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Imperial Library
Part II: EGB
A Musico-Logical Offering
Three-Part Invention
Formal Systems
Theorems, Axioms, Rules
Inside and Outside the System
Jumping out of the System
M-Mode, I-Mode, U-Mode
Decision Procedures
What the Tortoise Said to Achilles
by Lewis Carroll'
The pq-System
The Decision Procedure
Bottom-up vs. Top-down
Isomorphisms Induce Meaning
Meaningless and Meaningful Interpretations
Active vs. Passive Meanings
Formal Systems and Reality
Mathematics and Symbol Manipulation
The Basic Laws of Arithmetic
/ // // // / /
Ideal Numbers
Euclid's Proof
Getting Around Infinity
The telephone rings; Achilles picks it up.
Primes vs. Composites
The tq-System
Capturing Compositeness
Illegally Characterizing Primes
Figure and Ground in Music
Recursively Enumerable Sets vs. Recursive Sets
Primes as Figure Rather than Ground
Implicit and Explicit Meaning
Explicit Meaning of the Contracrostipunctus
Implicit Meanings of the Contracrostipunctus
Mapping Between the Contracrostipunctus and Gödel’s Theorem
The Art of the Fugue
Problems Caused by Gödel’s Result
The Modified pq-System and Inconsistency
The History of Euclidean Geometry
The Many Faces of Noneuclid
Undefined Terms
The Possibility of Multiple Interpretations
Varieties of Consistency
Hypothetical Worlds and Consistency
Embedding of One Formal System In Another
Layers of Stability in Visual Perception
Is Mathematics the Same in Every Conceivable World?
Is Number Theory the Same In All Conceivable Worlds?
How an Interpretation May Make or Break Completeness
Incompleteness of Formalized Number Theory
What Is Recursion?
Pushing, Popping, and Stacks
Stacks in Music
Recursion in Language
Recursive Transition Networks
"Bottoming Out" and Heterarchies
Expanding Nodes
Diagram G and Recursive Sequences
A Chaotic Sequence
Two Striking Recursive Graphs
Recursion at the Lowest Level of Matter
Copies and Sameness
Programming and Recursion: Modularity, Loops, Procedures
Recursion in Chess Programs
Recursion and Unpredictability
When Is One Thing Not Always the Same?
Information-Bearers and Information- Revealers
Genotype and Phenotype
Exotic and Prosaic Isomorphisms
Jukeboxes and Triggers
DNA and the Necessity of Chemical Context
An Unlikely UFO
Levels of Understanding of a Message
"Imaginary Spacescape"
The Heroic Decipherers
Three Layers of Any Message
Schrodinger's Aperiodic Crystals
Languages for the Three Levels
The "Jukebox" Theory of Meaning.
Against the Jukebox Theory
Meaning Is Intrinsic If Intelligence Is Natural
Earth Chauvinism
Two Plaques in Space
Bach vs. Cage Again
How Universal Is DNA's Message?
Words and Symbols
Alphabet and First Rule of the Propositional Calculus
Well-Formed Strings
More Rules of Inference
The Fantasy Rule
Recursion and the Fantasy Rule
The Converse of the Fantasy Rule
The Intended Interpretation of the Symbols
Rounding Out the List of Rules
Justifying the Rules
Is There a Decision Procedure for Theorems?
Do We Know the System Is Consistent?
The Carroll Dialogue Again
Shortcuts and Derived Rules
Formalizing Higher Levels
Reflections on the Strengths and Weaknesses of the System
Proofs vs. Derivations
The Handling of Contradictions
The Crab Canon and Indirect Self-Reference
What We Want to Be Able to Express in TNT
Variables and Terms
Atoms and Propositional Symbols
Free Variables and Quantifiers
Translating Our Sample Sentences
Translation Puzzles for You
How to Distinguish True from False?
The Rules of Well-Formedness
A Few More Translation Exercises
A Non typographical System
The Five Axioms and First Rules of TNT
The Five Peano Postulates
New Rules of TNT: Specification and Generalization
The Existential Quantifier
Rules of Equality and Successorship
Illegal Shortcuts
Why Specification and Generalization Are Restricted
Something Is Missing
-Incomplete Systems and Undecidable Strings
Non-Euclidean TNT
The Last Rule
Tension and Resolution in TNT
Formal Reasoning vs. Informal Reasoning
Number Theorists Go out of Business
Hilbert's Program
What Is Zen?
Zen Master Mumon
Zen's Struggle Against Dualism
Ism, The Un-Mode, and Unmon
Zen and Tumbolia
Escher and Zen
Hemiolia and Escher
Indra's Net
Mumon on MU
From Mumon to the MU-puzzle
Mumon Shows Us How to Solve the MU-puzzle
Gödel-Numbering the MIU-System
Seeing Things Both Typographically and Arithmetically
MIU-Producible Numbers
Answering Questions about Producible Numbers by Consulting TNT
The Dual Nature of MUMON
Codes and Implicit Meaning
The Boomerang: Gödel-Numbering TNT
TNT-Numbers: A Recursively Enumerable Set of Numbers
Mumon Has the Last Word
Levels of Description
Chunking and Chess Skill
Similar Levels
Computer Systems
Instructions and Data
Superconductivity: A "Paradox" of Renormalization
. . . . then, one by one, the four voices of the fugue chime in.)
New Perspectives on Thought
Intensionality and Extensionality
The Brain's "Ants"
Larger Structures in the Brain
Mappings between Brains
A "Grandmother Cell"?
Classes and Instances
The Prototype Principle
Symbols -Software or Hardware?
Liftability of Intelligence
Can One Symbol Be Isolated?
The Symbols of Insects
Class Symbols and Imaginary Worlds
Intuitive Laws of Physics
Procedural and Declarative Knowledge
Visual Imagery
Minds and Thoughts
Self-Awareness and Chaos
Representability and Refrigerators
Ganto's Ax in Metamathematics
Finding Order by Choosing the Right Filter
Primordial Steps of the Language BlooP
Loops and Upper Bounds
Conventions of BlooP
IF-Statements and Branching
Automatic Chunking
BlooP Tests
BlooP Programs Contain Chains of Procedures
Suggested Exercises
Primitive Recursive Predicates Are Represented in TNT
Are There Functions Which Are Not Primitive Recursive?
Pool B, Index Numbers, and Blue Programs
The Diagonal Method
Cantor's Original Diagonal Argument
What Does a Diagonal Argument Prove?
The Insidious Repeatability of the Diagonal Argument
From BlooP to FlooP
Terminating and Nonterminating FlooP Programs
Turing's Trickery
A Termination Tester Would Be Magical
Pool F, Index Numbers, and Green Programs
The Termination Tester Gives Us Red Programs
GlooP ...
... Is a Myth
The Church-Turing Thesis
Terminology: General and Partial Recursive
The Power of TNT
Air on G's String
The Two Ideas of the "Oyster"
The First Idea: Proof-Pairs
Proof-Pair-ness Is Primitive Recursive...
... And Is Therefore Represented in TNT
The Power of Proof-Pairs
Substitution Leads to the Second Idea
The Last Straw
TNT Is É-Incomplete
The Passion According to Lucas
Jumping Up a Dimension
The Limits of Intelligent Systems
There Is No Recursive Rule for Naming Ordinals.
Self-Transcendence-A Modern Myth
Advertisement and Framing Devices
Simplicio, Salviati, Sagredo: Why Three?
Zen and "Stepping Out"
Formal and Informal Systems
Intuition and the Magnificent Crab
The Church-Turing Thesis
The Public-Processes Version
Srinivasa Ramanujan
"Idiots 'Savants"
The Isomorphism Version of the Church-Turing Thesis
Representation of Knowledge about the Real World
Processes That Are Not So Skimmable
Articles of Reductionistic Faith
Parallel Progress in Al and Brain Simulation?
Beauty, the Crab, and the Soul
Irrational and Rational Can Coexist on Different Levels
More Against Lucas
An Underpinning of Al
Church's Theorem
Tarski's Theorem
The Impossibility of the Magnificrab
Two Types of Form
Beauty, Truth, and Form
The Neural Substrate of the Epimenides Paradox
The Turing Test
Turing Anticipates Objections
Samuel's Checker Program
When Is a Program Original?
Theorem Proving and Problem Reduction
Shandy and the Bone
Changing the Problem Space
Applying Al to Mathematics
The Crux of Al: Representation of Knowledge
DNA and Proteins Help Give Some Perspective
Modularity of Knowledge
Representing Knowledge in a Logical Formalism
Deductive vs. Analogical Awareness
From Computer Haiku to an RTN-Grammar
From RTN's to ATN's
A Little Turing Test
Images of What Thought Is
Higher-Level Grammars ...
Grammars for Music?
Winograd's Program SHRDLU
The Structure of SHRDLU
PLANNER Facilitates Problem Reduction
Syntax and Semantics
"Almost" Situations and Subjunctives
Layers of Stability
Frames and Nested Contexts
Preprocessing Selects a Mini-vocabulary
High-Level Descriptions
Templates and Sameness-Detectors
A Heterarchical Program
The Concept Network
Slippage and Tentativity
Meta- Descriptions
Flexibility Is Important
Focusing and Filtering
Science and the World of Bongard Problems
Connections to Other Types of Thought
Message-Passing Languages, Frames, and Symbols
Enzymes and AI
Fission and Fusion
Epigenesis of the Crab Canon
Conceptual Skeletons and Conceptual Mapping
Recombinant Ideas
Abstractions, Skeletons, Analogies
Multiple Representations
Ports of Access
Forced Matching
Creativity and Randomness
Picking up Patterns on All Levels
The Flexibility of Language
Intelligence and Emotions
AI Has Far to Go
Ten Questions and Speculations
Can Machines Possess Originality?
Below Every Tangled Hierarchy Lies An Inviolate Level
A Self-Modifying Game
The Authorship Triangle Again
Escher's Drawing Hands
Brain and Mind: A Neural Tangle Supporting a Symbol Tangle
Strange Loops in Government
Tangles Involving Science and the Occult
The Nature of Evidence
Seeing Oneself
Gödel’s Theorem and Other Disciplines
Introspection and Insanity: A Gödelian Problem
Can We Understand Our Own" Minds or Brains?
Gödel’s Theorem and Personal Nonexistence
Science and Dualism
Symbol vs. Object in Modern Music and Art
Magritte's Semantic Illusions
The "Code" of Modern Art
Ism Once Again
Understanding the Mind
Undecidability Is Inseparable from a High-Level Viewpoint
Consciousness as an Intrinsically High-Level Phenomenon
Strange Loops as the Crux of Consciousness
The Self-Symbol and Free Will
A Gödel Vortex Where All Levels Cross
An Escher Vortex Where All Levels Cross
A Bach Vortex Where All Levels Cross
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