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Imperial Library
Preface (Do not skip!)
Vast Prosperity Begat “They Mystery”
Revised Empirical Proof
Economics for Idiots - 101
The Best of Captain Capitalism - Dear Penthouse Forum
Best of Captain Capitalism - Payment in Kisses
The Best of Captain Capitalism - Support Your Local Cynic
Sinking the Men of the Yamato
My Goldman Sachs Story
You Suck at Suicide Bombing
ROI of a Vasectomy
How SWPL's Can Predict Bubbles
A Friendly Reminder - If Corporations Really Cared About Global Warming...
When I am King
Sex Causes Economic Growth
Daddy's Little Girl Gone and Got Herself a Degree in Sociology...EXCELLENT!
How Wine Proves Women are Communists!
Time to Start Cheering for the Good Guys
Kill the Bankers
But I Thought Italian Guys Were Hot?
My Bondage-A-Go-Go-Girl Story
A "PhD in Manosphere Studies"
What Percent of Lake Minnetonka Properties are Earned?
Yes, Men Do Leave the Market
Ode to Tom Petters
How Horses are to Blame for the Housing Crash
My "You Need a Better Car" Story
Rule #1: Do NOT Turn Men Down for Dancing
Economics Will Replace Religion
Degree Mills
Accusing Men of Immaturity Because They Don't Wish to Marry
It's Not Your Fault
Dancing Etiquette for Married Women
"Dame" is NOT Sexist
My Pot Rack Story
America's Collapse Causing Depression in Males
Advice for My Younger Cappy Cap Brothers
Parks for Kids
Best of Cappy Cap - A Tutorial on Obamanomics
Why I Had a Vasectomy
Why You Can't Argue With a Liberal
The MBA Bubble Continues
Why You Have Bad Government
Best of Captain Capitalism - Jim Still Wears His Ring
And So Ends Another Season
Explaining "Rent Seeking" to Joe Soucheray
GDP Growth vs. Government Spending
The Economic "Fail" of the Century
Fort Bachelortude
Bachelor Object Migration
To the 30/40 Something Woman Who Wouldn't Leave Me Alone
The Economics of Courtship - Part 1 - The Two Tiered Market
Chicks Dig Guns
Capitalism Is NOT Why the US Will Fail
Daddy, Where Do Jobs Come From?
Minimalist Art - Art Only a Mother Could Love
How the Female "Romantic Wish List" for Men Corrupts the Functionality of HR
She Did NOT Get "Hit By a Truck"
"300 is NOT a Date Movie"
When You Abandon Fundamental Value
Jim Beam, Cusano Cigar and a 1940's Motel
The Arrogance of Divorcees
Men Are Intimidated By "X"
You Started It, But We'll Finish It
The Bubble and Burst of Ballroom Dancing
I Solved the "Giggle Complex"
There's Only One Way Out of This Mess
The Lost Art of Cocktailing
Milk, Cow, Dancing
Female Sexual Centrism
The $67 Billion Feminist Tax that Women Primarily Pay
I'm Majoring in Jennifer Aniston
What Could Have Been
Saving a 17 Year Old
We're Taking You With Us
The Smith and Wesson Retirement Plan
The 2nd Most Arrogant Assumption You MUST Make
The "Minimalism" Threat
The Costs of Playerhood
Why You Philosophically Must Ride Fast and Take Chances
Onward Christian Rationalization Hamster
Stay Frosty
Why Leftists Tend to Be Uglier
The Captain's Declaration of Independence
The Reliability Factor
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