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Imperial Library
First Escalation I'm adrift under the night sky
Second Escalation Look to the stars to find my way
Third Escalation but I can't see
Fourth Escalation The shapes... constellations
Fifth Escalation All I can see is the darkness
Sixth Escalation between eternity
Seventh Escalation The dim glimmer... it glows and grows
Eighth Escalation The faint glimmer... it glows and grows
Ninth Escalation 'til it becomes a lightning bolt
Tenth Escalation connecting the sky and the earth
Eleventh Escalation The faint shimmer... it folds and waves
Twelfth Escalation The gleaming blaze... it writhes and burns
Thirteenth Escalation like a star that is dying
Fourteenth Escalation in the throes of a supernova
Fifteenth Escalation A devil walking by my side
Sixteenth Escalation whispers in my ear to tell me lies
Seventeenth Escalation but I can't see
Eighteenth Escalation The shapes of deceptions
Nineteenth Escalation All I can see is the darkness
Twentieth Escalation between you and me
Twenty-first Escalation My gleaming eyes... they flow with tears
Twenty-second Escalation for lives I've rent, hearts I've broken
Twenty-third Escalation and the words that I've left unsaid
Twenty-fourth Escalation Darkening wings from white to black
Twenty-fifth Escalation Unfurling wings coarsened
Twenty-sixth Escalation and blackened from the fire
Twenty-seventh Escalation from the fire burning in my soul
Twenty-eighth Escalation My own angel has forsaken me
Twenty-ninth Escalation I reach out to take its hand
Thirtieth Escalation Without a word it turns
Thirty-first Escalation away from me
Thirty-second Escalation I just wanted to stay in my
Thirty-third Escalation paradise; I can no longer return
Thirty-fourth Escalation This crying voice is to
Final Escalation lament my fading light
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