
36. Good Riddance.
37. Maybe Freedom, Maybe Hell.
38. Until the Bitter End.
39. All of the Nights, Forever.
Epilogue. Truly Nowhere.
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