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Imperial Library
Title page
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Dedication page
Part One: Introductory Essay By Paul Le Blanc
1 Ten Reasons for Not Reading Lenin
Lenin: A Succinct Biography
Lenin’s Critics
His Time and Ours
Further Reading
Part Two: Lenin’s Selected Writings, 1895–1923
2 Marxist Programme and Revolutionary Organisation
1895–96: Draft and Explanation of a Programme for the Social-Democratic Party
1897–99: The Development of Capitalism in Russia
1899: Our Programme
1899: Our Immediate Task
1899: Fuse Socialism with the Workers’ Movement
3 Birth of Bolshevism
1900: The Urgent Tasks of Our Movement
1902: What Is To Be Done?
1903: To the Rural Poor
1904: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back – Reply to Rosa Luxemburg
1904: Against Subordination to Liberals
4 1905: Challenges of the Revolutionary Upsurge
1905: The Beginning of the Revolution in Russia
1905: A Militant Agreement for the Uprising
1905: Two Tactics of Social Democracy in the Democratic Revolution
1905: Our Tasks and the Soviet of Workers’ Deputies
1905: Socialism and Religion
5 Creation of the Bolshevik Party
1906: Freedom to Criticise and Unity of Action
1909: Break with Ultra-Left Bolsheviks
1912: Final Break with the Mensheviks
1914: Report to Brussels
6 Imperialist War, National Liberation, Revolutionary Democracy
1913: The Historical Destiny of the Doctrine of Karl Marx
1915: Socialism and War
1915: The Revolutionary Proletariat and the Right of Nations to Self-Determination
1916: Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism
1917: Statistics and Sociology
7 1917 Revolution
1917: Letters on Tactics
1917: The State and Revolution
1917: To the Population – Take Power in Your Own Hands
1918: Dissolution of the Constituent Assembly
8 World Revolution
1918: Letter to American Workers
1919: The Third International and Its Place in History
1920: ‘Left-Wing’ Communism, An Infantile Disorder
1921: Speech on Tactics of the Communist International
9 Reaching for Socialism, Resisting Bureaucracy
1919: Tasks of the Working Women’s Movement
1919: Comments to Congress on Adult Education
1920: On the Trade Unions
1921: The Party Crisis
1923: Better Fewer, But Better
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