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Imperial Library
Part One: The “Arab Spring” as seen from Paris
Jacques Chirac, “the Arab”
Nicolas Sarkozy, American agent
The preparation for the invasions of Libya and Syria
The beginning of the war against Libya
The start of the war against Syria
The common points between the operations in Libya and in Syria
The fall of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
The transfer of Libyan combatants to Syria
Syria – the 4th generation war
François Hollande and the return of the Colonial Party
The second war against Syria
The “red line”
The Syrian People declares itself
Daesh and the Caliphate
The Russian intervention
Macron the Undecided
Provisional balance sheet
Part Two: The “Arab Spring” as experienced by the Muslim Brotherhood
The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood
The Brotherhood reinstated by the Anglo-Saxons, and the separate peace with Israel
The Brotherhood in the service of the Carter-Brzeziński strategy
Towards the constitution of an Internationale for jihad
The Islamists controlled by the Pentagon
The fusion of the two “Gladio” networks and preparation of Daesh
The beginnings of the “Arab Spring” in Tunisia
The “Arab Spring” in Egypt
No to Revolution in Bahrain and Yemen
The “Arab Spring” in Libya
The “Arab Spring” in Syria
The end of the “Arab Spring” in Egypt
The war against Syria
Daesh and the Caliphate
The Liquidation of Daesh
Part Three: The “Arab Springs” organised by Washington and London
US Supremacy
The Collapse of 11 September
Who governs the United States?
Washington’s strategy
The wars against Afghanistan and Iraq
The extension of the war
Direction – the “Arab Spring”!
The war against Lebanon
The Baker-Hamilton Commission
The war against the Shiites will not be held in Lebanon
The aborted war against Iran
State terror
The Obama Presidency
The Colour Revolution in Iran
“Leading from behind”
The Ivory Coast test
Phase I – Tunisia
Phase II – Egypt
Phase III – Libya
Phase IV - Syria
The role of MI6
The Syrian state and Bashar al-Assad
The rapprochement between Washington and Teheran
The Israeli-Saudi tandem
Qatar’s opportunism
The instability of Turkey and Ukraine
Organised Migrations used as Weapons of War
The plan of the US deep state against Syria
The myth of international justice
The implementation of the Feltman plan
The jihadists, a powerful land army
Operation “Timber Sycamore”
The manipulation of the Kurdish question
Russia’s intervention
The intervention of China
The Damascene spirit
Epilogue: The Trump Insurrection
Update: Recent Essays
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