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Imperial Library
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
List of Illustrations
Note on Translations
List of Abbreviations
Tragic Prelude The Yoke of Eros
Part One: The Topics of Eros
Chapter I The Eros of the Melic Poets
1. The Actions of Bittersweet Eros
2. Physiologies of Erotic Desire
3. Strategies of Love
4. A Variety of Passions
5. Metaphors for the Assuaging of Desire
6. The Erotic Charms of Poetry
Chapter II The Eros of Epic Poetry
1. Scenes of Mutual Love
2. Scenes of Seduction
3. Beguiling Words
Part Two: The Symbolic Practices of Eros
Chapter III The Pragmatic Effects of Love Poetry
1. The Erotic Functions of Melic Poetry
2. The Loves of Alexandrian Writers
Chapter IV The Pragmatics of Erotic Iconography
1. Figurative Representations of Love
2. The Functions of Erotic Images
Part Three: Eros in Social Institutions
Chapter V Eros in the Masculine: The polis
1. The Propaedeutic Practices of the Symposium
2. Erotic Practices of the Palaestra
Chapter VI Eros in the Feminine: The Oikos
1. An Intermediate Status: The Hetaira at the Banquet
2. The Transition to Maturity: The Young Wife
Chapter VII Dionysiac Challenges to Love
1. The Institution of Comedy
2. The Institution of Tragedy
Part Four: The Spaces of Eros
Chapter VIII The Meadows and Gardens of Legend
1. Eroticized Meadows
2. The Orchards and Gardens of Aphrodite
3. Flowers, Fruits, and Cereals
Chapter IX The Meadows and Gardens of the Poets
1. The Metaphorical Spaces of Love
2. The Ideal Domains of the Gods
3. Religious Gardens
Part Five: The Metaphysics of Eros
Chapter X Eros as Demiurge and Philosopher
1. Eros as a Cosmogonic Principle
2. Erotic Forms of the Initiation to Beauty
3. Love as a Metaphysician
Chapter XI Mystic Eros
1. Eros in the Orphic Theogonies
2. The Mystic Aspects of Eros
Elegiac Coda Eros the Educator
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